🌋Stuck With You🌋

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‼️Warning‼️: This story contains possible mature content such as dark themes of death. Please advance with caution or don't read if you're easily sensitive.

A beautiful Siberian husky paces about as she stands in front of the Lookout Tower. She takes a deep breath.

You can do it, Everest. Just walk up to him and confess. Who cares if there's witnesses? Skye already knows; Rubble already knows. Nothing can go wrong! She froze, realization hitting her square in the chest. No! It can go wrong! This is why men confess, not the other way around.

Everest backs away slightly. But that's quitter talk! You know better than to blame the idea that men are always the one to confess first. Why should I allow men to confess first?! I'm a tomboy, not a bitch.

Everest nods. Just go up and tell Marshall how you feel. Guys rejecting girls isn't the worst thing! If anything it's worse for guys!

She gulps once again, feeling herself shake as she steps forward to knock on the door. It opens and Chase stares at her with a curious expression.

"Why are you knocking on a door that opens automatically?" he orders, an amused expression on his face.

She looks away, not looking in one of her many friend's eyes. "I-I," she stutters. She found herself staring at Marshall's puphouse.

Chase seemed to catch on. "Ah. I see. Well, if you want to confess to Marshall, he's not here. He's out training and fighting fires. Sorry, pal."

Everest felt relieved. She wouldn't have to confess today!

"Yay!!" she cheers, but something still gnawed inside her despite her happiness.

"Yay? Everest, we all know you can't keep this from Marshall forever. What are you going to do if he finds someone else, huh? You might be his best friend outside of me and Rubble; however there's a ton of girls out there who would kill to have my sweet best friend by their side. I've seen Skye's cousin woo over him." Chase pauses as Everest looks down, feeling horrible at the notion of someone who looks exact like her best friend having Marshall.

Not that Marshall belonged to anyone. She just wanted him as her boyfriend.

Chase smiles patiently. "You don't exactly have all of eternity to express how you feel to Marshall. He's not usually one to confess first either, trust me."

Chase swipes a paw in the air. He looks away, embarrassed. "He and I both are like that. I don't know how Rubble and Zuma have that sort of confidence to just...try to win over girls."

He runs the back of his head. "Anyways, you have better odds of getting him to say yes than I do with my crush, so you're better off asking him now than waiting for him to be confessed to by Coral; she's really been telling Skye all about her crush on Marshall."

Chase looked awkwardly away. He cleared his throat. "But he isn't here now. Come later when he's here."

"When will he get back?" Everest asked, not wanting to confess. She hoped it would be a while.

Chase smirked. "He won't be back for a while. You can spend time with the other pups and I until he comes back. He will be back in about a week. You can go back to Jake's Chalet or you can wait here and be brave enough to confess."

He turns around, facing away from her with a sassy swish of his tail. "But it's up to you, Eve. You can continue pining after someone until he gets a girlfriend or you can confess and be that girlfriend. The choice is yours."

Chase giggles as he struts into the Lookout. Everest follows Chase, almost dramatically plopping herself on a dark blue bean bag beside Rocky and Rubble. Both pups look at her with concern.

"Are you okay, Everest?" Rocky inquires with an angle of his brow. Somehow they as dogs had eyebrows. It was beyond Everest's knowledge how they had eyebrows.

Everest sighs, unsure if she should reveal this knowledge to Rocky. As an intellectual he probably doesn't truly grasp the concept of love.

Or I'm completely mistaken and Rocky is in love with Skye or Coral...or someone else.

"Have you ever loved someone, Rocky?" Everest wonders, noticing they were watching Apollo. Rocky barely watches Apollo. Why is he watching Apollo?

"Oh, uhm, love is a strange subject for me." Rocky smiles awkwardly. "I guess I have." He frowns. "But I don't think she likes me. We're both smart, you see; however she hangs out with everyone."

"Oh," Everest remarks. An awkward smile forms on her lips. "Are you in the same situation as I am? Or maybe not...it's just..." Everest trails off as she covers her eyes with her paws.

