Chapter 14 ~ Unexpected

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Guys this mostly Barry and Dawn moments. It's all part of the plot. So, please enjoy!


(Barry POV)

Dawn and I are heading to Twinleaf bakery. I'm excited. I may grab a lot of treats. I know Dawn's mom way back when I was eight! She is always nice to me. Me and Dawn treat ourselves as siblings. But we got separated from each other for the middle academy. She was going to Sunnyshore middle that time.


I am glad she is back though.

"So Platina when did you came back to Twinleaf town?" I asked Dawn.

"I came back around June." She replied quickly.

"Okay... BUT why didn't you call me when you arrive!? I am fining you for that and you have 10 seconds to pay up!" I yelled at her

"Same old Pearl..." She chuckled.

"Hehe... Yeah, I am still the same! But you... You're different... What happened to bubbly you?" I asked her. I was very curious.

"Things have changed..." She looked at the sky.

We continue walking in silence. "What about a race?!"

"Huh?" She looked at me.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" I left running.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I heard her yell.

I ran fast. Oh, it brings me back memories!

Oh, I see the bakery... But wait why is the police and Officer Jenny doing here?! I just stop running...

"Hey, why did you--?! What happened here! We need to check on my mom!" Dawn pulled my arm.

There were ambulances that had body corpses in a bag. It's just... A nightmare!

"Officer Jenny!" Dawn ran to her. I just follow her.

"Yes what may I help you?" She stared at Dawn.

"Uhm... Have use seen Ms.Johanna? She works here!" Dawn yelled nervously.

Officer Jenny showed an awkward smile. "Sorry kiddo... She got shot... When we came everyone was already dead when we arrived... This is bad news for Sinnoh... Especially since Ms.Johanna is a top coordinator..." She tried to tell us the best way.

I was just shocked. Just shocked!

"What?! No way! This can't be happening!" Dawn left running away from the bakery. She was crying.

I followed her. "Dawn wait!" We ended up in her house. She was sitting on her porch. She just crying.

"Dawn... Don't Cry! Crying is not gonna help." I tried to comfort her.

"I know! But I am gonna be lonely..." She cried more.


"Okay... LISTEN UP! No one knows your the daughter of the top coordinator. But you're not gonna cry here for your rest of your lives. Your mom wouldn't want that. Since no one knows... Then no fans of your mom would attack you! So get up and choose your path! Coordinator or a trainer!"

I never spoke like this. I feel like I gave a speech. Ugh... I am not gonna do this again. I am doing it for my best sister friend!

She was shocked. But then she smiled. She still had tears in her eyes. But at least she is smiling. "Pearl are you okay?" She giggled.

"What do you mean Platina?" I was so confused

"You just gave an inspirational speech! That isn't the typical you!" She was just giggling.

"You're telling me alright! I didn't even know how those words came out my mouth!?" I just rub my head with confusion.

"Well... That kinda cheer me up. But promise something..." She looked at me seriously.

"What?" I looked at her with concern.

"That you will come with me to my Mom's funeral... And always be there to support me..." She looked down at her shoes.

"Of course I will come with you! And I always be there to support you! That's a promise!" I told her with an energetic attitude.

"Handshake promise?" She took out her hand.

"Handshake promise!" I shook her hand as a promise.

"Okay, that's settled! I need to go get my stuff! So come on in!"

I enter her house. They did some remodeling alright.

"Pearl!" She yelled from upstairs.

"What is it Platina!?" I went running upstairs. I enter her room. She had a smile on her face.

She hand note and two pokéballs on her hands.

"Is that for you?" I asked her. She nodded. She gave me the note to read. I read out loud.

"Dear, Dawn

I know you work hard this summer. I am really happy about that! Even if sometimes your forgetful and clumsy... If you're here reading it here is your gift for working hard this summer. I know life has been hard for you. So enjoy these Pokemons that I caught for you! You know how much I love you right?! When you're done reading this note come downstairs to chat with me!

