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package Student;


import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;



 * @author QuocViet


public class Student implements Serializable {

    private int sCode;

    private String sName;

    private int sBirth;

    private String sNote;

    public Student(int sCode, String sName, int sBirth, String sNote) {

        this.sCode = sCode;

        this.sName = sName;

        this.sBirth = sBirth;

        this.sNote = sNote;


    public Student() {


    public int getsBirth() {

        return sBirth;


    public void setsBirth(int sBirth) {

        this.sBirth = sBirth;


    public int getsCode() {

        return sCode;


    public void setsCode(int sCode) {

        this.sCode = sCode;


    public String getsName() {

        return sName;


    public void setsName(String sName) {

        this.sName = sName;


    public String getsNote() {

        return sNote;


    public void setsNote(String sNote) {

        this.sNote = sNote;



    public boolean validate()


        //sName phai co nhieu hon 5 ki tu

        if(this.sName.length() <= 5)


            System.out.println("Name must have more than 5 letters");

            return false;


        //sBirth phai co 4 ki tu

        Pattern sB = Pattern.compile("\\d{4}");

        Matcher B = sB.matcher(String.valueOf(this.sBirth));

        if(!B.matches()) {

            System.out.println("Birth must consists of 4 digits");

            return false;


        //sBirth phai > 1982

        if(sBirth <= 1982) {

            System.out.println("Birth must > 1982");

            return false;


        return true;



    public String toString()


        return this.getsCode()+"\t"+this.getsName()+"\t"+this.getsBirth()+"\t"+this.getsNote();





public interface IStudent {

    //Them 1 Student vao ArrayList

    public boolean add(Student No);

    //Xoa 1 Student thong qua sCode

    public boolean delete(int sCode);

    //Tra ve mang Student co tuoi lon hon Num

    public ArrayList<Student> getList(int num);

    //Hien thi thong tin cua mot mang Student

    public void display(ArrayList<Student> list);

    //Save Student cua mang ArrayList vao text file

    public boolean save(String fileName);

    public void SortAndDisplay();

    public void read(String fileName);

    public void search(int num);


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