"You're in love with someone and you have no idea if they like you back?" Rocky inquires as he moves from his green bean bag to get closer to Everest. "Yup."

Rocky plops down next to her. "Yep. My problems are similar."

"Yeah," Rubble agrees. "He has it bad for her."

I wonder who it is.

"Rubble knows who it is. It's okay, buddy. You can tell her. It's not her anyways." I wouldn't have thought it was me anyways. I would never put myself up there like that. I'm not even that pretty.

"Oh! Really? Wouldn't you rather tell her yourself?" Rubble asks, turning his head away from the show. He picks up the remote and turns off Apollo so they can talk.

Rocky shakes his head. "It's fine. You're better at conversation than I am. I'm just...a nerd."

Rubble gasps, "Don't say that! You are smart. You're so much more than just a 'nerd.' You're my friend." He smiles warmly, closing his eyes. "Plus, I have faith in you."

Rocky smiles, but shyly backs away behind Rubble. "Naw. I'd really rather have you, my bestest friend in the whole world, have the honors."

Rubble sniffs, trying not to cry happy tears. "Really?" Rocky nods. "Really."

Rubble gets excited, mumbling something about a love triangle before shouting, "It's Skye!"

Everest gasps, feeling both astonished and excited at the prospect of love. She did feel a slight twinge of fear though.

She knew Rubble like the back of her paw. He also had a crush on Everest's high flying friend. In fact, Rubble told her himself of his exciting feelings and how he was hoping to spend more time with her over the years and confess to her; he did get to spend time, however Rubble always flaked out of confessing.

I don't blame him. Confessing for anyone is hard. But someone has to do it, or you'll be left in the dark for...forever!!

"Wow, really?" Everest tried not to cringe, knowing the situation.

Rubble bounced excitedly as if Rocky having feelings for Skye didn't bother him. "Yeah! He was planning on confessing soon, too!"

Rocky exclaims in horror, "Rubble!"

Rubble dips his head in shame. "Sorry, I'm just excited. I hope all goes well...." He trails off, looking longingly into the elevator. He then turns back to them, "Anyway, who is it?" Rubble asked, way too interested in Everest's romantic affairs.

You would think Skye would be more excited; however Rubble was more expressive than Skye. Not to mention he was more interested in these things. Everest didn't know why. Perhaps Rubble was just excited because his friends were excited?

Maybe that's why he's excited about Rocky confessing to Skye. But...I thought Chase had a crush on her.

"It's...Marshall," she admits, looking away. She wasn't sure if she would be able to look either pups in the eyes.

"Marshall, huh? That's my other friend!" Rubble barks, puffing out his chest. "You two get along quite well. It was only a matter of time before one of you would be interested. I think."

Rocky nods an agreement.

"Anyway, he doesn't really tell me anything. I've seen him talk more with Chase and Skye about secrets than with me. We are very good buddies, though. We share pup treats!" Rubble's tongue sticks out.

"And he's never shared anything about himself?" Rocky inquires, interesting in Rubble and Marshall's relationship.

Rubble shrugs, "Well he has. Just nothing about a crush on nobody. You could ask Skye; she might know."

"Skye would know?" Everest inquires. She would've never guessed Marshall would be this close to Skye. Maybe Rubble and Chase since she's seen them hanging, but Marshall rarely hung out with Skye.

Does he like her better than me? Everest frowns. Maybe he's showing interest in her instead of me.

"Well, yeah. She's close with Marshall. One of her first best friends. She just hangs out with Zuma and Rocky more." Rocky beams at this mention.

The sound of convenient footsteps approached; it was Skye. Everest looks into her best friend's magenta eyes. She saw Skye's bored look immediately dissipate.

"Eve! You're here!" She looks downcast. "Zuma just beat me...again. I hate losing to him!" She stamped her foot down in a small temper tantrum before taking a deep breath. "Sorry, guys. I'm just salty." She gives a small smile, perking up.

