i. pep rallies

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             WHEN STEPHANIE CARTER HAD WOKEN UP THAT MORNING SHE DIDN'T THINK THAT IT WOULD END THE WAY IT HAD. It was a normal morning, a normal day at school. But when it had ended, it had turned into one of the worst days of Stephanie's life. And Eddie Munson's too, who had also woken up thinking it was going to be a normal day in Hawkins. Both had woken up that morning, had carried out their usual morning routine before meeting up with each other before school had started. Eddie had driven as close to Hawkins High as Stephanie would let him, which was a block away where she knew nobody would see them together.

It wasn't often that the two met before school started, often waiting till after school to meet up when they had more time. But Stephanie had been so busy with cheer practice that week that she hadn't seen Eddie much. So they'd arranged to meet before school had started on the last day before Spring Break.

Stephanie hadn't been sitting in Eddie's van for long but she had already been late to meet up with him, snoozing her alarm multiple times that morning after a late night trying to catch up on homework. And Stephanie couldn't be late for school.

The dark haired girl had pulled away from Eddie's face, her lips feeling numb from kissing him. And although she had pulled away, Eddie's lips had attached themselves to Stephanie's neck instead. "Eddie, come on. I'm going to be late." Stephanie had breathed out, breathless laughs leaving her lips as Eddie continued to kiss down her neck. His hands went further up her thighs, daring to slip under her cheer skirt.

"And?" Eddie had mumbled against her skin, squeezing his fingers around her thighs causing Stephanie to sigh. She didn't want to stop, she really didn't. Stephanie could've sat there all day kissing Eddie, feeling his hands on her body. But she couldn't be late.

"I can't be late!" Stephanie had told him, trying to push Eddie away but she was straddling his lap, there wasn't much room for her to move away without getting off his lap. "There's a Pep Rally this morning." These words had made Eddie finally pull back. He removed his face from Stephanie's neck, staring up at the girl sitting in his lap. But he kept his hands firmly placed on her thighs.

"Of course there is." Eddie had rolled his eyes, leaning his head back on his seat.

"I have to be there or Chrissy will murder me." Stephanie told Eddie as she ran her hands up and down his arms. Eddie's tried not to flinch at the mention of Stephanie's best friend, Chrissy Cunningham.

Chrissy had hunted Eddie down the day before, just after last period and before Chrissy headed to cheer practice, to ask him about buying some drugs. It was common knowledge at Hawkins High that Eddie sold drugs. So Stephanie was aware he was a dealer, she didn't have a problem with it. In fact, she often smoked weed with Eddie when they were together in his trailer. But Eddie knew if Stephanie found out that Chrissy wanted to buy drugs from him that she wouldn't be happy, with either of them. So Eddie kept his mouth shut.

It was always dangerous for the two to meet up before school, especially when Eddie knew he couldn't keep his hands off Stephanie. He didn't want her to be late or get into trouble with Chrissy but he couldn't stop himself sometimes. So staring up at Stephanie, as she ran her hands over his arms and up to his neck, he just wanted some more time. "Just one more minute." Eddie had mumbled, leaning up and attaching their lips before Stephanie could protest. A soft moan had left Stephanie's mouth, causing Eddie to deepen the kiss, and Stephanie let Eddie kiss her for another minute, not wanting to stop.

But after a minute or so had passed, Stephanie had pushed Eddie away "Okay, okay. Seriously, I've got to go now." She couldn't keep kissing him, as much as she desperately wanted to.

"Will I see you after school?" Eddie asked her as she started to fix her hair, still situated in his lap.

"There's a game tonight so no, I'll have practice." Stephanie told him. She knew Chrissy would want them to fit in another practice before the game. "Haven't you got the end of your campaign tonight anyway?" Stephanie then asked. It had been all Eddie could talk about for the past few weeks.

"I could've squeezed you in." Eddie smiled, moving his hands up to her waist.

Stephanie couldn't help but smile back. "After?"

"Wont you be celebrating if you win?" Eddie tilted his head in a questioning manner. He knew the cheer squad usually joined the team in celebrating any wins.

Stephanie couldn't promise she wouldn't go and celebrate if the team won but she could see Eddie after. She would make time for him. "I'll come see you after?"

The smile stayed on Eddie's face. That was good enough for him. "Okay."

"Okay." Stephanie repeated his words. She then placed a short kiss to his lips before sliding off his lap, back into the passenger seat. "Bye, Ed." Stephanie said before opening the door and getting out of Eddie's van. She then walked back to her own car, that was parked behind his van. Stephanie then drove herself to school. And Eddie waited, that was the rule. He waited before he then drove himself in. Although it wouldn't have mattered if they had both turned up at the same time, they couldn't risk it. So Stephanie arrived first, parking in a spare spot and getting out of her car. She had then spotted Chrissy standing by Jason Carver's car, her boyfriend, and she had waved Stephanie over.

"Hey." Stephanie had greeted her best friend with a smile. "Have we got practice after school today, before the game?" She had asked Chrissy before saying anything else, wanting to make sure what she had told Eddie was correct. Because if they didn't, she would meet up with Eddie, even if it was only for 10 minutes.

