Stuck in the Host Club (O.H.S.H.C. fan-fic)

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hehehe yes, my titles always start with 'stuck'... and they always wil! muagahahahahaha anywayyyyyy this actualy started as a dream... then I started to imagine a continuation to the dream, until I decided to post it! Hope you like!!



I sighted as I heard shouts from downstairs. My brother and Grandfather are fighting again... what a drag. My name is Yuki Ikeda, and I am the daughter of the rich Ikeda family. I have a twin brother named Yuuki. I know, cero creativity from my parents, and I really hated it. When I was little I had short hair, and they would confuse us, of course they would notice because of the eyes. I have big blue eyes, while my brother had green eyes. As we grew up it was ovious who was Yuuki and who I was, since not only I had long hair and girlish feautures, I had something Yuuki or any guy couldn't really have if you know what I mean. If not, think a bit, what can a 15 year old girl possibly have? 

I sighted as I went downstairs to where the shouts were coming from.

"She wants to study, I want to go to America! Why are you so stubborn in her going to france? I never wanted to attend Ouran, it's her dream! I want to be in my band!" My brother shouted angrily. It was scary when I saw him angry... I'm usually the angry one, while his the happy one with a bubbly attitude. 

"I don't care what she wants. She was a mistake, you should've been the only son of this family. I won't take a female becoming head of family. She will go to France and learn to be a lady, and you'll stay to study. She should be gratefull, I would have already left her in the streets." My grandfather said. Ouch.

"Gee, Thanks gramps," I muttered as I carelesly went to sit by the couch. Brother looked at me worridly, he knew this things did hurt me, I just never showed hurt. Not since... that day.

"Respect me child!" Grandfather houted outraged.

"What are you fighting about Oniisan?" I asked as I shrugged at gramps.

"The same." He said as he glared at gramps. I sighted.

I knew it. You see, I always wanted to study at Ouran... It was my dream. But my grandfather won't accept a girl in the family to go study and become head of family. My brother had this rock band, and they have talent, so he wants to go to America to fulfill his dream. Gramps stubbornly opposes, so I will go to France and learn to be a 'lady'. 

"You don't get it! I have talent! I can live from it! I have no interest in becoming head of family whatsoever!" My brother shouted, although less loud than bfore. He seemed to restrain himself with me around.

"I don't care. You are to stay here. End of discussion. Yuki, you're leaving tomorrow to France, I don't expect you to come back. Yuuki, you'll start school tomorrow as well." He said, he started to turn away and I saw the hurt look in my brother's face.

"No." I said not able to take that look. "I won't go. Yuuki will go to America."

Yuuki turned to me with shock in his eyes, and he was telling me to stop. Gramps turned and glared at me.

"What did you say?"

"I said I'm not going, I didn't stutter." I replied coldly.

"Insolent child!" He said as he smaked me across the face. I didn't move an inch. It hurt like hell, but I wasn't backing up now. I held in the tears and coldly glared at gramps.

"Don't touch me." I said with no emotion in my words. "I want to propose something." 

Brother tried to come to me but I stopped him. He was shocked gramps had smaked me. I smiled humorlessly. Gramps never smaked me infront of him, only when he wasn't around. Guess he knows now huh...

"What is this thing you want to propose?" Gramps asked uninterested, only because of my brother's glare. I felt a bit of blood dripping from my cheek where gramps ring has scratched, but I paid no attention yo it.

"Give him a year." I said looking at him straight in the eye. "For a year he'll go to America. If he is not atleast selling a CD by then, he is to come back, and I am to go to France, without a word. I will never again talk back to you, or complain. I will start to dress as you wished, with dresses and even make up. I will become the lady you want me to. However if he make's it, you'll leave me to study, and he can stay  in America as long as he wants."

"And you expect me to do what while he is in America? What would the others think if my grandchild doesn't attend Ouran like I said he would?"

"But he will." I said simply.

They both looked at me confused.

"We're twins. I will cut my hair, and disguise myself as my brother. I may have girly features, but no one appart from family knows me. The eyes won't be noticed, since they don't know brother either. I am also named Yuki, so I will be able to answer to Yuuki, it's not to much of a difference." I said simply.

Gramps thought about it. I knew what I proposed was tempting, since I never did anything he asked for without a fight. I'm never able to go to important events since they aren't able to get me in a dress, and my attitude is somewhat violent. I had studied martial arts in a way to 'take my anger out' but I learned fast, and instead of taking my anger out on classes, I took it outside too. I always dressed in baggy sweatshirts, and I tend to cuss a lot. My friends (all guys, since my friends are my brother's friends) always said I was a hot girl, but I ruined it myself. I have red long hair, but a bit more onargy than my brother's. I have as I said huge blue eyes and I have a rather good figure. I always covered it, but it's still there. 

