Chapter 19

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Jungkook just came back from his  "spider man" movie which he saw with Kevin.

Upon entering their living room jungkook noticed that his mom, dad and hyung were sitting there just like they were waiting for somebody.

" You came baby" said Eunhi ssi.

" Yes mom"

" How was the movie guk?" Asked his hyung.

Upon hearing that his hyung was interested in knowing the story of movie jungkook got excited.

" Oh god hyung that was one of the awesome movie. You know-" Jungkook's rambling was cut by his father.

" Talk about the movie afterwards we wanted to talk to you about a important topic. Get fresh, have some dinner and come in your hyung's study room."  While saying this Heejae ssi stood up and went towards the study room.

Jungkook glanced at his hyung and his hyung nodded. Noticing it was some serious stuff, he quietly went inside the kitchen,had dinner.

As he was walking towards the study room Namjoon called from behind.


" Yess hyung" said guk while turning around.

" Guk whatever dad is gonna talk about please listen to it with a open mind and with a thought of better future. Okay??"

Jungkook noticed the serious look on his hyung's face and nodded his head.

They both went inside the study room to notice his dad and mom sitting on the chairs beside the table.

They both sat on the sofa and Eun-hi ssi started.

" See guk whatever your dad is gonna say don't react immediately. Think about it first okay?" Said Eunhi-ssi.

Now Jungkook somewhat knew what they were gonna discuss.

" Is it about the marriage thing with that soo called taehyung boy??"

This shocked the other 3 Jeons. They weren't expecting this news to come directly from jungkook.

" If soo my answer is Noo" declared Jungkook.

" Jungkook!!" Said Heejae-ssi.

" Baby don't say No Directly please." Said Eunhi-ssi.

" Guk atleast listen to their explanation." Said Namjoon.

Jungkook just looked aside not wanted to see his parents.

Upon noticing Jungkook not saying anything Namjoon motioned his parents through eyes to continue.

Heejae-ssi and Eunhi-ssi told every story to Jungkook. Taehyung working 4 jobs, his hyung's surgery, about the deal and all.

" So you think me, my life as a deal a FUCKING DEAL???" Now Jungkook was raising his voice.

"Guk-" said Eunhi-ssi.

" NO MOM please. This man right here" jungkook pointed at his father.

" He only knows how to ruin my life. He is doing it now just like he did in the past."

" Now he is introducing this Taehyung boy to me just like he introduced Yerin."

" How can a boy agree for the marriage huh?? He doesn't even know me"

" Hyung I am telling he just wants money for his hyung's surgery nothing else. This soo called pure and calmed persons are the one evil souls." Said Jungkook.

Namjoon said nothing. He let his brother talk out first.

" I am not agreeing to this marriage."

"Guk" Eunhi-ssi was now on the verge of crying.

" No mom I will not agree to this marriage. If he wants money give him money your so called husband has. Why are you wasting my life?? It's already Alot wasted."

" Did he know I am half paralyzed or this man didn't even told him that's why he agreed??"

" If he will know he will say Noo." Jungkook said.

" Guk please this maybe the last chance to cure your life, to bring it back to track." Please guk. Said Heejae-ssi.

"Don't act like you care mr.Jeon. Please." Said Jungkook.

" Guk please just for me accept this. His hyung's really needs the surgery. He is also a good boy, he will never leave you baby. He is caring, beautiful, lovable guk" said his mom.

" Taehyung isn't like the one you are thinking guk" said Namjoon.

" We met him today. He seemed perfect for you guk." Said Heejae-ssi.

" He can be the change, the miracle for you guk, for your life." Said Eunhi-ssi convincing her son.

" Here see him" said Eunhi-ssi wiping her tears and showing Taehyung's picture.

Jungkook just glanced at it. Oh he is soo beautiful but his mind kept on telling him not to fall for the looks. Heart matters.

Looks can always betray but the heart can't.

"See jungkook about the past i have already apologized if not I am sorry but please atleast accept his." Said Heejae-ssi.

Now Jungkook was beyond pissed as they were continuosly pressuring him to say yess.

"I.will.never.say.yes.NEVER." said Jungkook while pushing his wheelchair towards the door. He left the 3 there alone.

Eunhi was again worried about her son and his future. Heejae ssi was again feeling that he failed to he a good father to his son. And Namjoon was helpless.

Jungkook came outside in the balcony to feel the fresh air. His hands on the railing and his head down.

His legs layed there lifeless attached to his body. How he imagines if he wasn't involved in the accident his life would be different now.

Because of him his mother is suffering of constant embarassment from her friends. His hyung gave up on his own carrer to be the CEO.

As he was thinking about this all someone kept their hand on his shoulder.

" You shouldn't be here hyung" said Jungkook while his head was still casted downwards.

Jungkook was soo sure it was his hyung because even where he use to be sad and come to this balcony his hyung would always follow him here.

Namjoon was soo attached to his brother from the day jungkook was born. He always wanted a sibling which he got soo who was he to left his brother alone in his sadness.

" Guk" said Namjoon.

Jungkook turn around and faced his hyung. Namjoon Crouched down and sat in the floor. His hands on the thighs of jungkook.

" Guk atleast listen to me just for once. Hmm??" Asked Namjoon.

Jungkook loves his hyung to death soo he can't avoid him when his hyung was asking.

" Hmm"

" As you know his story guk. Will you let a person die ?? He is all doing this for his hyung. Just like you don't know him he too doesn't know you. He always wanted to wait for his true love but now he is ready to marry you. He doesn't care about you being half paralyzed."

" He just wants his hyung to be fine."

" If-if you agree to this marriage. I-i will try to achieve my carrer, my goals again." Said Namjoon.

This made Jungkook's eyes widen. From past 4 yrs he was convencing his hyung to persue his carrer but Namjoon would change to topic.

His hyung gave up his carrer of wanting to an Artist. How his hyung use to tell the small jungkook that he wanted to an artist. How excited he use to be telling guk about his Career.

But now because of him Namjoon can't achieve it. He has saw his hyung coming very late at night from the meetings heck he doesn't even come home sometimes. How his hyung travells alot for their business which would be soo hectic for anyone.

If his hyung is telling this that he will try to achieve his goals only if. Jungkook agrees. Who is Jungkook to say no right?? Can't he do this for his hyung??

" Just think about it guk. Take your time and tell us in the morning your answer" said Namjoon.

As Namjoon was turning to leave, guk grabbed his hand and halted him.

" I-i am ready to marry him hyung only if you will leave being CEO and achieve you dream to be a n Artist. If you promise me that I will marry him." Said Jungkook.

I can do anything for you hyung.

Namjoon turned around and immediately hugged guk. Namjoon smiled showing his dimples. Guk hugged his back too smiling knowing his hyung will be happy.

" Omg you don't know how happy you made me guk." Said Namjoon cause he know this last option can bring back his bubble guk.

" If you are happy hyung j will do anything." Said Jungkook.

Namjoon broke the hug and said," tell mom dad tomorrow morning. It's pretty late now. Let me take you to your room."

Jungkook hummed. With that being said Namjoon pushed Jungkook's wheelchair and brought him to his room.

" Good night my bro."

" Good night hyung."

With that Namjoon closed the door and walked towards his room.

"Sorry hyung but even if I agree to this marriage, he won't leave in peace here."

" If he would have said No this won't be happening. Now that he said yess he have to pay for it."

" He won't escape from my anger now. He will suffer here and I will make sure of it." Said Jungkook.

But not knowing that someone else heard what he just said now.

" Good baby. Don't worry I will help you in that. You are mine and no one can take you away from me baby. Love you my love." Said the unknown person.


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