The Bathroom

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  One day, on the Ghost, Kanan walked out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Urrgghh...I've had such a long day...and my eyes hurt..." he mumbled.
All he wanted was a little relaxation after a huge lightsaber fight with Inquisitors and Maul and whatnot.

He felt his way to the bathroom (or refresher, whichever you prefer) and opened the door. Somebody instantly screamed like a girl at 98 decibels, causing Kanan to cover his ears.

When the screaming subsided, Kanan said, "I don't need to see you to know that you're on the toilet, Ezra."

"What?!" exclaimed Ezra. "How did you know it was me?"

"Because you scream like a girl," replied Kanan, leaning on the door.

"No I don't!" Ezra protested. "I'll bet Hera screams like a girl, though."

"No, she doesn't, because she's way more manly than you! And that's saying something because she's not even a man," replied Kanan in a I'm-smarter-than-you voice.

"Harsh, Kanan," said Ezra.

After a moment of silence, Kanan said, "So are you gonna get off that toilet anytime soon?"

"Uh, well, it'd go faster if you weren't standing there," Ezra said, glancing around casually.

"But I can't see you," said Kanan. "It's no big deal. And quit glancing around casually!"

"What?! If you can't see me using the bathroom, how can you see me glancing around casually??" Ezra demanded.

"It's a Force thing you wouldn't understand." said Kanan.

"Ugh, fine," said Ezra. He finally got up and finished while Kanan stood there crossing his arms like a dad who just came home from work (which was true, more or less).

"Okay, have the bathroom!" Ezra declared, scooting out. Kanan walked in.

"So can I watch you use the bathroom?" Ezra asked.


A sudden Force push made Ezra fly all the way off the Ghost until he landed in a crate of meiloorans that Hera was pushing. They all exploded under his weight and covered Hera, Zeb, and Sabine, who were nearby.

Hera looked mad. She probably was mad too. "EZ--"

"It's Kanan's fault!!" Ezra shouted, pointing toward the Ghost.

"What?! Where even is Kanan??" Hera asked.

"In the bathroom," replied Ezra gleefully.

Hera stared at him weirdly. "I'm not even gonna ask."

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