New Gate: Thus The JSDF Fought There Idea

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Here are some new ideas if I added the Gate anime to my Neo-Axis series.

#1 (Optional)

I love ArmyGroupCenter's story that I decided to add this to my Neo-Axis series. However there will be some creative liberties taken including the Main Clone Character having a name and the Bad Batch don't exist in this universe.

According to ArmyGroupCenter himself, the Galatic Republic and the Earth Nations war ended in a statemate but it was a major defeat for the Japanese. He says that the Republic shot one of their citizens and the Galactic Senate wanted to punish those responible. The Glactic Senate acts similar to the Roman Senate where the oligarchs are too afraid and react violently if they oppose their influence or positions. I'm sorry ArmyGroupCenter if I have misinterpeted why this was a Japanese defeat.


This idea was recommended by AdikpogideMesa himself who suggusts that the Avatar universe should be in Korra's time instead and I agree.

This is where Gate: Thus The Grand Clone Army the Republic Fought Here! arc will diverge from ArmyGroupCenter's timeline. In this timeline, a new Gate opens up to a Third world of the Avatar universe. The Imperial Republic and their closest Earth nations (excluding the United States due to them distrusting the Imperial Republic. Not Anti-American by the way) sent an expedition force to discover this world. They discover the nations of the Avatar world during Book 4 and assited Avatar Korra and his allies and defeated the Earth Empire.

Now the Imperial Republic and most of the Earth nations have diplomatic relations toward the United Republic of Nations while trying to improve the conditions for the ones living in the Avatar world. However unknownst to both the Imperial Republic and its allies, the Neo-Axis are watching from behind and have give the United States of this universe a chance to not only win superitory over all the Earth Nations but also the Imperial Republic. They staged flaseflag attacks to make it look like they were staged by either the Imperial Republic or the United States.

Emperor Palatine also tasked his Darth Vader to kill this universe Emperor Vader and his family, believing that only he and his empire are the True Galactic Empire.

However the MEF also happened to be somewhere and after getting world of a massive plot, they must stop it, no matter the cost.

Characters of the Gate Universe: (Only OCs. They are all based on ArmyGroupCenter's OCs. They might have the same name with the exception of the main Clone Character but they may not have the same personality. Note they might not make it to the final cut). (If you want more info, I recommanded reading his amazing book and the character bios.)

*Commander Ryder (Based on (Y/N). I gave him a name since using (Y/N) would be werid. Just saying. He also has some mutations that makes him stand out from the other clones. ArmyGroupCenter can you tell me what they are.)

*BX-1 Unit 6537


*Natalie Brinwid (Sorry if I couldn't find the right image for her looks ArmyGroupCenter. I happen to have a hard time finding that picture)

*Luna Hearpont

*Miss Smith

#3 (Optional)

I also happen to be inspired by ussamerica2018 and VKR123 and I thought of maybe adding some Cold War-era factions into the Gate universe. It's only an option and it will contain different characters.

#4 (Optional)

I also love xjames2001 where he has these remment Axis factions go to the Gate universe. Creative liberties will be taken. The Neo-Axis once they discover these remments decides to convince their scientists and supporters that they are better off with their factions than the ones they saw as weak. It only a concept idea.

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