Chapter 2

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Morning for Taehyung was not at all a good morning. He woke up after just having slept for 4.5hrs to his brother washing the last night utensils. Taehyung was a light sleeper. He use to woke up with the slightest sound of voice.

when he walked out of his room he saw his hyung washing with soo much difficulty. he quickly ran towards him and said,

" Hyung what are you doing? didn't i said not to do any of the household work. I will do it after my job. Then why are stressing yourself?"

Taehyung took the dishwasher and the dishwashing liquid bottle from his hand and forcefully took his hyung back to his hyung's bedroom.

" Did you take your medicines? NO right? I knew why you do this hyung? huh? Now sit down on the bed and wait i will bring the medicines and a glass of water."

" Taebear wait I-" Jin was cut as taehyung was already out of his room towards the kitchen.

Jin sighed and rested his head on the headboard.

The pain was there in his heart still he tried to do the utensils. slowly slowly the pain was becoming unbearable. but how can he just put all the load on his lil brother's shoulder.

His brother was already doing 4 jobs at the same time with all the household chores, talking care of him, visiting doctor's monthly checkup and so on.

" Here hyung"

Jin took the medicines and gulped it down through his throt.

" What was the reason you tried to do utensils hyung? didn't i told you not to? then why?" Tae asked.

" Teabear i was just trying to help you knowing you are soo tried from yesterday's work." jin replied.

" Hyung what if i wouldn't have woken up and the heavy load of work might do something- No No the thought itself scares me hyung." " And why are you not taking your medicines on time?

" Sorry Tae i forgot." jin said.

Jin actually did not forgot, he purposely stopped taking his medicines. according to him if he die taehyung can focus on himself rather than helping and taking care of his sick and no to use brother.
Taehyung can achieve his dreams and would not stop his future for his hyung. 

" Okay hyung please take it on time. i have only you left to share my life with after mom-dad's death-" taehyung stopped as he recalled the memories of 5 years ago.

" Wish i would have died too with them" Jin mumbled under his breath thinking his brother didn't heard but to his bad luck Taehyung did.

" Hyung don't you love me?"Tae said while getting emotional.

" Yes baby i love you so much. why suddenly?" Jin asked.

" Then why are you always say-saying you want to die huh? Am i not talking care of you pro-properly, am i causing any trou-trouble huh? am i not a good bro-brother huh? Do you think my love is not sufficient-" Taehyung crying said but was stopped by the sudden hug.

" Shuh taebaby you are already doing everything to keep me in good condition but i am being a burden to you, to your goals, to your carrer. if i wasn't there you would have achieved something good in your life. you deserve better baby, you deserve love." Jin said while crying to because he is the daily witness to his brother's struggle.

" HYUNG, ple-please don't say that. you are no-not a burden. you are my hyung my-my best hyung i love you soo-soo much hyung. i can do anything for you to stay with me. As if you die i will die too hyung." Tae replied crying which widen his hyung's eyes. Jin broke the hug, cupped Taehyung's face and said,

" No baby don't say like that. okay I will take my medicines properly okay? and if you are there will you let your hyung die no right? soo No hyung will never leave you okay?? Now calm down taebaby." 

"Hmm, NEVER." with that Taehyung again tightly hugged his hyung like his life depends on that hug. indeed currently his life is his hyung.

Afteer hugging like for ages both brothers broke the hug and Taehyung layed Seokjin down and went outside his brother's room.

" It's now 6:45am. I can't sleep now. I have to do the household work, get fresh and open the bakery at 8:00am."

He had only slept for 4.5hrs because he came back really late and then too had to cook dinner for both of them and then attend his night clg.

As you can see even if he has soo many responsibility, 4jobs to work for still he isn't compromising his dreams.

He dreams to be the best article writer/ editor for the top news paper in korea
" Voice of koreans" because he believes that every voice should be heard and recognise be it poor, rich, experienced, inexperienced, employed, unemployed ,youth, old aged,of any race, colour, gender identity.

" You have to do it not for yourself but atleast for your hyung. Taehyung Life goes on, let's live on."

With that thought he started his not so good morning to change it in an awesome day.

On the other hand,

Jungkook directly woke up next morning skipping his dinner.

He woke to a good headache due to excessive crying from yesterday. He only shows his vulnerable side to his mom and hyung.

Jungkook sat on the bed holding his head when a knock was heard on his door,

" Master did you woke up? ", a maid said.

Jungkook didn't replied to her and started crawling to the edge of the bed in order to get to his wheel chair.

" Master should I inform madam that you woke up or should I fill the tub for your bath or should I set the breakfast or should I-" maid was stopped my a sudden shout or you can say yell.


" But Mast-"

" I  SAID GET THE FUCK LOST, CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" jungkook again shouted.

hearing his yelling Eun-hi ssi and Hee Jae ssi Jungkook's mom and dad came running towards his room.

" What happened Son why are shouting early in the morning?" His dad asked to which Jungkook didn't reply.

He just stared at his mother. Upon noticing this awkward interaction his mother spoke,

" What happen gukk? Why are you yelling again?" His mom asked.

" Mom please fire her" said while pointing his hand towards the new maid standing there while her head casted downwards. She was new, appointed 3days ago, knew nothing about her master's behaviour.

" Okay gukk but can i know the reason?" His mom asked calmly.

" I don't like her that's all. Just fire her." Jungkook said irritatedly.

"But baby she-" Eun-hi ssi got cut when her son shouted at her.

" MOM NOW YOU TOO CAN'T UNDERSTAND OR WHAT?? HUH?? HEY YOU LOOK UP." Jungkook said no no yelled and said first to his mom then to that maid.

The said maid looked up who was slightly crying.


The maids eye's widen and she started apologizing.

" Jungkook listen-" his mom tried to make him understand.

"No mom-" Jungkook was cut by his father.

" Behave yourself Jungkook this is my home you are living in and try to control your anger. Don't be rude to everybody and listen to me. Lia go downstairs and do other work." He said to the maid lia.

Lia said sorry again and went outside the room.

Jungkook chukled and said to his dad staring right into his eyes,

" Wow Heejae-ssi after soo many years too you are still the same, always trying to control me and force your words on me. But understand this I am no more that 'always listening Jungkook.' Now your sayings doesn't affect me. Because of you I am like this. NO NO it's my fault that I listened to you even if I don't want to. Good Heejae-ssi you won. It's all because of YOU. I HATE YOU DAD I TRULY DO. Please let me live the handful of life I have left alone. PLEASE."

with that said Jungkook rolled his wheelchair with his hands and went towards the inbuilt lift made for him to go upwards and downwards.

Heejae ssi was broke by what his son said to him and fell down on his knees. Eun-hi ssi hurriedly ran towards her husband and kneel infront of him.

" Eun I lost my so-son.............. He doesn't lov-love me anymore. He said right it's my fau-fault......... it's-its my-my..........."

Eunhi-ssi hurriedly hugged her husband.He was crying now because parents will listen to others blabbering bad about them, can take their yellings but they broke completely when their own blood and flesh, their own child says he hates them.

" No jae it's not alone your fault. It's mine too. Only and only if we hadn't force him, we would have the old jungkook with us." Eun-hi ssi also slightly cried.


What do you think why Jungkook hates his dad?

Bakery is one of the job Taehyung does what do you think what will be other 3?

Share your honest thoughts please. It makes me motivated to write.

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Thankyou ❤️

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