Chapter 2: Impossible...

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*Baekhyun's POV*

I didn't mean to hurt Baekyeon... but I did

She probably hates me now

I felt a pain in my chest, why does it hurt so much when nothing's wrong.... Oh ya! I forgot that I can feel what my twin is feeling

She must be really sad...

I stood up and called Suho


"Hyung can I meet all of you in our usual meeting place"

"Yea sure! But we're moving in tonight anyway, can't you just tell us when we're there? "

" No hyung! Baekbeom hyung is here, I have a secret to tell you guys that they're not supposed to hear"

"Ooo! Ok, I'll tell the others! "

" 고마워 hyung! "


I hung up and got ready

I went to our usual meeting place and waited while sitting on the couch

Our meeting place is in a huge house brought just for us, Suho hyung brought it for EXO so that we can spend our time as normal boys in a place no one knows

Few minutes later....

I heard them coming in so I stood up

Chanyeol saw me and smiled, "What do you want to tell us Baek?" he asked

"Sit first! I'll tell you all when you guys are seated..." I said calmly

They all took a seat

"I want you guys to know something before you move in" I informed

They nodded

"You guys know that I have a sibling right? " I asked

" Well, yea! It's Baekbeom hyung" Sehun said, rolling his eyes

"Sehun! Be respectful to your hyung! " D.O shouted, angrily

" It's fine D.O-ah! " I calmed him down

" You're too nice hyung! This kid will never learn his lesson! " D.O muttered

It's true that Sehun hates me, only me

You might be thinking why, but to tell you the truth... I don't know myself. But I just have to accept reality I guess

" So what's your point Baek-hyung? " Kai asked

" Well... if you guys really want to get to the point then um.... I actually have another sibling" I told them

They nodded

"That's all? So you bring us all here to brag that you have another sibling? " Sehun asked, meanly

" Sehun! " D.O shouted

" I've had enough with you! " he continued

" D.O, calm down... it's fine! " I said calmly

I knew that he was pissed off, but I can manage if myself

" The thing I want to tell you guys most is not the fact that I have another sibling... but the fact that it's my twin" I muttered

"You have a twin! Hyung why didn't you tell us we could've played with HIM when you're busy" Chanyeol cheered

I cleared my troat, "Ehhm....*cough* It's a she *cough*" I said in the middle of my cough

"Bo!?!" Chen shouted

He heard me, but the others are clueless

"What is it Chen? Why are you so surprised? " Lay asked

" You guys didn't hear what he just said!?!" Chen asked, wide eyed

They all shook their head

"His twin is not a HE! It's a SHE! " Chen basically screamed

" Baekhyun! You have a sister!?! " Luhan questioned

I nodded

" So what? " Sehun muttered

Before D.O could say anything I covered his mouth

" Mmm! Mmcsyikcdmkfm! " D.O said, but no one understood him

He turned around and looked at me, I shook my head

He sighed and I let go

"The thing is that she hates me... and she will hate me even more for making her stay with 13 guys. And you guys know yourselves how loud you guys are! So I just want to ask for a little maturity so that she won't feel uncomfortable" I finally said the point

They nodded, "We'll try!"

They told me that they finished packing and that they can go straight to my house and so I agreed

They went to their van and I went in my car since I can't leave it here

30 minutes later...

We arrived at my house and they got their stuff

I opened the front door and saw Baekyeon watching TV

"Hey Yeon... " I greeted awkwardly

She nodded without looking at me

I sighed

" Where's hyung? " I asked

She pointed toward the kitchen

I nodded

Just then, Kai came in

" Woah hyung! The house is so big" he was amused

I chuckled

"It's not that big, but I hope it can fit all of you" I joked

Kai smiled and saw Baekyeon sitting on the couch

"She looks just like you hyung! " he whispered

I smiled

Soon, when everyone got in, they stood in a row from the oldest to the youngest

I went to the kitchen and told Baekbeom hyung to come out and he did

" Yeon-ah! Come here for a sec! " I shouted from the living room

You guys might think Baekyeon is in the living room but no! She's in the TV room and I'm in the living room

She groaned

" What is it? " She asked lazily

She looked up and saw EXO, her eyes widened

" Oh! You guys are here already! Annyeonghaseyo, choneun Baekyeon imnida! " she greeted with a slight smile

I turn to Xiumin and nodded

" Annyeonghaseyo! Choneun Xiumin imnida! I'm the oldest! "

Her eyes widened

" O.. oldest? " She stuttered

he nodded

" Woah! Daebak! How can someone so old look so young" she murmured

I laughed

" I guess it's my turn now" Luhan said

"Annyeonghaseyo! Luhan imnida! You can call me Lulu! "

" Ya! Only I can call you Lulu, hyung! " A guy in the other end argued.

" Shut up Sehun! " Luhan muttered angrily.

"Yo! I'm Kris! There's nothing special about me... this introducing thing is seriously not my style" murmuring the last part quietly

She chuckled

"Ok! That was weird... "

" Hi! I'm Suho! The leader! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me" he smiled.

"Nae~" she replied.

"Ni hao! Wo shi Zhang Yi Xing, Lay! " he greeted in Chinese.

" Lay, don't forget the fact that you're in Korea! " I reminded him.

" Oh! Yea... I forgot! " Lay said, hitting his head.

She giggled.

" Annyeonghaseyo! Choneun Lay imnida! " He greeted again as he did a 90° bow.

" Annyeong~ " She smiled.

I was standing beside Lay.

" You can skip me," I told her.

"No! Just introduce yourself, you have to be fair," she smirked.

"Ok then... Umm... I'm Baekhyun and I'm your twin brother," I greeted as I gave her the matter-of-fact face.

She rolled her eyes and went to Chen.

"Annyeong! Chen-imnida! I love singing so if you want to sing, you can always find me and sing with me."

She smiled and walk over to Chanyeol.

"Hi! I'm Chanyeol! Baekhyun's roommate and bestfriend! "

She nodded.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Choneun D.O imnida! If anyone hurts you, tell me, I'll fight for you! "

She raised her eyesbrow, "Are you sure? " looking at him from head to toe.

" Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm not strong! " D.O said in monotone.

"Ni hao! Tao imnida! I'm chinese! You can call me Panda Tao."

She looked at him surprised.

" I'm Kai! I'm the main dancer and I have the darkest skin."

"BWAHAHAHA! Who actually introduce themselves as someone who has the darkest skin!?! " She blurted out.

Kai rubbed the back of his neck

" But don't worry, you're handsome," She said making most of the members laugh.

"Sehun... just Sehun."

"Ignorant guy... so annoying," she muttered at Sehun.

Sehun just rolled his eyes.

I sighed, this two won't get along.

"Since you guys have introduce yourselves then, it's my turn, I'm Baekboem! Baekhyun and Baekyeon's older brother! I am the oldest in this house so you guys have to listen to whatever I say! " Baekbeom hyung introduced.

Hyung.... as always.

Anyway, I was quite surprised on how mature they are right now.

2 hours later...

I guess I was wrong...

" Hyung! Save me from Tao!?! " Kai hid behind me.

Guess I can't stop their childishness...

I wish Baekyeon could get along with them... at least befriend them or something...

Chap 2...FINISHED! Do you guys like it?? I really do hope you will enjoy this story since I enjoy writing it alot ^^

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