Aliyah Drew - Piper McLean

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AN : I'm back! After an entire year, I'm back. I was just taking a small break from the world of fanfic writing to focus on myself and school. You can probably expect frequent updates from now on! Enjoy!


This is an AU where Piper is still in mourning after Jason's death, and doesn't have a girlfriend yet. She still for some reason goes to public highschool.

I sat down at my usual lunch spot, a little bench in the corner of the cafeteria, and stared across the room at the girl I saw everyday. She was such a bright, cheerful person, until one day, she just stopped smiling. No more morning greetings, no more joking around in class. She remained expressionless, as if she was too numb to feel anything.

Her name was Piper McLean. Her father, Tristan McLean, was a big movie star. She was equally attractive, and we all thought she might become famous someday too. Now, she just looked haunted. She sat alone as well, and I couldn't help but wonder if she needed someone to cheer her up. I wondered like this for months. I had never tried speaking to her, or anyone for that matter. I looked at the floor again. Aliyah, why would someone like her talk to someone like you?

So I didn't bother trying. I sat there, surrounded by obnoxious high schoolers, staring at my lunch for a while, when I heard a stifled sob across the room from me. A curly haired Latino boy and Piper were wrapped in a tight embrace, both of them crying silent tears. They seemed to be in deep conversation, tears falling faster with each word. The rest of the cafeteria didn't seem to notice, but seeing as I had no social life, I just watched.

Some time passed, and lost in my own thought, I forgot all about talking to Piper. Before I knew it, I was in biology, my lab partner being the one and only Piper McLean. She didn't seem very into the assignment (dissecting a lizard-like creature) but honestly, neither was I. I tried to start up some casual conversation.

"So, um, how have you been doing lately?" I asked awkwardly, prodding at the lizard's tail with a pair of metal tweezers.

Her kaleidoscope eyes seemed shattered. "Okay." She mumbled quietly.

"Um, I noticed you crying in the cafeteria today, so if there's anything I can do-" I stammered this quickly, hoping not to upset her. Piper looked at the floor.

"Today's the one year anniversary of my, ex-- , um, friend's death." She rubbed her arm and sighed.

My eyes widened. Oh. I voiced my thoughts. "I'm... I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," she sucked in a breath. "I'm sure he's at peace now." She picked up her set of tweezers and pinched them together a few times.

"May I ask what happened?" I said softly.

"He um, was stabbe- I mean, shot.." she trailed off, struggling to find the words. "There was a, uh, robbery." Stabbed? I shook it off, I must have been hearing things. "He saved me and our other... friend. I owe him."

But it sounded like she was trying to convince herself of the words.

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you," I promised, smiling grimly at her.

She gave a forced smile back and went back to staring at the ground.

I believed that was progress toward a friendly relationship with Piper. And maybe soon, she would heal as well. I made it my responsibility to try and make school as comfortable as possible for her.

It was a step in the right direction.

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