"Yeah." Chrissy smiled weakly and nodded.

"Okay, cool." Stephanie nodded back but Chrissy seemed off, like something was wrong. She was usually very happy in the mornings, something that irritated Stephanie sometimes. "Hey, Chrissy. Are you okay?" Stephanie asked her, stepping closer. Jason had been standing at the front of his car, talking to a few of his friends on the team. Stephanie had a hunch that it had something to do with Jason. He could be a dick sometimes and often caused Chrissy to act different.

Chrissy plastered a fake smile across her face. "Yeah...yeah. Just tired."

"You sure?" Stephanie frowned.

"Yes, Steph. I'm fine." Chrissy playfully rolled her eyes at Stephanie. She loved that Stephanie was worried about her but she didn't need her knowing the truth. Which was why she quickly changed the subject. "Your lipstick, it's smudged." Chrissy had noticed it as soon as Stephanie had walked over. The pink gloss was smudged across her lips and chin.

Stephanie felt her face heat up as she quickly tried to wipe around her lips to clean it up. "Oh...I must've smudged it." She mumbled before trying to find her gloss in her school bag. "That's what I get for eating breakfast on my way in this morning." She laughed, hoping Chrissy believed her excuse.

But the laugh from Chrissy let her know she didn't believe a single word. "Yeah, that's what it is."

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "I wasn't snogging anyone, if that's what you're thinking." She said, reapplying the pink gloss to her lips. She should've know better than to kiss Eddie after applying any gloss or lipstick. He always got it everywhere.

"You said it, not me." Chrissy smirked before linking arms with Stephanie, heading for the school doors.

Out the corner of Stephanie's eye, she could see Eddie getting out of his van. He had parked up across two spaces and was heading straight towards the front doors. Stephanie tried her hardest not to stare, not to think about what the two had been doing less than 10 minutes ago. But that was hard when she could feel Eddie's eyes burning into the side of her.

Which, unfortunately, Chrissy had picked up on. She had seen Eddie staring, thinking he was staring at her. But when she glanced at Stephanie, seeing her ears turning red as she stole glances at the boy, she knew who he was really staring at. Was Eddie the one who Stephanie had been kissing that morning? He couldn't be, Chrissy thought. There was no way. But what if it had been? And that was why Stephanie was keeping it a secret. Stephanie Carter and Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. Everyone would laugh. They'd think something was wrong with Stephanie. They'd think Eddie had brainwashed her.

It was all making sense to Chrissy. Stephanie cancelling plans and not telling Chrissy why, sneaking off after school and not telling Chrissy where she was going. And Stephanie always defended Eddie, especially against Jason. He loved to give his opinion on Eddie and Stephanie always told Jason he was being a dick. Why else would she defend him?

But Chrissy wasn't going to say anything, not then at least. Not if Stephanie didn't want anyone to know. She could pretend not to know a thing. Chrissy ignored the glances Stephanie was making as they walked past Eddie, the small smirk she sent in his direction. She ignored the way Eddie's eyes followed Stephanie till he couldn't see her anymore. Chrissy had never noticed before. And she had almost felt bad for asking Eddie to sell her drugs, knowing he'd have to decide whether to betray her trust or lie to Stephanie. But Chrissy didn't want Stephanie knowing under any circumstance. Not even when she was found by Max Mayfield in the girls toilets after the Pep Rally that morning.

The girls had finished their routine before the boys on the basketball team had come out and Jason had given a speech. After, the school was dismissed and ordered to attend their classes. Stephanie had walked to first period alone, Chrissy had disappeared soon after they were dismissed. But Stephanie didn't think much of it, unaware that her best friend was seeing things in the girls bathroom.

Stephanie was also unaware that Chrissy had gone and seen the school counsellor that morning. Not that she wasn't aware Chrissy saw Ms Kelly, Stephanie also visited Ms Kelly's office often but she hadn't known Chrissy had gone into her office that morning.

The next time Stephanie had seen Chrissy was at lunchtime. The girls didn't share many classes together. Chrissy had been sitting at the table with the basketball team, where Jason had been sitting at the head of the table. Chrissy had saved a seat for Stephanie, who happily sat beside her best friend, not noticing her strange mood. Something Stephanie would be kicking herself for later. How didn't she realise there was something going on with Chrissy?

So she sat with Chrissy like it was any other normal day.

Although it wasn't a daily occurrence, it was often that Eddie would interrupt the lunch hall with his shouting and dramatic speeches. He knew how to draw in attention. And that day was no different. Stephanie had been in the middle of telling Chrissy about how her parents had a trip to New York planned for a few days during spring break and she was still deciding if she wanted to go with them when a voice had interrupted her.

"But as long as you're into band or science...or parties" Eddie was standing on top on his lunch table, where the other members of Hellfire were sat, as he shouted at different tables of students. The majority of the students were looking at Eddie with disgust but Stephanie couldn't help but laugh. She liked how dramatic Eddie was. "Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" His final words were aimed at the table Stephanie was seated at. And although Stephanie was sitting in her seat laughing at him, the others didn't share her amusement. Jason especially.

