Wolfenstein In Special Region Concept Idea

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Warning: Two arts are from xjames2001. I'll have to remove it if he gets pretty angry with me. I only put it here to show what my concept idea will be if I put it in the series and to give everyone a better understanding. Keep in mind they won't make it to the final stage. Also there will be some details that won't be proper for younger viewers.

I happen got some interest in xjames2001's "Wolfenstein In The Special Region" story arc and I thought of adding it to my series. However there will be some creative liberties from his story including adding BJ Blazkowicz's daugthers. I have only read a bit of the story and I'll try to read more when I have time. If everyone has some ideas, you are free to express it in the comments as more ideas can allow the story idea to become more interesting.

Here the overall plot: (Note some of these ideas might not make it to the final story arc)

Just like xjames2001, William Joseph Blazkowicz (Takes place after The New Colossus but will take a different turn from Youngblood) is teleported into the Special Region along with a Panzerhund which he then reprograms (It's from his story) where he links up with the United Nations (and optional, the Imperial Republic, Cold War era United Nations, and United Republic of Nations) and reveals that he is from a world where the Nazis won World War 2 with powerful technology of Da'at Yichud. There he will form the American Resistance along with his new allies then planned a coalition to take back his universe from the Nazis or so he thought. Because Hans Von Heinkels would peacefully overthrow the weak reich and convincing many of its soldiers and Aryan people to join the more powerful Germannia Reich in a similar fashion to Napoleon's return from Elba and how he was able to rally back support of the French people. He did this by showing of both him and his alliance's acheviement on his conquest of the Omniverse thus convincing everyone that they are better off with the Neo-Axis

Here are some videos to give you some ideas:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

For the Nazi characters from the inspired story arc from xjames2001, they will have the same name, look, and some of their personalities. After Hans von Heinkels peacefully overthrown the weak reich and annex the former Third Reich into the more powerful Germannia Reich, the main Nazi characters of the story arc either join the new reich or chose to joined the Coalition (they're still committed to the Nazi cause, just trciking the coalition that they defected) or simply are eliminated by the New Reich.
Then the Germannia Reich and its allies either staged flase attacks on the coalition which one faction/countries accuse each other of attacking the others while Neo-Axis undercover agents gather important information on their military units and info they can use or launch a suprise offensive with the element of suprise or a combination of both. The Germannia Reich will attack the Modern Day Earth and parts of the Special Region, the Raijingudoragon Empire invades the Avatar World, Fascist Roman Empire the rest of the Special Regions, Axiscons conquer the areas full of Energon and Cybertronian technologies left from a long ago, and the Galactic Empire (Anyone want to come up with a better name to show how John's Universe of Emperor Palatine is now aligned with the Neo-Axis and will destroy all alternate versions of his empire and himself who he viewed as weaklings) invade the Imperial Republic under Emperor Vader.
Many of the coalition's forces are hit pretty hard and many units are destroyed. Not even William Joseph Blazkowicz and the American Resistance didn't stood a chance as they are being wiped out although they do put up a good fight. They will also be shock at the brutality of the Imperial Dragon Army that makes all the Nazi brutality they seen as tames and a child (even if they did cruel experiment or experiments). William Joseph Blazkowicz is captured by the Neo-Axis (you are free to suggust any ideas how BJ Blazkowicz should get captured because I feel like in the previous books, I think he went down too easily and I want to make him feel more like the one we played as). With the greatest Nazi menace captured, the Neo-Axis leaders decide they should analyze him to better understand his strategies and tatics so they can crush the OEF while ensuring he suffers a lot and once they are done with him, they will shoot him in the head. Luckily the OEF (with information from Shino Kuribayashi who was able to escape from a death march similar to the Bataan Death March but more brutal) are planning Operation Wolfenstein to rescue Terror Billy and the other prisoners.

