AP stuff chronologically (more important Alter stuff pffftjdksj)

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Hang onto your wigs and socks folks. I ain't done yet.

For AP, I focused on Meadow's side of the story. Here's everything together, and in order.

Plus some explainations.

^ Amiel's design is based on the dragons from eastern mythology. His wings are based on the idea that archangels have multiple wings.

^ Sika is literally just a sika deer.

^ Dawn of a new kingdom

Note: Amiel's design before Sika creates the kingdom of Ni'Evera is now inaccurate. Instead of having eyes that represent the colors of the other Farr Demons, his eyes would have been orange. It's only later that they change.

That's why the gems in the crown the king and queen wear are orange and white. They represent Amiel. Amiel created the Ribau (the species Sika and Meadow and all of them are) so it's kinda them showing their respect.

^ Meadow looks at the portraits of her first ancestors in the hallway of Ribau.

Guess we're all gonna ignore that Rue is in the second portrait. I'm sure she isn't important.
Actually, she shouldn't be that early in the family tree, but I wanted to make it clear that she is an ancestor for Meadow. She doesn't show up until several more generations after Sika.

^ Meadow and Void leave the castle to visit the peaceful forests surrounding the kingdom.

^ Mallez attacks the two and scares them back to the castle.

He's a spooky boi, what can I say?

^ On their return, they find the surrounding village destroyed. Many of the Ribau are missing, including the king and queen.

^ With the loss of the rulers, Meadow is crowned the new queen, though she is too young to rule.

Daisies represent innocence. Meadow lost her family and is given the responsibility of a kingdom. When she leaves the daisies on her parents grave, she leaves that innocence behind.

^ Several years later, Aza and Blaise show up with a newcomer named Styx. Styx lost her sister the same day Meadow lost her family. Aza believes the events are connected, and she knows who to ask.

^ Meadow sneaks out of the castle to join the group on their journey.

^ The new group of travelers bond.

There's a big time skip between these two.
This is where the bulk of the story for Alter is.
I skipped it to avoid too many spoilers.

^ Meadow meets Amiel. (For better or for worse.)

And finally, there's some important stuff I left out for the end. I didn't want to spoil the actual ending.

Fun fact: Meadow's antlers grow throughout the drawings.

Hope you liked this chapter.
It's still only a small piece of the storyline for Alter, but it's fun to tell it anyways.


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