chapter 4

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Everyone went wide-eyed when Lucas fainted with a very obvious blush on his face. Lilliane was silent for a moment before speaking

''I was not expecting that.'' Brandon looked towards his future daughter and let out a sigh.

''I'll take him to the infirmary, just incase he hit his head hard.'' He picked up the unconscious god slayer (Bridal style) and walked out to the infirmary with Lilliane following from behind.

Everything was silent for a few moments before David decided to ask something.

''If you guys have magic, than what is it?'' All of them seemed excited at the question except for Diane and Maria, which didn't go unnoticed by David or Mario.

''As you already know, I have lightning god slayer magic but Lilliane has air god slayer magic.'' After Mikayla spoke up, Cassie stepped forward.

''I have lightning dragon slayer magic and Jacob has the arc of time magic.'' Aria spoke next.

''I have requip magic.'' Diane had an annoyed look on her face, which was noticed by everyone this time.

''I have ice dragon slayer magic and Maria...'' She trailed off but was surprised when Maria spoke up, what she said causing everyone to freeze in shock.

''I used to have magic... but something happened and now I don't have it anymore...'' She trailed off and was pulled into a hug by Diane, who let Maria bury her face into her shoulder.

''If you don't mind me asking... how did you loose your magic?'' Mario spoke in a gentle tone, surprising most of the guild while David felt his heart flutter.

She looked down, making it obvious that she didn't want to talk about it. Mario gave her a reassuring smile.

''It's fine. If you want to talk about it but you're not ready than you can tell whenever you are ready.'' Everything was still for a few moments until Maria let go of Diane and walked over to Mario before hugging him.

The cavern dragon slayer hugged her back with a soft smile, causing everyone's hearts to melt at the scene. Diane walked over to David and stood by his side. They stayed silent as everyone started to talk amongst themselves, except for Mario and Maria who were hugging in silence. Diane looked up to see Dsvid watching Mario and Maria with a warm look in his eyes. She smiled before speaking.

''Maria always was a mommy's girl.'' David looked down at her, not hearing her walk up to him.

''And I take it that you're the daddy's girl since your sister is the mommy's girl.'' She chuckled and nodded before the two went into a comfortable silence.

''Do you want to go and sit with them?'' She looked up at David before answering his question.

''Only if you come with me.'' He smiled and nodded before his daughter dragged him over to Maria and Mario.

David smiled, feeling the happiest he's ever been in a long time.

Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Happy holidays wolf pups!!

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