"What are we talking about? Heard you talking over here. It got me curious." She blinks in curiosity, tilting her head at Rubble as if to prod him to start.

"Oh, we were talking about crushes," Everest informs her.

Skye's tail dropped. "Without me," she begins, pointing a paw at herself, "your 'best friend.'"

Everest nods.

Skye brightens up. "Well, I'm here now! Tell me, sister. Who do you have a crush on?"

Everest flinches. Guess she's telling every dog in Adventure Bay. "It's...Marshall." She breaths a sigh of relief. Keeping it in hurt her a lot more than letting go of the news.

Skye's smile widened. She gasped, "Really?" Her tail wagged viciously. "That's great, bestie! I'm so happy for you!" She pulls Everest into a hug. "My bestie. All grown up." She ruffles Everest's fur.

Everest bats a paw at Skye, furiously blushing. "Shut up, Skye! We all know there's someone you love too," Everest teased, sticking out her tongue. "I just haven't gotten it out of you, yet. You'll cave in one day, sister."

Everest snickered while Skye looked away with a red face; or what Everest assumed was a red face. Skye was hard to read.

"I don't have a crush," Skye denies. "I just like being friends with everyone."

Everest giggles, "Yeah? Well you're missing out on a guy possibly loving you!" Everest smiles, looking over at Rocky and Rubble while Skye was looking away. She winked.

Rubble almost giggled and Rocky rolled his eyes dramatically as if he didn't want the "help."

Everest continues with a cheeky grin. "Anyway, feel free to visit and tell me anytime we're alone. I'll be all ears then."

"Hey, that's Tracker's line!" Skye chirped. Everest and Skye giggled. Rubble and Rocky awkwardly laughed along, acting aloof and inadmissible.

"What were you guys watching?" Skye inquires, looking at the black screen. "I could hear music from upstairs."

"Apollo!" Rubble barks with a way of his butt. His tail was already going. "Would you like to join us?"

Skye smiles widely. "Of course!" She struts over to her seat and plops down. She pats Rubble, Rocky, and Everest's bean bags. "Come on! I love super hero shows!"

"Yeah! Just like you like super hero books!" Rocky unnecessarily adds in, smiling uncontrollably.

At that moment Chase pads in. "Hello," he greets plainly. "What is going on here? Nothing illegal, I presume?" His gaze travels to Skye. "Oh, hi Skye!" he chirps.

Skye giggles. "Well, hello there, Chase." She pats his darker blue bean bag. "Come watch Apollo with us. Everest is here and I wish to spend as much time with her as possible."


"Oh, yeah, right!" Everest wasn't sure what was going on, but she would play along. "It would be nice to hang out with you, Chase! Perhaps we can talk about, er, spy movies we like."

Chase shrugs, settling down on his darker blue bean bag. It was right next to Everest's and Rubble's. Skye's was placed next to Everest's and Rocky's.

Rubble barks in excitement as he turns on the TV. "Yay! More Apollo! Hanging out with you guys is so much fun!" he cheers.

After they watched Apollo and a couple more movies, Everest decided to go back to Jake's. It wasn't that she didn't want to spend even more time with her friends, it just felt empty without the clumsy oaf they called Marshall being there.

He would've loved this. I just wish I had my chance to confess. It's too bad he's out training somewhere in the world. Maybe next time...

A few weeks later, Everest found herself in front of the Lookout Tower once more. Jake was at her side. "Now remember: don't stay up too late, forget to call me every now and then, and please make sure you take care of yourself. Oh, and don't forget to have fun. I'll miss you, Everest, dude. Sorry for the suddenness. I can't believe it. This is my opportunity."

Everest smiles, happy for her owner. "Yeah. You better take it while you can. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to go atop the highest mountain in the world and watch history make its course."

