Kiss Them Good-bye

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(PART 1)

Kiss them Good-bye

for the hurt pain and hate they put you through, you need to leave the toxic that call themselves your 'blood family',

but 'family' should not try to brain wash you, just to become a pretty Puppet doll for the 'families' use,

'Blood' means nothing when it comes to these ties and tiles, they use that as a 'insurance policies' if anything were to fall,

if a 'family' can't all admit and at lest try to put in the effort to change, they are not worth the time or day,

but they scream and shout for the the spot light they crave, they would kill for it lie for it and even hurt others to the point of destroying their opponents minds with a smile lite on their faces and no regard of how others may feel,

then when they don't like the lighting and colour they blame others for their own incompetence and actions, do not be fooled that's not family, that's a toxic and ugly disease that you don't need,

then when denied what they want they try to hurt or cripple others, they through a tantrum and a fit just to 'make a point',

but does not want to face the consequences of their action 'n' wants because of the inconvenience to themselves, pushing them to others and watch the show and wait for your break just to laughs at you and the others,

that's why you need to leave and never turn back, that's why you...

Kiss Them Good-bye

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