Chapter 1 - Page 3

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Day 1 » Lunch

I sit at the table closest to the wall. I set my tray down in front of me. I refuse to eat this school's food. It looks like poison. Plus, I'm a vegetarian, I can't eat this meat. If it is real meat...
(A/N: P R E T E N D. Also, who else's school doesn't serve actual meat?)

I look up and notice Kyle and Shannon approaching me. Shannon sits beside me while Kyle sits in front of me.

"You looked lonely," Shannon comments.

"I was," I reply, "and, I found out staring at fake meat isn't very fun."

"Jeydon, it's pepperoni on pizza. It's not supposed to be real meat!" Kyle exclaims.

"Might I remind you that it had cheese on it too. And I'm lactose intolerant," I explain.

"I doubt this is actual cheese. It's probably made of water instead," Shannon says.

"I'm not risking my health. I can skip eating today. I'll be fine," I assure them.

"Sure," Kyle says suspiciously. Then, he looks towards the entrance of the cafeteria and smiles. I look in the same direction and see Johnnie. Of course.

"Hey, Kyle, only the Single Squad sits here. You'll have to move," Shannon says, "no offense."

"None taken," Kyle replies and stands up. He grabs his tray. He then goes off to another group of teens. All I know is that one boy in the group is named Richie."

"And then there was two," Shannon says, "maybe Jordan will get out of class in time to join us."

"What class does he have right now?" I ask.

"Advanced algebra. The worst. I have no idea how he understands that stuff," Shannon replies, "I'm getting a C. He has a B+."

"Lucky," I say, "but isn't it the first day? You don't do anything on the first day, do you?" "In that class, you do. Mr. Simmons is a bit strict. He almost always gives his students homework on the first day/night of school. Good luck with him," Shannon explains.

"I'll need it," I reply. This doesn't sound good. Now I have two assignments that are due tomorrow. The other one is for language arts. It's mainly sentence structure. I'll be able to finish it in ten minutes. But with algebra, especially advanced algebra, it'll take me a whole hour.

"Hey, there's your partner," Shannon says, gently nudging my arm with her elbow. I look up and see Jordan walking into the cafeteria. I hide my face so Shannon doesn't see me blushing.

"Jeydon, hello?" She asks.

"Is he gone?'" I ask.

"Uh, yeah," she replies, "why?"

"No reason!" I reply rather quickly. This could make her suspicious.

"Wait, you don't have a crush, do you? Do not make me be alone in the Single Squad again," she says.

"What? Crush? Who said I liked Jordan?" I ask nervously. She cannot find me out. She's one of the only friends I have here. I can't lose her!

"It's obvious," she replies, "but, since you two aren't together, you can stay. Just no flirting around me and other future members, okay?"

"Okay," I reply, "but, just to let you know, I do not have a crush on Jordan."

"Let's test that," she looks over her shoulder and smiles, "yo, Jordan!"

‘No! No! No! This cannot be happening! No!’

Jordan sits down next to me. I feel very nervous, happy, and intimidated. Way to go, Shannon.

"So, Jordan, how are you today?" Shannon asks.

"Okay, I guess," he replies, "Mr. Simmons is the worse. So, who's this guy beside me?" So he doesn't remember me. Fuck.

"That's just Jeydon," she replies, "why don't you say 'hi', Jey?"

I bite my lip; I doubt I can even from the word, 'hi' at this point. Maybe I can pretend I'm mute? Wait! He heard me talk earlier. Dammit!

"Jeydon, don't be rude," Shannon says.

I turn and face Jordan, "Hi."

"Hey, you're the Jeydon from first grade, right? The one who dated Samm?" He asks. "Y-Yeah," I reply, "b-but I'm gay n-now."

"Cool," Jordan says, "I'm Polysexual."

"What?" I ask.

"It means that I'm attracted to a few genders, but not all. Like, I'm attracted to male, female, trigender, and bigender individuals, but not other non binary individuals. No offense to them! I respect them," he explains.

"Cool," I say, "and a bit confusing. No offense."

"None taken! And, try explaining it to your parents," Jordan says, "you and Shannon were lucky, you just had to say that you were gay or lesbian and your parents understood."

"Wait, Shannon, you're lesbian?" I ask.

"I guess," she replies, "guys just bore me. Hey, we're the LGBT Buddies!"

"Yeah," I reply. "Well, it's time for me to go to math. Wish me luck."

"Good luck," Jordan says, "should I come to your house tonight or should you come to mine?"

"For what?" I ask, feeling mortified.

"The project. What else?" Jordan asks.

"Oh, yeah! Um, maybe my house. My parents are chill with my friends coming over," I reply.

"See ye tonight," Jordan says.

"See ya," I reply and stand up. I take my tray over to a cafeteria worker on my way out of the cafeteria.

Time for algebra. Then three hours after that, I go home. Kill me.

(A/N: Algebra sucks. I have to learn it in math. Kill me, too. I hope you all like what you're reading! I enjoy writing this! It helps keep my thoughts somewhere else besides self harm, suicide, homophobia, and self hate. Bye!)

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