She remembered it like it was yesterday. He got the call a week ago. They were going atop Mount Everest—the mountain she was named after—and they needed help with forming a ski resort atop it. Jake agreed, and the two of them saw this as the opportunity of a lifetime. They needed him for two months, so Everest had the chance to stay with Skye and the other pups.

It just so happened Everest was thinking about one pup in particular—Marshall. She couldn't help but wonder how she can confess to him.

He would make it so much easier if he just confessed himself or if he told Rubble his crush, but perhaps these two months will be in my favor. I'll have tons of opportunities to hang out with him and get even closer to him.

Everest sighs, a smile on her visage. I just hope it isn't too late for me and he's dating Coral.

Everest shook her head. It didn't matter. She had to wipe off the "dreamy" expression off her face and keep it cool.

The two stepped forward, immediately greeted by Marshall. Startled, Everest leans her head back, eyes wide.

"Oh, hi Marshall!" she greets with an awkward smile.

Marshall awkwardly nods. "Hi, Everest. I was just waiting to greet you. It's going to be so great with you here—Whoa!" Marshall suddenly slips, his chest hitting the floor beside Everest's. His paws flailed about, nearly taking Everest with them to the floor.

"Whoops! Heh heh! Sorry, Everest! I'm excited to see you! I—"

The sudden rumbling of feet nearby gained the three's attention. "Whoa, Everest! It looks like Marshall dude isn't the only one missing you!"

Marshall's feet gave way once again as Skye and Rubble ran straight into him. The two didn't stop until they tackled Everest to the ground.

"Everest!!" Rubble barks, happily nuzzling into Everest's neck as the two hugged. Everest giggles as she pats his back. "Nice to see you too, Rubble."

Skye does a flip on Everest's chest. "You're here, bestie! You're here!" she cheers as she hugs her chest.

"Yep. I'm here." She looks up at her friends. "I'll be here for two months." She grins widely.

"Wow!" Rocky remarks as Zuma nods his head in agreement.

"That's a long time, dude. Not long enough, though! You'll easily get beat by me, Zuma, in a game of Pup Pup Boogie!" He then leans over, "Unless you're scared?" His invisible eyebrow lifts.

"Never!" Everest exclaims, puffing out her chest. "If Skye can beat you, so can I!"

Zuma chuckles, "We'll see."

A few more days later, Everest was feeling frustrated once again. She found herself venting in front of Zuma; she had just lost against him.

"I tried to talk to him!" she exclaims, pacing to and fro. Zuma watches her casually. He wasn't surprised or anything. Maybe Rocky told Zuma her secret or maybe Zuma just figured it out.

Either way, Zuma was now the target of her venting. "I tried to get his attention. He's just...he just is so oblivious!" she snarls, feeling useless.

Realization dawns. "Or," she began with a sad face. "Or he just doesn't know how to reject me. Maybe that's it. Heh."

Zuma picked up the mat. "Or maybe you haven't tried hard enough. Have you tried asking to talk to him alone? It's quite simple, Everest."

Everest got frustrated. This sort of confession was not easy to do; especially for girls! It's not simple! It was anything but simple.

"I tried hard, Zuma!" she protests. "I just can't seem to get him to think of me the way I want."

"Guys are oblivious, Everest. They won't know you're hitting on them until it hits them. Whether literally or figuratively." Zuma informs her as he opens the door to the closet and puts his mat inside. "Now are you going to help me cleanup, dude? Or are you going to continue jabbering until the end of time?"

Everest sighs, "Sorry Zuma. Guess I'm just trapped in my thoughts."

Zuma offers a patient smile. "It's alright. I don't understand how one couldn't just go up to someone and ask them out. I guess I'm more chill and confident than everyone else. Heh. Suppose that's why Roxi and I are dating currently."

Roxi. Right. One of the new pups. Haven't met her officially yet. I heard she's beautiful and confident; unlike me. Everest wanted to sigh.

