For Sharaug

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Name: Zaina

Age: 15,000

Gender: Female

Personality: Reserved,quiet, selfless, temperamental, brave, cold (at first unless you get to meet her)

likes: Her planet, her people, fighting, sword practice, teaching the younger children all about their planet and how to defend themselves, being the leader of her home planet, exploring other planets, singing

Dislikes: Her sister, other aliens other than her own species, wars, anything too girly, being threatened, death, killing anyone, being called weak

Family: Her sister; Zia (whom she no longer speaks to), Her mother; Ava Marie, Her father; Zax

Species: Snatilia

Planet Name: Zaveran


Love interest: None at the moment

Appearance: The picture above

Sexuality: Bisexual


• Her mother died giving birth to her younger sister

• She has fought in battles over the past 2 years so losing anything is never an option

• She may seem all tough but she really just wants what's best for her planet and people

• She is the leader of the planet, it may seem like a lot but she has it all under control with the help of her father

• She loves exploring but the last time she did it ended up with a war between another species and hers so she hasn't trusted another species since

• Her sister and a group of other Snatilias formed a group and thread to overthrow Zaina and rule the planet but Zaina banished them to a different planet

• She had a past relationship but when he met her he disliked her for her looks and left her

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