Chapter 3 - Page 10

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2 Weeks Later » Project

"Are you coming over tonight?"

"Yeah, but I don't understand why you want to do homework on a Sunday."

"Just shut up and get over here. We're so close to being finished," I say.

"I know. I'll be over in twenty minutes. Bye," Jordan replies.

"Bye," I conclude and hang up. Our shop class project is almost finished! It looks good so far. I can't wait for it to be finished. That means Jordan and I will have some time to just hang out and relax.

I put my phone in my pocket. I then walk out of my room. I've been in there all morning. I guess it's time to come out. "Hey, Mom," I say as I walk into the lounge room.

"Hello, Jeydon," she replies. "Is it okay if Jordan comes over?" I ask. "Of course," she replies, "just to work on the project, correct?" "Correct," I say, "Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I have a crush on every boy I meet. He and I are just friends." Sadly.

"Okay, I'm just making sure," she says, "it's my job to keep an eye on you and give you a hard time. But you know I love you." "And you know I love you too," I reply.

"Go get your project ready. I'm sure you and Jordan want to finish it soon," she says. I nod and run to the front door. I open it, exit the house, and close the door behind me. I then make my way towards the building where the clock is located.

When I open the door, I see the clock sitting where it was when we left it. There isn't much that needs to be done. Just a few more basic steps.
(A/N: Do not ask me what those "basic steps" are... I'm just writing about what Patrick, Sam, and Charlie had to to in the movie "The Perks of Being a Wallflower.")

"Hello," I hear someone say behind me. I jump slightly and turn around; it's Jordan. "Did I scare you?" He asks.

"Of course!" I reply, "you can't just sneak up on someone like that! I could've had a heart attack!" "Oh, don't be so dramatic," he says, "are we going to finish this clock or not?"

"We are," I reply, "once I calm down. Thanks, you ass." "You're welcome," he says with a wink. ‘God, he's so cute.’

About five minutes later, I have calmed down again. Jordan and I begin working on the clock. Hopefully there won't be any awkward moments like there were last time.


"And, done," Jordan says as he and I step back to admire our "masterpiece." "It looks good. I think it will get an 'A'," I say with pride.

"Well, we're finally finished! We started at the end of August and finished it in September. That was fast," Jordan says. "Because I forced you to come over a lot," I say, "so, thank me."

"Oh, thank you Master Jeydon. Will I ever be as great as you?" Jordan asks sarcastically. "Maybe, small apprentice," I reply.

"So, what are you going to do after this?" I ask. "Probably just go home and watch TV. I don't have anything else to do," Jordan replies. "Same," I add, "you still haven't told me who that special person is."

"Because you don't need to know yet. I'll tell you when the time is right and they seem okay with it," Jordan says. "So, they don't even know?" I ask. "Exactly," he replies, "you'll find out when that person finds out."

"You're no fun," I tell him. "If I'm not fun, why are you always begging me to come over?" He asks. "Because we had to finish this project. It's finished now. I won't beg you anymore," I say.

"Fine with me," he says, "I really need to get home. There's school tomorrow and I have to prepare." "Okay. I guess I have to as well. Have fun," I reply. "I will," he says, "bye." "Bye," I reply. He then exits the building.

I sigh and look at the clock. I still don't know who he loves! I need to know! If I don't know, it's all I think about! That means my grades will get low and my mother will not be happy.

Hopefully he'll tell this person soon. Then, I'll know if it's me or not. In a perfect world, it is me. In an imperfect world, it's someone like Shannon or Bryan.

(A/N: Finally, another update. Sorry about the time skip. I just couldn't continue writing about day after day; otherwise, this book would be terrible! I hope it's good so far. Bye!)

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