"How did you do it?" she asked Zuma. Zuma chuckles. "Honestly I was just myself. Girl or guy, people love it when you're true to who you are. All those lies about giving gifts and trying to impress others won't work. Roxi told me she was always never impressed with the way I went about trying to impress her, but rather impressed when I approached her to talk. And you can do it too if you can muster enough courage."

Zuma pauses before smiling warmly at her. Everest picks up her mat and goes to the closet before putting it away. "I believe in you, you know. You might not think girls can confess, but I believe girls have a higher chance of being told yes than no."

Zuma turns off the console, taking the gaming console and putting it in the closet. He closes the door.

"Plus, I've seen him watching you. Constantly. He won't stop talking about you either. He brags about how good you are at your job and at how good you are at snowboarding." Zuma grins. "He even asked Rubble to teach him how to snowboard recently. Perhaps he's trying to impress you?" His grin fades. "Either way, I would relax and be yourself. You'll find love someday."

Everest's heart warmed. "Thanks, Zuma."

"Heh," Zuma laughs, "No problem, Eve. Just remember to not worry about it. Things will work out in the end, trust me."

Everest nods as she and Zuma pad into the elevator to go down.

"So what are going to do now that I beat you, huh? I told you I was no joke," Zuma remarks, curiosity in his gaze. "Are you going to talk to Marshall?"

Everest shrugs. "I was actually thinking of going to Katie's today to get a trim," she informs him.

The lab smirks. "For Marshall?" Everest rolls her eyes. "No. My fur is just getting long."

"Keep telling yourself that," Zuma teases as the elevator dings and Zuma races over to an excited Rubble. "I've got a show to catch up on. See ya later, dude."

Everest watches Zuma run to Rubble and settling into an orange beanbag. She smiles.

She knew she was overthinking it. It was just a confession. What's the worst that could happen? Perhaps she should at least get to know Marshall a little more.

Perhaps a walk? Yeah! Good idea, Everest. That's simple enough.

Everest approaches the entrance to the Lookout. A white-and-black blur was slipping closer to her.

"Everest watch out!" A duo of brown dogs exclaimed.

Everest's eyes widened and before she could dive, Marshall crashed into her.

"Oh my gosh! Everest! I'm sorry! I was playing tag with those two. They're very mobile! Especially as a team," Marshall informs, looking back at the wiener dog and Shepard respectively.

The two looked embarrassed. "It's all about speed, baby!" Chase barks. The wiener dog, Liberty, grins. "I've got those moves, Marshy-poo!"

Marshall flinches.

"Sorry!" Liberty calls. Marshall rolls his eyes as he gets off Everest.

"Are you okay, Everest? I'm sorry about that." He offers his paw. Everest gingerly takes it, somehow about to keep herself from blushing intensely.

"Yeah," the husky responds. She giggles. "I'll be okay. Not the hardest wipeout, trust me."

Marshall's tail wagged as he joined along. "Heh. Yeah." Marshall frowns, seeming uncertain.

"Hey, are you going inside?" she asks him.

"I was why?"

"Well, I was wondering, er, if you would like to...go on a walk with me?" she inquires. Marshall had been patient through her stuttering and failures. She mentally cursed herself for her stuttering and stalling.

Marshall's eyes suddenly lit up and his frown melted. His muzzle turned up, smiling. "Wow! Really? A walk with me?"

Everest nods, feeling heat on her fur while their friends watched with curiosity and smug expressions.

"Yeah. You're a cool dog, Marshall. I was going to go to Katie's to get a trim, too, if you want to come."

Marshall nodded his head too fast, suddenly twirling in confusion. "Yeah, whoa!" he barks, dizzy. He managed to catch himself before falling and laughs nervously.

"My answer is yes," his fur fell into his eyes and he blew on it to keep it out of his eyes. "Heh."

Everest's smile widened. Marshall was cuter than he realized. Her cheeky grin wouldn't go away.

"Great!" she barked.

She began to walk in the direction of Katie's salon, hearing Liberty and Chase whispering behind her as Skye joined with a proud expression. Marshall seemed lost for a second before skidding after her to pad right alongside her.

