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(I know I said I was busy and couldn't post, but I wrote this chapter when I had some free time so I posted it today.)

            Niver POV:

"I propose a game." Ragatha says with exited.

"We shall play 2 Truths, 1 Lie." Ragatha smiles, moving her hands together as if presenting them something.
"We all will state 2 statements, 1 of them being untrue. We take turns guessing which is the lie."
Ragatha turns her head back to me, smiling.
"What say you, new kid?"

"Uh...I like eating sweets, I like high place and I had never seen a rainbow in my life." I says.

The group looks at me in silence for a moment, considering your statements. Finally, the person who calls himself Caine speaks up.
"You definitely like sweets." He says, "I feel like you're lying about not seeing a rainbow before, so." He looks at me, seeming somewhat confident about his answer.
"I believe the lie is that you like high places." Caine says.
The others seem to have come to similar conclusions, but no one is speaking up just yet.

"Well, the real lie that is 'I like eating sweets'." I says.

The group seems surprised. Caine looks at me for a moment, seeming almost disappointed.
"I didn't actually expect that." He says, shrugging.
Ragatha smiles and looks at the others, waiting for one of them to speak.
"I like flowers, I'm left handed, and I've never been outside." Pomni says, smiling at me.
The others seem to be discussing which statement Pomni is lying about, although I can't hear what they're saying.

"Uh...The lie is you're the left hand?" I says.

The group suddenly stops what they're doing and look at me. Even Pomni, who was confident in her questions suddenly looks at me in confusion.
"How'd you guess right away!?" Pomni says. "Is it because you're smart or because you're lucky?"
The others seem impressed by me, but Kinger looks somewhat irritated. He turns away from the group and rolls his eyes, as if he already had a strong idea on which was the lie.
Ragatha smiles, looking intrigued.
"Wow, you're smart." She says, "Why don't we try again?"

"This time, we'll have multiple rounds of 2 Truths, 1 Lie." Ragatha says, smiling. "Everyone go first."
There seems to be a small bit of hesitation before everyone speaks.
"Alright." Kinger says, "First round."
He seems to be thinking of it for a moment.
"I'm the oldest in this group, I have been here the longest, and I love chocolate." He says.
Ragatha turns and looks at me, with a curious look on her face.
"Which is the lie?" She asks.

"Uh...The lie is....You like chocolate?.." I answers.

Kinger smiles, seeming somewhat pleased with my answer.
"I haven't had chocolate in years, if that's what you thought." He says. "Nice guess."
Ragatha turns back to the others.
"That was a little easy, but we still have more rounds." She says.
"I love animals, I'm scared of the circus, I never lied to anyone." Gangle says, her smile falling for a moment.
Ragatha looks at me again.
"Which is the lie?" She asks me.

"Uh..the 'I never lied to anyone'." I answer.

I seem to be right.
Gangle scowls for a moment, then turns and looks at me.
"How'd you guess so quickly?" She asks, now facing me.
"You seem quite clever." She says, sounding more impressed than annoyed.
There's a small moment of silence, then Zooble speaks up.
"Okay..." They says, thinking about his statements. "I'm a vegetarian, I'm afraid of heights, I don't like sweets."
Ragatha looks to me in anticipation.
"Which is the lie?" She asks.

"Well....I guess is you're a vegetarian?..." I answers.

Zooble smiles, seeming to think it was obvious.
"Yep!" They says. "I'm a carnivore through and through."
Ragatha nods and turns to the others.
"Round 2." She says, a small smile on her face.
"My mother is still alive, I've never had friends, I'm extremely loyal." Pomni says.
Ragatha looks at me in anticipation again.
"Which is the lie?" She asks.

"Uh....the you're loyal?...."

Pomni seems surprised at my answer, with she herself seeming to think her lie was very convincing.
"I suppose I'm not extremely loyal, but...did I really not convince you?"
Ragatha looks at Pomni and then turns back to me.
"Nice guess." She says, now looking intrigued.

Suddenly there a bell ring loud along the room.

Everyone seems to jump or tense up a bit at the bell, some looking confusedly at eachother for a moment.
"The *beep* was that!?" Someone says, but they're quickly quieted by Ragatha.
"That would be the bell signaling the end of the day." She says, "It's time for us all to head to bed."
The others seem to relax a bit, as if they're somewhat glad the day is over.
Ragatha turns and looks at me.
"You should come with me." She says, "I'll take you to your bedroom."

She lead me in the hallway and go to my room.

I walk into the room, it being considerably darker than the rest of the Circus. The walls are lined with photographs, some in black and white.
Some show smiling faces, some show grimacing faces. Some photos depict people in suits, others in casual clothes. And some have photos of people wearing strange outfits and posing.
Ragatha also enters the room and quickly closes the door behind me.
"This is your bedroom." She says.

Ragatha motions for me to sit beside her.
"Why don't you get comfortable? I want to ask you some questions before you sleep." She says.

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