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You know how in some horror movies, the main character acts like a total idiot and stands there while the monster or possessed demon is mere seconds away from attacking? Usually, I'd be the first one to scream at the television and tell them to run, but now, standing in front of Liam panting and shirtless after just fucking his ex-girlfriend?

Yeah, I get it now.

"Liam," I say, confused as all hell. "What are you doing here?"

He hasn't changed a bit after seeing him for winter break a few months ago. He's still tall and slim with blonde hair cropped short on the sides and a bit longer on top. He's gotten slightly paler since leaving California, but overall, he's still my best friend. Especially when that contagious grin settles across his face, a dimple popping out on his right cheek. It's more familiar than I want it to be, which only causes the guilt to fester in my chest.

Liam is my best friend, and his ex-girlfriend is showering off my come in the bathroom.

"You didn't think Iz would invite me? We're practically family, you know. She thought it'd be best if we kept it a surprise."

"Oh, she did?" My jaw ticks ever-so-slightly. I'm going to kill my sister the next time I see her. I don't care if it's her wedding week.

Liam arches a brow, analyzing the broken vase behind me, and then my bare chest streaked with sweat. "Working out?" He asks. "I can't imagine you've already found someone to warm your bed after only being here a few hours."


The door to the bathroom swings open, and I curse under my breath when Emery comes out wrapped in a towel. Thank god she didn't walk out naked. She was supposed to be showering, but maybe she forgot something. 

As soon as her eyes land on Liam, her face grows as white as a sheet, and she grips the towel tighter around her body. I watch her scrambling to find an excuse to explain this, but she's frozen in place, her feet planted to the bamboo flooring.

Liam chuckles, arms crossed over his chest. "Izzy told me you guys had to share a hut because of the lack of room. I can't possibly imagine how that's going. Judging by the vase..." He arches that damn brow again. "I'd say not too well."

Emery huffs, falling into character. "We got into a fight." Realizing she's still in a towel, she narrows her eyes at me. "I thought you left to give me some space."

Fucking hell. Now would be the perfect time to come clean, but just like Emery, I'm not ready to do it yet. Not when he's acting so naive to this situation. He's standing there like a golden retriever, prepared to have a fun week in paradise. Am I really going to break the news to him now when he's so clueless?

I need to discuss this with Emery before we decide anything. We have to devise a plan when Liam isn't standing right in front of us and figure out what the hell we're going to tell him. What we're not going to do is come clean to him after we freshly fucked.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I fall into character with her and point to the door. "It's a bathroom for a reason. Why the hell did you come out in a fucking towel?"

She grabs her pile of clothes off the bed and rolls her eyes. "My pajamas," she seethes, raising the items for emphasis. "As I said, I thought you left."

Liam clears his throat, leaning against the doorway. His eyes keep darting between us, but I can't tell what he's thinking. He isn't giving any of his emotions away. "I would offer for you to stay in my hut with me, Emery, but I think that'd be even more awkward than this."

My fists clench at my sides at the mere thought of her sharing a bed with Liam. She's not staying anywhere on this island but with me, and Liam notices my clenched fists, his lips tilting into a smile before he says, "It's up to you. The offer stands."

Will she take him up on it? I know what we've been doing has been...phenomenal since this started, but this is all so new between us. Now that Liam is in the Maldives, would she prefer to stay with him? It'd make it more believable, after all. I wouldn't blame her if she decided to move her things to his hut in order for him to believe us. Even if my heart suddenly feels as if it's twisted up into a tight ball, making it harder and harder to breathe.

Emery shakes her head, a weight of bricks lifting from my chest. "I don't think that's the best idea. As much as I hate this arrangement, staying with you would just confuse things, Liam. Now if both of you will excuse me, I'm going to take a shower. I take it we'll see you tomorrow?"

We'll. She's already acting as if we're a unit—a package deal. My racing heart won't calm down. Not after our sex a few minutes ago. Images of her body elongated before me on that entry table flicker through my memory. Those beautiful brown eyes heavy-lidded with lust, her head thrown back, jaw dropped open...

Liam nods, snapping me out of my thoughts, but not before I catch the flicker of amusement across his brown eyes. "Yeah. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Emery lingers as if she's reluctant to leave us alone, as she should be, but she finally huffs and closes the bathroom door behind her, clicking the lock shut. 

Never, in all our years of friendship, has there been a lag in conversation or an awkwardness so strong I can practically taste it on my tongue. I have no idea what to say as we stand across from each other, but what am I supposed to say? Acting as if everything is fine feels just as wrong as coming clean to him. No matter what I choose, I'm doing wrong by him, and the knowledge of that affects me more than I care to admit. 

I've always considered myself a loyal friend. I may not be the most emotional person, but the minute someone gains my friendship, I've always strived to do right by them. Maybe that's why I've given so very few the title. I didn't want to take on more than I could handle.

The sound of the waves and the shower starting up fills the silence between us until he says, "She made you a bracelet?"


Glancing down at the beads surrounding my wrist, I'm fighting to come up with something, anything, but I can't. The truth is, I haven't taken it off since she gave it to me, but Liam doesn't need to know that.

"As a thank-you gift," I explain. "You know, for letting her stay with me. It fit the island vibe, so I wore it." The lie is sour on my tongue, but I can't bring myself to tell him the truth. For now, I'll have to lie until I can discuss this further with Emery.

"Mmm," he hums, rapping his knuckles against the doorway. That silence only grows louder before he clears his throat and jabs a thumb over his shoulder. "Well, jet lag is a bitch, so I'm gonna get some sleep. I just wanted to stop by and say hey first. Connor said something about going to the pool on the mainland tomorrow. Free liquor. Hot women. You know, Connor things. You in?"

"Yeah," I reply. All I want to do is have sex with the gorgeous, gorgeous woman currently hiding in my bathroom. That is how I envisioned my week going. Now, until we come up with how we're going to break the news to him, I'll have to keep my distance from the one person I can't seem to keep my hands off of. "Are the girls coming too?"

"Well, I'm assuming. I'll still invite Emery, regardless. I've missed her while I've been away, and we need to catch up on some things."

Some things.

No words have ever terrified me more. 

What things does he need to discuss with her? Is he going to ask her out again? Will he profess his feelings of regret for ever agreeing to split up? The bile is rising in my throat, but I shove it down and am barely able to muster up a smile. As soon as he leaves, I think I might be sick.

"See you tomorrow," Liam calls out over his shoulder. "Oh, and call someone to clean that glass up. It must have been some fight you guys had."

He's laughing as he continues walking down the docks, and the pit in my stomach grows more significant. Yeah, I'm definitely going to be sick.

We are so fucked. 

Author's Note:

100K READS!!!!


Thank you guys SO much for supporting this story! I am so glad you're enjoying it. I appreciate every single vote and comment. Although I don't heart every individual comment, just know I read through them ALL!

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