"Fine." My granfather said. "You have one year. As for you girl, when you're at Ouran I expect you to have the highest scores, and be friends woth important families."

"I have good enough scores, but I'll be friends with who I want." I said. Gramps glared, turned around and left. I started to walk upstairs but brother stopped me.

"Yuki, come here. Let's put some ice to the wound." He said, his usual cheery tone gone.

"Okay." I said as I followed him and he sat me down.

"How long?" He asked, not looking at me in the eyes.

"What are you-"

"Don't play dumb Yuki. How long?" He said as he made me look at him in the eyes. He had this cold edge in them that only happened when it concerned me being hurt. When he get's in his protective brother form, it's to late to reason with him.

"Since I was 13." I answered looking away. He gasped.

"What? How? Why didn't you tell me... How didn't I notice! three full years and I didn't notice!" He said as he turned around and smashed a glass of watter, cutting his hand.

"I am a good liar." I said as I walked to him and removed the pieces of glass in his wound. At first he didn't want, but he let me in the end. Not like he had any other option, I'm stronger. "And you'd have lost control... like that time..."

His eyes turned dark. "Don't even mention him. He was lucky I didn't kill him. How dare he-"

"Not everyone is going to love me Oniisan." I said as I got some bandages in his hand, then putting a bandaid in my cheek.

"They should." He muttered coldly.

"No they don't. Everyone has their point of view. I don't care... anymore." I muttered as he sat dawn and I sat in his lap, resting my head in his shoulder.

"He did really scar you... didn't he?" He asked sadly.

"I- Y-yes." I said as I fought back tears.

"You can cry Yuki-chan. You know you can cry with me." he said as he hugged me.

"I can't." I disagreed. "I should be strong. It was my own fault he scarred me. I have learned not to let my feelings out because I can get hurt. Maybe that scar won't heal, but I won't get another one." 

"I would never hurt you." He said as he kissed my forehead. "You're my little sister. I love you."

I couldn't help it then, I hugged him and sobbed loudly. I cryied for all the times I held it in these past three years. Yuuki just hugged me and let me cry into him, without saying a word.

"What do you say we sleep together, like when kids?" he suggested once I stopped crying. (A.N. Not that way you pervs. they're brother and sister, so it was normal whan tey were little.) I nodded tiredly and he carried me, and we went to his room. We both went to bed not bothering to change and I fell asleep immediatley after wrapping my arms around him and burying my face to his chest.

I woke up and smiled lightly as I felt my brothers arms protectibly around me.

"Yuuki-sama, you need to wake up-" the maid said as she entered the room. She then spotted me, "Oh, Yuki-sama, you have to wake up to."

"Oniisan!" I shouted in Yuuki's ear. He jumped and fell out of bed.

"Yuki-chan! No need to do that! That was mean!" He said as he pouted.

"You need to get ready Oniisan! You're going to America!" I said as I fakely smiled. I'm going to mis him so much...

"Oh," he said as he looked sad. "I'll miss you little sister!" he sried as he hugged me. I would've normely pushed him away annoyed, however this was a special occation.

"Yuuki-sama, the limousine is outside. Yuki-sama, I was told to cut your hair."

"Right..." I said as I sighted. If there was one thing I loved... it was my hair. I stood up, said goodby to Yuuki and went to my own room. There was a boy's uniform in my bed with something I don't know what's really called that's going to hide my breasts.

I sat down and they cut my hair. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror, trying not to pay attention to the long strands of hair in the floor that they were picking up. I guess it'll work. I could obviously see the difference, but I did look more like a guy... a girly faced guy. My eyes were the most notiseable since they were really big... eh whatever. I got into the guy's uniform and looked in the mirror.

"Yuki-sama-" a maid said as she entered the room.

"No more Yuki-sama, just call me Yuki. You know I hate formalitys. Now, aren't I a hot guy?"

"Y-Yes Yuki-...." she said as she blushed. "The limousine is waiting ouside."

"Thank you." I said as I smiled and went to the limousine. If there's people who I can be nice too apart from brother, it's maids. They are just to nice...

I gasped at the building in front of me. It was fricking huge! I smiled as I went walking inside, but as soon as I entered I his my smile with an emotionless face. I didn't come here to make friends. Good thing I came as I guy, the girls were dressed in yellow dresses and I would've never wear those.