Jason had stood up from his seat. "You want something, freak?" He had shouted back at Eddie, who didn't seem to be affected by his choice of words. Instead, Eddie had pulled a face at Jason, as though he was the devil, before turning back around. Jason hadn't found it funny, mumbling under his breath. "Prick."

The amused smile was still on Stephanie's face, even when Eddie jumped off the table and sat back down in his seat. Stephanie hadn't even realised she was still smiling, not till she faced Chrissy again and the look Chrissy gave her told her that she knew. "You're not as slick as you think you are, you know." Everything was adding up, everything was pointing towards Stephanie and Eddie being in a relationship. Chrissy couldn't believe she hadn't realised before.

The smile had instantly dropped from Stephanie's face. "I don't know what you're talking about." Stephanie couldn't believe Chrissy had finally figured it out. Was she not being careful enough? Maybe the two had gotten too careless recently because they'd managed to keep it a secret for so long. Stephanie just couldn't believe Chrissy had figured it out over a few shared glances and smudged lip gloss.

"You can hide it from everyone else, Steph, but I'm your best friend." Chrissy knew Stephanie better than anyone else, except for maybe Eddie. She couldn't believe Stephanie didn't think she'd figure it out.

"Chrissy—" Stephanie was about to explain herself but Chrissy cut her off, being utterly shocked over the fact it was Eddie Munson. Out of all people Stephanie could've had a secret relationship with.

"Eddie Munson?"

Although Chrissy hadn't shouted his name or even spoke it very loudly, Stephanie was still leaning forward and pressing her finger to Chrissy's lips in panic. "Shh!"

Chrissy pushed Stephanie's finger away from her mouth and rolled her eyes. "No one is listening." She looked around at their table, not seeing a single person paying attention to them. "Really?" Chrissy then turned back to Stephanie, questioning her choice.

"You listen to your boyfriend too much." Stephanie suddenly felt defensive over Eddie, which wasn't like her at all. Yes, she defended him against Jason but that was because of Stephanie's own personal feelings towards Jason, she didn't do it with anyone else often. Especially not with the girls. "He's not a freak." He was far from it. "Yeah, he's different and maybe a little weird but he's not who everyone thinks he is." Stephanie got that Eddie wasn't to everyone's liking. He was out there and broke the barriers to social standards but he wasn't some satanic cult leader or a deadbeat drug dealer.

Chrissy could see that Stephanie cared about Eddie, at least enough to defend him. Meaning it must've been going on for longer than a few weeks. "How long?"

"Since September." Stephanie answered Chrissy but looked everywhere but at her friend. The guilt of having kept something from Chrissy for so long was consuming.

"Steph!" The blonde couldn't believe it. That was almost 8 months of secrecy.

Stephanie finally looked at Chrissy. "You can't blame me for keeping it from you, Chris." She knew if anyone found out, even Chrissy, that they'd be questioning her judgment and choices. Out of all people, Eddie Munson wasn't someone most people would want to hook up with on a regular basis. It was just a good job Stephanie wasn't most people.

"So you two are together?" Chrissy furrowed her eyebrows at her friend. She didn't know what they were.

"No, no." Stephanie shook her head. She had then paused as she tried to find the best way to describe what the two were "We're just friends." It wasn't a lie. Stephanie would consider Eddie her friend. Just a friend that she did things with.

And thankfully, Chrissy understood that. "Friends who fuck." Chrissy giggled, raising her eyebrows at Stephanie. There was no point in sugarcoating the situation for her.

"Chrissy!" Stephanie playfully shoved Chrissy, still worried she was being too loud.

"Sorry, sorry." Chrissy was still laughing as she apologised to Stephanie for her choice of words.

When the girls had finished laughing, Stephanie's face had dropped as she stared at Chrissy. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but we made a deal not to tell anyone." She had to let Chrissy know that she wasn't not telling her because she didn't trust Chrissy or she didn't want her knowing. But her and Eddie had made a deal. They weren't to tell a single soul.

"It's okay." And thankfully Chrissy understood. "I'm just glad I know now." She gave Stephanie a smile. "I can stop being mad at you for sneaking away and not telling me where you are."

"I guess so." Stephanie smiled again.

"And I promise I won't tell a soul. Not even Jason." Chrissy had to reassure Stephanie that she wouldn't speak a word of it to anyone else.

Which Stephanie was very grateful about. "Especially not Jason." She didn't know what Jason would do if he found it.

hope you guys like it!
loved loved loved writing eddie and stephanie together and i can't wait to write more
i will be alternating between the season 4 timeline and flashbacks each chapter as the season 4 plot obviously won't let me write eddie and stephanie together as much as i want. i also think it'll be cute to write how they got together and their relationship leading up to season 4

tried to write as much stephanie and chrissy in this chapter as i could knowing chrissy's fate :(
they have such a cute friendship but at least the flashbacks will let me write that!

hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment!

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