chapter 5

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This is what was happening with Brandon, Lucas, and Lilliane during the last chapter.

This also contains a sad Lilliane

When Brandon entered the infirmary, he gently set Lucas down on the bed before floating in the air in a sitting position. Lilliane floated up into the air next to her father and they sat in comfortable silence for a few moments. Brandon had a question appear in his mind and turned to look at Lilliane.

''I already know what magic you have, but what magic do the others have?'' Lilliane turnes ro her dad and smiled.

''Mikayla has lightning god slayer magic. Cassie has storm dragon slayer magic. Jacob has the arc of time magic. Aria has requip magic. And Diane has ice dragon slayer magic.'' Brandon realized that Lilliane didn't mention Maria but before he could say anything, Lilliane spoke again.

''Maria used to have magic, but something happened and she doesn't have it anymore...'' He noticed the sad look in Lilliane's eye and gave a small frown, able to tell that she was blaming herself for what happened.

''Do you want to tell me what happened?'' She shook her head no as tears appeared in her eyes (Brandon could only see tears in one eye), causing him to sigh as he gently pulled her into a hug.

She froze for a second but hugged back as tears started to roll down her cheeks. She buried her face in his poncho as the tears fell, not wanting to seem weak in front of her younger father. Brandon rubbed gentle circles on her back, not stopping until she calmed down a minute later.

''T-thanks... I really needed that...'' Brandon gave a gentle smile and nodded but Lilliane spoke again.

''Maria isn't the only one who lost her powers...'' Brandon wanted to ask more but could tell that Lilliane didn't want to tall about, so he didn't ask.

They sat in silence until they heard a soft groan from the bed. They both turned and saw that Lucas was waking up, causing Brandon to smile with a slight blush and Lilliane to smirk. She remembered her parents telling her that they both fell in love with eachother not to long after Lucas joined the guild, yet they were too scared to tell eachother.

Lucas woke up confused, until he remembered why he fainted. This caused him to blush and he rolled over to bury his face into the pillow. This caused Brandon to chuckle and Lilliane to giggle, especially when Lucas froze and turned to them before blushing even harder than he was before and burying his face in the pillow again. Brandon laughed louder causing Lucas to pout and he fired a small stream of water into Brandon's face before giving him an innocent look. Lilliane smiled before a sad look flashed across her face before going back to normal.

She knows how different things are for her time than things this time. Lucas, Mario, and Maria haven't been the same since the incident. Mario and Lucas felt like they lost a part of themselves, which they technically did, while Maria became even more shy than she usually was, not to mention that Mikayla got hurt. Lilliane knows it's not her fault and that things could have turned out worse if she didn't get help but...

She can't help but blame herself for not being able to help...

What do you guys think happened?

Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Happy holidays wolf pups!!

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