The two faced each other as they conversed. It was far easier than Everest realized.

"And so then I collided with Liberty and the two of us floated into the elevator! You should've seen her face! It was so funny!"

The two laughed as Marshall relayed his lone adventures with Liberty and the others in Adventure City and Adventure Bay. She missed so much being in Jake's Chalet that it hurt to hear of Marshall hanging out with other girls.

"You guys have so much fun!" she chirped, frowning. "I wish I were here more often."

"Me too!" Marshall agreed before his eyes widened. "I-I mean we all wish you were here more often."

Did he say he wishes I were here more often. That's...so sweet. Maybe he does like me?

The two made their way to Katie's Parlor with many more conversations. However, Everest felt like it came and went. Yet it also felt slow and drawn out.

"We're here!" Marshall declares proudly as he opens the door to the Parlor.

Katie wasn't inside.

Huh. That's odd. She told me she would be here today.

"Where is Katie?" Marshall wondered, checking around the area. "Cali's not here either."

A loud sound startled the two dogs and they looked outside. A huge wave was coming their way. Both pup's ears dropped with fear as their expression changed instantly.

"Get back inside, now!" Marshall orders as Everest shoves him inside and leaps back in.

Water rushed past the door, somehow not pouring in the saloon.

Marshall paces to and fro as Everest flops into the empty tub before her. "What are we going to do?! What are we going to do?!" Marshall exclaims, fear in his voice.

"Ugh! We wait? If the water gets higher we can always try getting the higher ground? I dunno, Marshall. This flood came out of nowhere!"

Their puptags suddenly rang. "PAW Patrol! To the Lookout!" Their friends responded, "Ryder needs us!"

"Wait, but we're stuck here!" Everest barks into her puptag. Marshall starts yelping too. "Yeah! We're trapped in Katie's saloon!"

"I hope they heard us," Everest groans. "Me too!" Marshall whines.

"Should we call him?" Everest wonders. Marshall continues to pace. "I don't know. But this is bad. The PAW Patrol is facing a flood without us!" Marshall stomps his foot down. "What timing too. We were having a good time. Heh. Guess that's just how our jobs go, huh?"

Everest frowned. She couldn't stop thinking about her feelings for Marshall. They were burning intensely inside her. They begged to be released, begged to drink from the fountain of knowledge: she had to know how he felt about her, but didn't know if she could do it.

This would be the best time. she told herself. She put her head in her paws. But I can't! It's so hard!

"Everest? Are you okay? You're not afraid of water like Rocky, are you?" The Dalmatian inquires. A worried look was on his face.

Everest sighs. Well, it's as Zuma says. I can't wait for him to confess because he might get with Coral.

"I'm alright. Thanks."

The two were silent for a few minutes before Everest's chest felt as if it might explode. "Hey, Marshall?


"Can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything." He smiled brightly.

Everest sighs, steeling herself together as she closes her eyes briefly before portraying as much confidence as she can.

"I have a crush on you."

Marshall exclaimed in shock. His jaw was slack and his eyes wide.

He didn't know. Makes sense.

Marshall's tail started wagging. "I always had a crush on you. When we first met, I thought you were the cutest dog around and I wanted to make sure you felt nice and welcome into our little community. I always thought you were way out of my league. Heh." Marshall confesses.

Everest blushes. She didn't know he had a thing for her that long. Then again, he was friends with Skye for so long as well that she was sure he liked her more, or perhaps liked someone else more.

"You liked me since we met?"

"Is that weird?"

Everest giggles, "Not really. It's kind of cute actually. I was so worried you didn't like me in that way."

Marshall giggles along. "Well, now you know." He puffs out his chest and Everest giggles. He grins.

A few more awkward moments pass.

"So," Marshall began. "Do you want to go on a date sometime? You know, when the water goes down and we get rescued by the other pups?"

Everest giggles. "Hey! I wanted to be the one to ask!" Her smile widens and Marshall gets closer.