I went to classes, and tried to ignore the rumors of me as I passed by. Some girls gaped at me while others tried to talk to me, but I continued ignoring all of my surroundings. Not noticing one single face... until I saw something that brought back the memory I had been trying to forget ever since it happened.

There was a girl crying, asking a boy why he didn't feel the same way about her, since she had said she loved him. The guy was laughing with his friends, saying she was no one.


"I like you Ryuu. Would you go out with me?" I asked the guy I had a crush on since I met him.

"What? Why would I go out with just any girl?" He asked disgusted. (It was when I was 13, and I dressed girly... no dresses, but no baggy stuff either)

I looked down but I still had determination. "I'll let you do anything you want. Please go out with me!"

"Well Yuki, when you put it like that it is tempting." He said with a smirk. "You're actually very pretty... you'll work just fine."

He took my head in his hand and started to kiss my neck. I oushed him away scared.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Stupid girl. You told me anything I want. I want to do this so shut up!" He said as he forcefully grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, kissing my neck once again. I saw one of my best friends and she laughed with my other friends. I wasn't able to move. What was wrong with him? He was usually nice to me... Why are my friends not helping me? Can't they see I'm trying to push him away? I saw one of my brother's friends. He gasped and ran away. Ryuu then kissed me in the mouth, getting his tounge inside as I gasped in surprice. He started to get his hand under my shirt but I finally got him off.

"S-Stop!" I shouted as I looked at him. "Please stop. I don't want to go out with you anymore." 

"To late you foolish girl!" he said as he grabbed my wrist. "You think I was really nice to you? I marely wanted to get in your pants. I waited patiently but I won't wait. You'll obligue. Did you think I was in love with you? Did you even believe that I could love you?"

Everyone was laughing and I couldn't stop crying.

"Don't cry. This is good. Every guy thinks you're the hottest girl, so it would've happened eventually... I'll just be the first..."

"No!" I yelled as I pushed him away. 

"You're stupid! I would never love you! No one would!" He said angrily then pushed me to the wall, however he was stopped.

"What do you think you're doing to my sister." A cold voice muttered.

I turned to Yuuki, who was so angry. Any sign of hapiness completely gone. I saw the friend from before with the other friends with him, making Ryuu's friends back off. He smiled sadly at me as I continued to cry helplessly.

I saw Yuuki loose control, and he punched Ryuu so many times, until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop it!" I yelled as I stood in front of Ryuu in a protective way. Everyone looked at me confused.

"He's not worth it Oniisan. Please stop." I said as Yuuki nodded and hugged me.

Since that day I stopped hanging with my so called girl friends, and hung with my brother. I lost interest in guys whatsoever, and never dressed girly. I used my brother's clothes. I never showed feelings, except to brother... and I could never quite get over the fact a guy had hurt me so I couldn't be to near one, except my brother. Not even his friends. I started being more rebelous than before, causing my gramps to finally hit me... Ryuu ruined my life.

I glared at the boy laughing, and saw no one was helping the poor girl.

"Who do you think you are you idiot!" I yelled as I stood infront of the girl. "You should never talk to a girl like that! You are scum, laughing in her face, with your friends. What would you do if a girl rejected you like that huh?" 

"Who the hell are you?" He asked boredly.

I mustered my coldest glare and he backed away instantly. "None of your business. Apologise."

"Wh-Why? I will certainly not-"

I grabbed him bu the collar of his shirt. "Apologise if you plan on having kids."

"I-I'm sorry!" He said to the girl, who was looking at me with surpriced eyes full of tears.

I let him fall to the floor as I turned to the girl. The glare still in my face as I walked towards her. She looked afraind but didn't move. I moved my thumbs in her face and cleared the tears.

"Don't cry." I muttered still angry. "You are beautifull. Don't listen to scum like that, just smile. Next time a guy does that don't let him see it hurt. Just smile and say 'It was a bet', that would wipe the smirk of his face. If a guy does that it means they are not worthy of you, so you shouldn't think to much about it."

She looked at me surpriced and then she nodded. I nodded and startedto walk away. I had more girl attention than before... what a drag.

As I was walking away I heard someone mutter, "Tell me all about him, Kyoya. I think he might be a good host... he could be the Badass type!"

I paid no atention and continued to walk away, trying no to snap at the irls who were looking at me in admiration. 


PICTURE OF YUKI AND YUUKI AT THE SIDE. Yuki as a guy looks like Yuuki but with girl blue eyes. ^-^

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