With all love,

Your Mom."

I looked up to Dawn. She was smiling. She also let out tears strolling down her cheeks.

"What are you waiting for? Open those Pokéballs!" I really was anxious to see those Pokemons!

"Okay! Come on out!" She throws the pokéballs.

What came out was an Espurr and...

"A Minun!" I ran to hide a away from this electric Pokemon!

"Wait you're telling you're still afraid of electric types?!" She was shocked.

Wait she isn't afraid of Minun or Plusle! I came back to the room.

"Wait you aren't you afraid of Minun?!" I was mega shocked.

"I used too... But I got over my fear of them!" She smiled.

"But how?" I curious to know.

"When I enter the Daybreak Town Contest." She replied.

"What!? How did you enter a contest?! How did it help you get over your fear?!" I ranted a lot of questions.

"That's another topic to be saved later."

She was holding her Espurr in her arm. While Minun was on the floor.

"I need to think of a name for them..." She started thinking.

I went to look at her pokéballs.

Espurr looked like a regular pokéball. But it had a Crescent moon shape on it.

While Minun's pokéball is a Great ball. It had a letter S on it though.

"Hey, Dawn haven't you noticed that these pokéballs have marks on it?!" I told her about what I just saw.

"Interesting... Hmm... Maybe I can use the marks to name my new Pokemons! Okay, Espurr has a moon shape on her pokéball. This is easy! So I will name her Moon!"

"How do you know it's a her for Espurr?" I asked her.

"I just registered in my Pokedex and tells it gender." She answers back.

"How idiot am I! I forgot we have Pokedexs!" I facepalmed.

"So about Minun... It's just a letter S on it... His pokéball is blue?!... Something that's start with the letter S and it has a color blue with it!?"

I was thinking too. Hmm... Wait a minute?! Isn't the sky blue?! I got it!

"Sky!" We both said at the same time.

We bursted into laughter.

Dawn picks up Minun. "Your name is Sky!" She smiled at Minun. Minun just smiled back. I just took a step back. I am afraid of electric types. And it's a long story to explain.

"I am gonna pack my stuff! I will be down in a few minutes!"

~ 10 minutes later

I was outside waiting for her. "This is boring!" I yelled out loud.

"I am done!"

[A quick edit I did.]

I looked at her.

She had changed her clothes. It was the same one I saw her wear once. But the top shirt was a black color instead of a grayish black color top shirt. The skirt and her scarf are sky blue color. And her hat was black and blue. Her boots were just black. And her clips are black too.

"Ready?" She asked plainly.

I can tell she isn't in a great mood still. I noticed her bag too.

"Wait is that all your gonna take? Not a suitcase? Just that yellow big bag?!" I was surprised. She usually takes a lot of clothes.

"Pearl I live kinda close to the academy. So no need for me to take a lot of clothes. Besides we are gonna live in a mansion and I ain't planning to show off how many offits outfits I have." She gave 😑 those eyes..

"Haha... Silly me. That makes sense now." I just gave a small laughter.

"So ready?" She asked again.

"Yeah... I guess."

"Come on out!" She called out her Ralts.

"Wait where are we going?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to get your stuff?" She asked me.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot! Let's go then!"

"Hold my hand" I hold her hand.

"Razor teleport!" She commanded as we started to disappear.

~ Time skip

(Dawn POV)

I had no more tears left to cry. I wanted to cry more but Barry did his best to cheer me up. And I don't want cry either. Is just half of me wants to cry. I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore over something that hurts me.

"Mother..." I whispered.

Barry and I are walking back to the academy. My new clothes I picked was good and simple. Barry didn't bring that much stuff with him. I was tired of course but I need to figure out how to live life now. Without mother nor... Whatever... I just hope everything goes smoothly in this academy.

... I am just a sad cinnamon roll forever...

"Hey, Platina?!"

"Yes, Barry?"