Everest stops laughing. "What?"

"Isn't there something people do after confessing their love?"

Everest shrugs. "I didn't plan this far," she informs. The two laugh. Everest's eyes closed briefly. "Well...we can cuddle if you like those," she barks.

"Oh yes, please!" Marshall barks as he jumps on top of Everest. Her eyes widen. "Oh! Silly dally," she giggles as she wraps her paws around her supposedly new boyfriend.

Wait, were they together?

"Does that mean...?" she began.

"I suppose we are together now," Marshall remarks with a cheeky grin. He presses his snout against hers. Their noses touch.

Everest grins as the two settle down on the floor of Katie's Parlor, cuddling together. Their bodies pressed together and heads touching together.

Their tails entwined just as a thumping sound could be heard. The two get up.

Everest presses a paw on the door. Now they were further trapped. "Well, if the flood didn't trap us, this huge...whatever it is has us blockaded.

Marshall's ears lifted. "Hold on. Do you hear that, Eve?" Everest's ears angle to listen. The sound of a vehicle coming closer to the parlor could be heard. It sounded like a...rig?

"Rubble?" Everest inquired, pressing her ear against the door.

"Are they rescuing us?" Marshall wonders.

"They heard!" Everest bounced joyfully. Marshall watches her with an affectionate smile.

"Of course they would. I knew they would."

"Rubble, you know what to do," Ryder informs, though the sound was muted quite a bit. Everest had to press her ear right against the crack that was starting to form where they were.

"On it! Rubble on the rock clearing double!" the bulldog barks. He sounded upset as the sound of transforming could be heard and the whirring of a particular engine got closer.

"Marshall, Everest, here I come! Don't you worry! Rubble will make sure you don't get a second bath!"

After a couple of minutes, there was the sound of something being cleared before a brown nub came into view through the falling rock debris. Rubble was using his shovel to clear away the rocks, while Zuma swam nearby to ensure everyone's underwater safety.

Zuma presses the button on his tag. "Are you two alright?"

Everest giggles. "Yeah." Marshall nods. "We're just trapped is all." Everest adds, "Is Katie okay," worried.

"Yes. She was about to leave her house when she got the news. Did you know the water tower got struck by lightning? Rocky is fixing it as we speak."

Marshall and Everest both gasped. "That's terrible!" Marshall exclaimed. "It is, but I'm glad Katie is safe," Everest breaths out, feeling lighter knowing Katie didn't get hurt. "Yeah," Marshall agreed with a soft smile.

"Hold on you two. I will need to radio Ryder and ask for some breathing masks. The flood is still going on," Zuma informs.

"We figured," Everest giggles.

Zuma tips his head curiously at them. "You're glowing," he notes as he watches Marshall and Everest. "Oh, well I confessed." Everest sheepishly smiles. "Nice, dude. Told you it wasn't that hard."

Marshall tips his head. "How long were you freaking out over it?" He seemed both amused and surprised.

"For a long time. Though I didn't fall for you as you did with me right away, I still kept my love a secret."

Marshall smiled warmly as he leans against her affectionately. "Well now you don't have to worry no more." Everest leans in to his touch.

Marshall's puptag rings. "Alright," Zuma confirmed. "I am going to open the door and hand you the breathing masks. Unfortunately Katie's Parlor will get wet, but if worst comes to worst Ryder will help, uh, dry clean the Parlor." Zuma cringes from the outside.

Zuma pulls on the door, but nothing happens. Rubble joins in with his small-yet-strong frame and helps pull. It eventually opens after a bit and Zuma quickly passes the masks.

Marshall gives Everest the first mask and she puts it on as the water is quickly flowing in. This was a risky situation. Marshall could die. Everest realized.

The water surrounding them was filling the room fast. The Parlor is completely submerged.

Zuma hands Marshall the mask and he puts it on. The water was by their shoulders at this points. The two then plunge into the waters before them.

