chapter 10

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Happy belated Birthday my Taetae 💕
You have taught me how to love myself,to be myself.
A Thankyou will be soo little for what you have given me.
I love you soo much my Taetae ❤️
Can't believe you will now be 26 years old.
May you get everything you wish to have.
I wish you a happy, healthy and a prosperous life ahead.
Happy 26th birthday Kim Tae Hyung.


Back to the story.

Next was a Monday morning,

Today Jeon's Mansion was little quiet as The Jeon Jungkook was still sleeping but the Jeon's were on their own individual missions.

Firstly, Eun-hi ssi was the one who woke up and assigned the maid to do their works. She decided to meet the boy in the Bakery and some what get to know him better.

It was currently 7:35am, Eun-hi ssi decided to leave the house in 10 mins when her husband and her older son came downstairs.

"Eun you are up? And that too dressed?" asked Heejae.

" Are you going somewhere mom?" asked Namjoon.

Eun-hi ssi doesn't want them to know this early as she herself needs to know taehyung better before introducing him to her family.

"Umm, yes I wanted to try this pastry soo I decided to go to the bakery." She lied.

Namjoon and Heejae-ssi looked at eachother and then nodded.

" Okay bring me a cheese cake pastry too" said Heejae.

" Okay. Joonie do you want something too?" Asked Eunhi.

" No mom .............and mom I forgot to tell you I will be taking half day as I want to visit a friend of mine so don't pack lunch for me." replied Namjoon.

" Eun my friends and I too decided to have a lunch date as one of my friend's daughter's wedding is planned and he wanted to give the invitation personally."
Said Heejae-ssi.

Both of them lied and they both had other plans and didn't want it to be exposed this early.

"Okay" said Eunhi-ssi and went out of their home towards the bakery.

Taehyung on the other hand was in the bakery before time as he made a deal with the owner that he will come early and work more in order to earn more.

As it was early in the morning he and one girl who was his coworker was both alone in the bakery when the bell rang of the door indicating the arrival of a customer.

" Good morning mam" said Tae.

" Good morning Taehyung." Said Eunhi.

Taehyung was a little happy that she remembered his name.

" What would you like to have mam?" asked tae.

" Oh please Stop with this mam thing call me aunty or better call me mom" she said and winked at tae.

This shocked tae a little and decided to call her aunty.

" Aunty" tae said while smiling a little.

" Mom would be better but eventually you will. For now aunty is good." Said Eunhi smiling widely.

"Huh" confused tae replied.

" Nothing hun, I would like to have a shoe pastry to eat and a cheese cake pastry parcel please." Eunhi ordered.

"Umm okay it will be ready in 5-7 min ma- aunty. Please have a sit." Said Tae and informed the girl about the order.

With that the girl went inside and left taehyung and Eunhi alone.

Eunhi decided it was better now to get to know him more.

" Umm taehyung can you please help me find a good place?" Asked Eunhi.

"Sure aunty." Said Tae and left his cashier desk and went to help her.

After reaching a table near the window far away from the service counter, Eun-hi sat down.

"If you don't mind can you company me ?? I don't like to sit alone." Said Eunhi.

" Umm aunty I am on my duty right now I can't sorry-" tae was cut.

" Don't say sorry. I would really appreciate if you sit with me." Eunhi insisted.

He didn't want to hurt aunty in the morning so with no choice left he agreed. Taehyung sat down too in front of Eunhi.

Eunhi was now excited to ask questions and too know more about her future son in law if everything went well.

" Son are you married?"

This sudden question made Taehyung slightly jump from his sit and stare and Eunhi.

" Umm aunty why would you like to know?" asked tae while trying not to sound rude.

"For my son" said Eunhi in her mind.

" Just curious." Said Eunhi-ssi.

" Oh-okay No aunty I am not married."

" Any plans on marriage?"

"Umm Yaa maybe in future." Said Taehyung as his current goal is his hyung's health.


"He is soo polite and humble PERFECT for guk." Said Eunhi in her mind.

There was a silent atmosphere between them early in the morning, that's when the girl brought Eunhi-ssi's order to her table.

" Any Boyfriend??" Asked Eunhi again after the girl left.

" Sorry?" Tae said as he was confused as to why this lady is suddenly asking him about his personal life.

"No aunty" said tae innocently.

" Had one before?" Asked Eunhi again.

Now taehyung was slightly becoming irritated. If anyone that too stranger starts asking you your personal life continuosly it becomes irritable.

" No I am single. I don't do relationships."

" Ohh " said Eunhi as her mind had started her own thought process.

"I have my son too. He is also at the age of marriage. Would you like to meet him?" Said Eunhi.

Now taehyung understood what Eunhi-ssi was trying to do.

" Oh I am sorry mam. But I have other responsibilities and goals to achieve too. Soo what ever you are thinking can't be done. I am sorry if I sound rude. Please enjoy your pastry and collect the parcel from the counter. Thankyou." Taehyung said as he stood up, bowed to Eunhi and left from there.