Also inspired by xjames2001's "Multiverse V Wolfenstein", there will be characters from their universes teleported to the Wolfenstein Universe (after Terror Billy destroyed the portal which sents him to the Special Region) where they have to surivie not only the Nazi characters but also the Nazi allies (who would unfortunately be wiped out when the Germannia Reich takes over).
Many characters are changed for different ones though some are the same. When the OEF gets word of potineal aid of other universes, they sent a task force to rescue them.


*William Joseph Blazkowicz (Terror Billy)

*Anya Oliwa-Blazkowicz (Wife of BJ and mother of Jess and Soph)

*Zofia "Soph" Blazkowicz and Jessie "Jes" Blazkowicz (Daugthers of William Joseph Blazkowicz. William Joseph Blazkowicz is teleported into the Special Region instead of geing captured in Youngblood. They will soon discover the fate of their father soon).

*Abby Walker

*Set Roth (A German Jewish Scientist)

*American Resistance soldier (Made from xjames2001. I might have to remove it soon. This is only to give everyone some ideas what the American Resistance soldiers would look like)

*BJ Blazkowicz's Panzerhund Pet (he won't make it to the final cut but this is only an idea. Also how did Terror Billy reprogram him to be loyal to him and the resistance xjames2001? Just a question)

(Optional for the Wolfenstein V Multiverse inspired story arc)

*Master Chief

*Booker Dewitt


*Mane 8

*Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex (They are from a different universe, not John's universe)

(Got any more characters who should be part of the group in Wolfenstein Universe, leave it in the comments. This story arc might not make it to the final arc).

Addtional Notes: Okay this may cause an outrage or anger towards fans of Wolfenstein or just love killing Nazis but I Really Dislike The Generic Fully Good Hero Vs Fully Evil Villian Trope. I have no intention of causing a poltico outcry or promoting propaganda or anything but only as an expression. It's not really following reality and ignores the true Grey Reality. Here is what the media likes to protray American as Fully Heroic while protraying the Nazis as fully evil inhumane monsters. Now there are some media that shows the Grey Truth of Reality (can you give me some examples).

You can clearly see this around the Media a lot. The reason I think we do these Good vs Evil tropes a lot is because we want to be in our own world where we can vote for the good guys. It wouldn't be fun for the heroes to commit a crime or have evil but in real life, this isn't the case.

In real life, there are no such thing as a good guy or a bad guy, only factions who commit their own war crimes. It is said that "History is written by the victors" and it does hold some truths. Although there's a video that's says that history is not written by the victors.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(While this video in confusing or not hold water, I want everyone to be aware of it and research everything thenselves to get a better understanding)

Reality is more complex than what we think it is. The figures we look up to might have a dark secret or figures we view as evil might have a good side.

Wolfenstein is like some Good Heroic American vs Evil Monster Nazis story. I'm not saying the game series is terrible or anything, it's a great story and good enteriment but I feel like William Joseph Blazkowicz and the resistances are 100% heroic and the Nazis are like 100% evil. I don't hate BJ Blazkowicz, he's a great character and so are the others but I get the feeling that they don't know about the true reality nor the Allies (they see as good guys) sometimes tend to commit their own war crimes and hide them from the public. Now maybe they are aware that reality is actually grey (can you let me know what bad things they did because I didn't play any of the games but doing what I can to be faithful to the source material as possible and not offend any Wolfenstein fans such as xjames2001, Annoywriter42, and others) I'm only trying to show the true reality.

I might have C.Miller show William Joseph Blazkowicz the true reality including the brutality of the Japanese Army, how some American troops raped women, and take Japanese body parts as trophies thus BJ Blazkowicz could open his eyes to the true reality that there aren't good guys or bad guys, only losers whose crimes are exposed.

This is sort of a bit too extreme but I have no intention of hurting everyone. Those sources I provide you might be false but you need to question, "did that happened in real life?". Maybe but research the best you can. You don't have to believe me or not do it, but I only want to open people's minds in how Reality works. That's well I'm more of a Grey side writer than the false Good vs Evil writers.

We can't make everything perfect in real life, there must be the light and dark for nature to be balanced. Just try to avoid what is happening right now but know your history.

See you all soon.

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