This flood is going to ruin some crops. We will surely help them when the time comes. Everest notes as she paddles with her feet towards the surface of the water.

Once her head broke loose, she felt a hand reaching toward her. "I gotcha, Everest." He placed her on his watercraft. "We will have to inform Jake about this mishap. Hopefully he will still trust me after this."

Everest looks at the ground sadly. Ryder picks up Marshall and hugs him. Marshall pats Ryder on the back.

"I don't think you'll lose his trust, Ryder. Everest is a rescuer, so she has this kind of constant trouble anyway. Every time you have to call her there's a chance she might get hurt." Marshall points out with a small smile.

Ryder looks at Marshall before looking at Everest. He sighs. "I suppose. I still feel bad for this. You two could've been hurt."

But we're okay! Marshall nuzzles into Ryder.

Zuma lifts his head out from under the water; Rubble joins him. "It's all clear, Ryder." Ryder nods and the three get into their respective vehicles—or in Ryder's case start his vehicle rather than getting in. The three then head off in the direction of the Lookout.

Once they got there, Skye immediately runs to Everest and the two hug. Liberty breaths a sigh of relief upon seeing the two of them. Rocky nods at them, a smile on his face. Chase was there pacing back and forth.

"Phew. Thank goodness you two are back. Skye wouldn't stop pestering me." Chase pads toward them. He wraps a paw around Marahall's shoulder and nods at Everest before his eyes shift between the two.

"So, how was the walk?"

"We almost drowned, but other than that it was great. Everest confessed to me." Marshall beams.

"Wait, really? I thought she was too chicken to do so!" Liberty exclaimed.

Skye flinched. "I might have told Liberty about your crush on Marshall." Everest glared at her for a second before laughing. "It's fine."

She approaches Skye, bending down to her ear. "So which one of them are you eyeing?"

Skye shoves her away with a blush on her face. "Oh stop it with that already, Everest."

Liberty winks. "I'll tell you later, Resty." Everest rolls her eyes.

"Did you hear, Rocky?! Everest and I are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Rocky smiles. "Yeah. I've heard."

"I can't wait for you, Rubble, and Chase to get girlfriends. Then we can talk about our girlfriends together!" Marshall grins, turning to Zuma. "Speaking of," a smirk adorns Marshall's face. "Wanna hang out, Zuma?"

Zuma beams. "You bet, bro!"

Everest smiles. In the end, it all worked out. Everest is now dating Marshall, and it's only a matter of time before Skye—or Liberty—tells her who she's got a crush on.

And even then, our troubles are only just beginning. Marshall bounced around Zuma. I have a feeling there's a lot more to this love thing than just confessing and being in love.

"Hey, look! It's my girlfriend!" Marshall wraps a paw around Everest. Everest smiles, blushing.

I wouldn't have it any other way.



Welcome one and all to the Evershall oneshot that won't get published in my ideas book of oneshots for romantic paw patrol stories.

Yes it's because I already have a cover for this story, so sorry.Or not if you don't care.

Anyway, thank you for reading. This story is another story inspired by myself. One who struggles to figure out how to confess while also wishing the guy would confess, but knowing it's harder for guys to get the yes answer.

And yes this is for those girls or guys who can't confess and want something to inspire them to confess. Or for anyone like me lacking in the Evershall department because it's always considered not nearly as cool as Skase.

Also this is a direct comment to my Miracles story. You know...a more response to how a Skase, Skubble, and Socky story can be accomplished without giving an actual ship. So if you want me to confirm a ship....i cannot.

I just let you pick apart the pieces and pick which ship you thought was going to be confirmed. Because fighting is annoying and I don't want to confirm anything if I like all three.

And hey if you think Skyberty won go ahead and leave a comment.

Actually leave a comment for which you think won because they all won. Congratulations. It doesn't matter anyways because only Zuxi and Evershall are canon in this story.

Uhmm...I'll end it with let me know your thoughts. Thanks again for reading! 🩵❤️

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