This reply made Eun-hi sad. She just wanted to know more about taehyung but she indirectly asked Taehyung to marry her son which was a little weird to tae.

"Now what should I do??" Eunhi thought as he ate her pastry and after some time took the parcel and went home to think about other methods to approach Tae.

She was confirmed that Only Taehyung will be her son in law and marry Jungkook but she need to work her way out to convince tae.

Taehyung was a little bit of annoyed as too why some strange lady Would be intrested in his personal life.

" Don't think too much Tae we have soo many responsibilities on our shoulders."

With that Taehyung started to work and took other customers orders.

Inside the Jeon's mansion,

The younger Jeon had woke up. Jimin entered his room.

" Guk you woke up? " Asked Jimin.

" Do I look asleep to you hyung?" Asked Jungkook as he was annoyed.

Sensing the tone of Jungkook Jimin decide to be little careful with his words or Jungkook will again say something bad to him.

" Sorry guk should I make bath for you?" asked Jimin calmly.

" Oh yes please a hot one." Guk said.

Jungkook had a bad dream about his past where he was again living his past and experiencing the same things that happened in past in his dream which made his mood a little rude, angry and annoyed.

After 7-10mins Jungkook was in the bath tub having a warm bath. He kept his head back and decided to relax. He closed his eyes but again the dream came.

In his dream,

" Meet Lee Yerin"

"Jeon Jungkook."
" Listen to me guk please"

" Hyung i know her.

"she is saying THE TRUTH."
"She is moving to........ "
" We are over."

The words did something to Jungkook. He drive at a very high speed...........and BOOM.

The car crashed with other car and he fell out on the road with bleeding head and his half body inside the car.

As the image of car crashing made its way towards his mind, Jungkook opened his eyes and was hyper-ventilating.

He roamed his eyes here and there to find himself in the warm bath tube realising that it was only a dream but a real life past experience.

" It's was just a dream. Calm down Jungkook, calm down." Said guk to himself.

That day he realised that someone was right and decided to blame someone else.

Jungkook took the bath and went downstairs. There he meet with the scene of his hyung and father having breakfast.

" Morning hyung" he greeted.

"Morning guk" replied Namjoon and averted his eyes back to the news paper.

" Good morning guk" said Heejae ssi in hope that his son while reply him.

But to his bad luck the reply never came.

Sighing Heejae ssi decided to talk to his older son.

"Joon how is work in the office?"

"It's good dad don't worry." Replied Namjoon.

" All he care is about work." Guk's mind said.

Guk chuckled a little thinking about how his father only thinks about work not about his sons.

"Dad now I will be leaving okay. I need to attend a meeting. Bye dad. Bye guk." Said Namjoon.

" Bye hyung" said guk while smiling at his hyung.

Both the Jeon's were left alone which one hated and other felt a opportunity.

" How is every-" Heejae was cut by his own son.

" LENA where is mom?" Jungkook somewhat yelled as he clearly doesn't want to talk to his dad.

Lena is one of the trusted maid who is working there from a long time.

" Master she went to Bakery. She will be arriving any time now." Said lena.

"Okay" said Jungkook and there layed a quite silence.

Heejae clearly saw that Jungkook doesn't want to talk but still his fatherly instinct said that he should try again.

Clearing his throat he said, " how are you guk? How is your health? Any improvement?"

Jungkook again chukled and looked up towards his dad and said," why you care now huh?"

" I care because I am your dad guk. Can't I ask?" Said Heejae-ssi somewhat hurt by his younger son's behaviour.

" No you can't. You lost that a long time ago." Said guk.

" But guk I am-" now Heejae-ssi was cut by his wife.

" Hey I am home guys." Said Eunhi-ssi.

In Min's residence,

Monday morning was different for the couple. Hoseok and Yoongi aren't married but they are in a live-in relationship.

Hoseok was cooking breakfast as yoongi wokeup late as they both stayed late as they again went to meet Jin to give him dinner and came late from the hospital.

Hoseok was cooking simple breakfast of toasted bread and scrambled eggs when a pair of arms encircled his waist and a head was layed on his shoulder.

" Morning babe" said Yoongi in his husky voice.

" Morning my love" replied hoseok as he turned off the stove and turned around.

Yoongi kissed hoseok deeply as it was their morning routine. After their little intimate moment they both broke the kiss and hugged eachother.

They both are a little tensed from 2 days. The Jeon's plan for Jungkook, Jin hyung's sudden heart attack, Taehyung working extra, Jin hyung's surgery and all was soo stressful for them as both guk and tae are important persons.

" Do you think the same as I am yoongs" mumbled hoseok as he was hugging yoongi tightly.

" Hmm" was the only reply yoongi gave.

" Will he accept?" asked hoseok.

" I don't know hoba. Jungkook is a good boy for Taehyung. And if Taehyung agrees his life will definitely change. And if it does I will do anything to make tae agree." Said yoongi.

" I hope so" said hoseok still hugging yoongi tightly.

Sorry for the late update as I was in my village where the internet frequency was very low.

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