Stuck in Traffic : A shivika Os

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Hello guys,
From a very long time I wanted to write something on this couple SHIVIKA.
This is my first shot, so please ignore any grammatical errors. Constructive criticism is accepted but not negative.
Please vote, comment and share if you like it.
This is my imagination, my creation, so kindly do not plagiarise.

                 🎆  Happy Reading 🎆

Beep!! Beep!!! The noise of the cars honking in the traffic was piercing through the calm neighborhood of shanti nivas. But there was
Another noise, loud and angry coming out of an apartment which was known to be always quiet.

WHAT?????!!!!! BUT WHY???! But how can I go with him?? Are??! Okay stop this emotional blackmail I will go with shivaay to classes .(cuts call)

Anika Pov
Hii I am anika.
I am a usually quiet and calm girl but how can I be quiet if my best friend  decides to send me with  my might be crush to classes together in a rickshaw. I mean every other girl in the world in the world would love to spend time with their crush but I don't,  cause I am scared to be laughed at by him for not being cool like him ...Oh Shoot!!! I am late!! Bhaag Anika!!
Anika picked her bag and dashed down the stairs to meet him at the square, where they were going to catch a rickshaw.


Ten minutes had passed and shivaay was still 
Waiting  for her at the square. Tapping his foot he was irritated as he was a really punctual boy and the mere thought of him getting late was worrying him
No!! No!! No!!
He was nervous cause this was the first time he was going with a girl !! That too  with the most smart one!! Even though he was a Cool guy. He was always  a bit awkward around the opposite gender!!
Just then...
"Hey hii shivaay!! Sorry I am a little late"said anika chirpily.
"hey  it's OK let's go ...." said shivaay giving a bit smile Cause first impression is the last impression.
     They got a rickshaw and hola amigos their trip towards finding someone special in each other had started.


Initially an awkward silence prevailed, as both of them never talked before  being in the same class and now didn't know how to break the ice.

Anika pov
Oh God!! My life is such a mess!!  I am going to be late and on the top of it I have to sit  with shivaay and my stupid crush on him!! He is really nice and cute btw ... He even took the blame of not handling the class as a monitor when it was the job of both of us .. That was the first time I felt something for him...For God's sake Shut up anika!!! But Should I start a conversation with him?? I wanna talk to him!! But what will I ask him??? What he must be thinking of me!!

Shivaay pov
Why I am not like other guys?? I wish I was nimit so I could have easily started a conversation and flirted with her!! Doesn't She look sweet with her chubby cheeks !! ...shivaay what is happening to you?? Why are you behaving like a love sick puppy?? What she must be thinking of me??

    🎆 ( plz hear this song for effect)🎆
Anikas ringtone screamed!!
They glanced each other and ...
Haa!! Haa!! ...
The ice was broken  by their laughter echoing in the rickshaw ...
"why this ringtone btw?? Shivaay asked still laughing his head off on the timing of the song.
" This must be my sister gauris job..!! Said anika angrily..... She keeps changing my ringtone to irritate me!! Otherwise who has the audacity to touch my phone!! Replied anika Proudly upping her collars!! "
"Possessive haan!! Even my bros keep doing this stuff!! Siblings i tell you !!"
"Exactly!! ......
They were chatting like this when suddenly again....

"Kya re baba!! Deva re devaaa!!! The rickshawala screamed hitting his forehead like a 90s heroine "
"what happened uncle?? "anika asked.
"can't you see we are stuck in traffic !! This will take at least take 2 hrs to clear! "
"WHAT?!!!!???? Both of them screamed..
What to do now?! " Anika asked
"We will have to miss our first lecture! "said shivaay happily as he will get to spend more time with her.
"OK fine!! " replied anika realizing the plan of shivaay.
Yes this was anika the studious girl agreeing to miss a lecture for her crush Shivaay!!  The name that gave her jitters!!
" So do you have a boyfriend? "shivaay asked stammering and  crossing his fingers for no known reason.
" um no!! "
"that's great " shivaay replied not knowing why he was so happy. Maybe because then he gets a chance!!
"Do u have?? "anika asked stammering  jerking shivaay out of his thoughts.
"No I don't have a boyfriend I am a pretty straight man u see! " said shivaay shocked because of the sudden blame.
"I meant a girlfriend u idiot!! "said Anika  jokingly hitting his arm. Not knowing she was awakening another shade of him.
"Ohhh!! Nope not yet!! I am still single and ready to mingle!! "said shivaay  flirtily winking at her.
"Well then so am I "replied anika winking back.
Both of them blushed looking away wondering what had got into them making them so flirty and lovey dovey.
This triggered various hidden emotions making them continue flirting, chatting, catching hands and blushing till their cheeks were red.
Maybe this was the magic of first crushes. Crushes give you a jittery feeling which make you feel on cloud nine and do everything you otherwise wouldn't do. You feel to touch the sky and float in the clouds, dance in the rain and  feel the red hue on your face.  


After their two hour crushing session on each  other they finally reached their destination.
When they were walking towards their class anika suddenly said "Shivaay  143!!"  blushed and ran towards the class to take her place.
Leaving shivaay wondering what was 143
He sat on his desk murmuring "143!!143!!
" I love you too shivaay but as a bro okay "replied nimit.
"what?? When did I say I love you.. you idiot!! "shivaay asked confusingly
" Right now you said 143 which means.. "
"I love you!!!!! " shivaay completed ...Realization striking him !!
Quickly glancing anika who was staring at him 

He smiled and mouthed "1432"

They both smiled as they both were again Stuck In  Traffic  after coming out of one but this time the GPS showed the location of heart!!!

🎆🎆🎆🎆The End🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆
Please comment below if you had a crush story as well!!
And tell the location of your crush as well!!!!
Guys please read this one and tell me how's it!!


I totally adore your books guys so I would love to hear your response on this creation of mine.

Thank you,

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