Chapter 2 - Page 8

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Day 2 » Lunch

After about an hour of reading and language arts, it's time for lunch. I skip getting food and immediately head over to Shannon.

"Did you find anything out?" I ask as I sit next to her. "No," she replies, "but I wish I did. We just have to wait a little longer. Are you gonna eat?"

"No," I reply, "I'm too nervous. If I eat, I'll just throw it back up. So, I don't see any point in it right now." "Understandable," she replies, "anyways, how did it go with you and Jordan last night?"

"It went well," I reply, "we just talked about things that were positive. He told me about himself. Some of it was really sad..." "Maybe him telling you those things set him off," Shannon replies, "I've been in his position. I talked to my therapist or Mrs. Vinson for about a week before I felt better."

"I hope that one session was enough for him," I say, "just so we know it isn't hurting him that much." "We'll see," Shannon says.

I look at the entrance of the cafeteria and see Johnnie and Jordan. I hear Kyle yell at Johnnie all the way across this room. He can be so loud.

"Hey, over here!" Shannon yells. Jordan looks in our direction. He tells Johnnie something walks towards us.

"Yes?" He asks as he sits down. "What's going on?" Shannon asks, "don't your dare lie to me. I can tell whether you're lying or not." "Well, I'm not harming myself, if that's what you're wondering," Jordan says. I sigh in relief; at least he's not doing that.

"Shannon, when I said I stopped, I meant it," Jordan says. "I know, but you can never make promises when it comes to that stuff," she says.

"Okay, what is going on?" I ask, changing the subject. "I'm having trouble with my sexuality again," Jordan replies, "well, not really problems with it. I'm having problems with telling my Mom who I- never mind."

"Jordan, you can tell us anything," Shannon assures him, "especially Jeydon. He's known you forever!"

"Okay," Jordan sighs, "I'm having trouble telling my Mom who I have a crush on. I'm having trouble telling that person, too. I'm scared they'll leave me again." His last statement clarifies that it's not me.

"Well, are you and that person close?" Shannon asks. "Yeah. Kinda," he replies, "we've known each other for a very long time!" "Then, it shouldn't bother them that much. They should support you," Shannon explains, "now I'm done playing therapist. Jeydon, you talk."

I look at Jordan, "So, uh, why did this person leave you in the first place?" I ask. "Well, they didn't really leave me," Jordan replies, "it just felt like they did. They disappeared for scared me." I'm then reminded of the time when bullying got so bad for me. I started taking online classes for awhile. That "while" was four months.

"Maybe they had problems in there life," I suggest. "That makes sense," Jordan says, "they were bullied." Yes! It could be me!

"Maybe you confessing to them will be good for the both of you," I say, "now, let me ask, who is it?" Jordan's eyes widen, "Uh, I'll tell you later," he replies, "I'll be right back." He then stands up and walks away from our table.

"It's you," Shannon says, "it has to be." "What?" I ask. I wasn't really paying attention. Thus, I can't comprehend what she said. "The person he likes has to be you," Shannon replies.

"I dunno," I say doubtfully, even though I know for a fact that it could be me. "He didn't tell us because it's you!" Shannon says excitedly, "he wasn't ready to tell them, well you, yet!" "But it could be you," I point out, "he will date females, remember?"

"Bitch, have you seen me?" Shannon asks, "lesbian, remember?" "Oh, yeah," I reply, feeling embarrassed. "Well, little Jey Wale, looks like I'll be alone in the Single Squad sometime soon," Shannon says.

"You won't he," I tell her, "if I am the person Jordan likes and we get together, I'll help you get a girlfriend. Deal?"

"Deal," Shannon replies.

I just hope I'm that "special person" to Jordan...

(A/N: Sorry that I haven't uploaded much lately! I've been busy. Jeydon's birthday was 2 days ago! Who remembered? I did! Anyways, goodbye for now! :3)

Video Above: Mental (Acoustic)
Video By: Sounds Like Harmony

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