"I been noticing this but your pokétch is glitching! Is it gonna explode?!" Barry was looking at my pokétch.

I looked at it. It had blurry gray lines shaking inside the pokétch. Is this a bad sign? I just hope my contacts don't get deleted! I just got May's number today. I took it off my hand and put inside my bag.

"It must be overused I guess... I kinda forgot to charge it too. That's must be it!"

"Okay... If you say so. Hey look we are close to the academy! There a bus too! Come on we need to get there fast!" Barry began to drag me.

We got close to the bus. Principal Rowan was there.

"Excuse me are we suppose to go inside the bus?" I asked.

"Indeed Ms.Dawn. But may I ask both of you something?"

"Us?" Barry looked at himself and me.


"Sure." I answered his question.

"Will you like considering switching places with two people from another group?" He questioned us.

"I will think about it." I replied simply.

"Yeah me too!" Barry added in.

"You got only today. You may go on the bus now."

I was surprised he didn't ask about mother. Does he know yet?

Barry sat down in a random seat. I saw the girls. I was in luck. There are about 40 buses out here that taking us to each of our houses.

I went close to them but Misty was glaring at me. Leaf had her hands crossed. Crystal and Lyra were huddling around May. I took this as a warning to not get close to them. I decided to sit with Barry.

~ Time skip

Once we got to the house the girls seem to be mad at me. I don't know why?

We all choose our room.

Misty is:

An orange color bedroom.

Leaf Is:

A green color bedroom.

Lyra is:

A pink color bedroom.

Crystal is:

A sky blue color bedroom.

May is:

A color red bedroom.

My is or maybe not sure it may be my official room.

It's a dark blue bedroom.

Everyone was in May's room. I decided to go check out why they are mad or I think they are in my perspective.

I enter her room. May was... Crying. I was gonna ask what happened but...

"Dawn you mean brat! Leave this room now!" Misty yelled at... Me.

"You better listen once... This is a warning!" Leaf was full of rage.

"Leave! We will never... I mean never ever forgive you!" Crystal was glaring at me. Her fist can tell how she feels right now.

"I can't believe you would do a such a horrible thing to May! Just leave us alone..." Lyra had concerns for May now. She was hugging her.

I left the room. I went to my bedroom. I was confused. But full of sadness. I feel so stressed out! I lost their trust... I don't even know how?!  I want an explanation. I didn't get to say that I didn't do anything. I just spent my afternoon with Barry today and the horrible bakery shooting. So what went wrong?!

I wanted to cry. But I promise myself. No more crying. I took a deep breath. I took my bag with me. I went to Barry's room.

"Barry I want to exchange places." I stated plainly.

"You do?! Uhm... I am not sure... Wait! I coming too!" Barry rapidly grabs his stuff.

"Ready Barry?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

We left the house. I wonder what made Barry change his mind.

I had to use my Pokemon to teleport back to the academy.

Once we got to his office there were already two people already in his office.

"Principal Rowan we will like to exchange places."

"It's official. Brianna and Marina, you can take their spot."

"Thanks, Principal Rowan," They both said at the same time. They smiled. But when they were leaving they looked... Gloomy.

"So both of you will take their spot. Dawn, may I talk to you for a minute?"

"I guess."

"I will wait for you outside Platina." Barry closes the door. Leaving us both alone.

"Mother?" That's all he questioned.

"Eh... Uhm... SHE GOT SHOT!" I yelled. I looked down the ground. My emotions are confused.

"I found out. If I were you I will continue keeping a low profile. I know it's a tuff situation but if you ever need help you can ask me. Understood?"

I just nodded my head.

"You are dismissed."

I left the room. There was a bus waiting for us. I entered. And it drives us away.

~ Time skip

We had chosen our room.

Barry had chosen the same room as Misty.

My room is still the same as the other room I had. I guess they made the house the same.

I wasn't happy. I decided to skip dinner. I took a bath. Then went straight to sleep.


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