six. pride and prejudice

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season 1, episode 4 - Nineteen (Pt. 1)

chapter six,

pride and prejudice!

THE NEXT DAY, Kia wore a white t - shirt, red and white adidas hooded jacket, black skirt, frilly white socks, and stripped black and white adidas. Her hair was in two French braids with red ribbons on the ends.  She also wore her glasses today since she was getting tired of buying contacts. She sat in the passenger seat of Brady's car which was driving them to school.  She had ice skating lessons after school and she couldn't be more excited.  She just hoped she wouldn't fall again.

After Brady managed to find a spot, the five kids waited in front of the school.   Cole's car parking in the parking lot, allowing for all the Walter brothers and Jackie to get out the car.  The girl wore a pink sweater, gray flared jeans, and pink ballet flats.

Issac noticed Kia, walking up to her. He also noticed her glasses. "Morning, Peters. Nice glasses." Turning around, she rolled her eyes. "Morning, Garcia. We still have to finish our project."

"We can work on it after school."

"I have practice after school today."

"Oh. Cole is gonna be busy today.  Will tomorrow work?"

"Fine but I'll come early since I'm going to spend Thanksgiving with my family."

"Okay. Sounds good."

The school doors opened, allowing students to enter. Kia quickly grabbed her things from her locker and walked to her first class, English.

UNLUCKY FOR HER, Issac was in her class. For the past few weeks, the students were reading "Pride and Prejudice", one of Kia's favorite books.

As one of her classmates read, Kia followed along.  She wished she could have a relationship like Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth.  The way they bickered, the way they disliked each at first.  But Mr. Darcy eventually bettered himself to be with Elizabeth.  That's a type of romance she wanted.

But who knows when she would get it?

Time passed and soon enough, the bell rang.  As Kia grabbed her things, her copy of "Pride and Prejudice" fell on the floor.  As she went to grab it, her hand brushed with someone else's.  When she looked to see who it was, she realized it was Issac.  Issac took her in for a moment.   Kia looked really pretty. Wait... did he just think that she was pretty?

Quickly getting her hand off of his, she stands up.  Issac stands as well, handing her the book.  "Thanks." Kia stated, taking it. 

"No problem."

IT WAS FINALLY time for gym.  Changing into her gym uniform, Kia walked out of the locker room with Paige and Samira.  Meanwhile, Brady was grabbing his clothes.  "There's gonna be a party later.  Do you want to go?" a voice asked.

"I'm down." Cole stated.   "You bringing that Jackie girl with you?"

"I don't think its really her scene."

"Come on, Cole.  If she comes, I'll give you twenty bucks."


Brady quickly went into the changing room so they wouldn't see him.  He had to tell Jackie about this.

In gym, they were playing dodgeball.  It was seniors against sophomores and Kia couldn't be more nervous.  I mean, the seniors had Cole on their team and boy could he throw. As soon as the whistle blew, all the kids ran to grab a ball.

As the game continued, Kia couldn't help but notice Issac catching and throwing the ball.  He's actually good at this, she thought to herself.  What she didn't notice was that a ball was coming straight for her.  "Kia, look out!" Paige stated, causing Kia to turn around.  But she didn't get hit.  Someone had caught the ball.  And who caught it?

Issac Garcia.

"You okay, Peters?" he asked as he threw the ball. "Yeah, I'm fine, Garcia." she answered, putting her focus back into the game.

SOON GYM WAS over and the sophomores lost. It wasn't really fair that the seniors had the whole football team and couldn't give them some of their teammates. They would have to try to win the following week.  Changing out of her gym clothes, she headed to her next class, science.

Issac and Kia sat next to each other as Issac pulled up their slideshow.  They were halfway through their project, they just needed to get Cole's data to add into their presentation.

"So what kind of practice do you even have after school?" Issac asked as he typed words onto the slideshow.

"Ice skating.  The school doesn't really talk about it that much so I don't really tell people that.  Well, except my friends."

"Are you calling me your friend, Peters?" Issac asked teasingly.

"No.  I never did and never will."

"You did yesterday."

"Shut up, Garcia."

"Make me, Peters."

"Are you two gonna kiss?" Grace asked the duo.  "Grace!" Issac exclaimed.   "What? I can see the tension.  There's no need to deny it."

"No, Grace.  We're not.  I would rather kiss a frog than Garcia over here." Kia stated.   "Well, I would rather kiss a cat than Peters anyways."

"Have you even kissed a cat?"

"No.  Have you even kissed anyone?"

"Have you?"

"I asked you first."

"No.  I bet you haven't."

"I did in second grade."

"Sure, Garcia."

They definitely like each other, Grace thought to herself.

SOON ENOUGH LUNCH rolled around.  Brady kept picking at his food.  He couldn't help but think about Cole's plan.  "Are you okay, Brady?" Paige asked her brother.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." he answered as he ate his sandwich.  I really need to find Jackie, he thought to himself.

Once lunch was over, he had to go on school grounds to get to his next class.  That's when he saw Jackie.  "Hey, Jackie." he stated, catching up to her.  "Hi."

"Can I tell you something?"

"Look, if it's about the days for tutoring I'd be happy to-"

"No, no. It's not about that. It's about Cole."

"What about him?"

"There's this party and him and his teammate bet that if he could get you to skip school and get you to go, he'd get twenty dollars."

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know but I don't think you should skip class.  I mean, sure it's a bit boring sometimes but after school, I think we should do something fun."

"Like what?"

"I'll think about it.  So is that a yes?"

"Don't I have to tutor you today?"

"You know what, we can do something after you tutor me."

"Okay, then."


"I'll do something with you after tutoring."

"Okay, sounds good.  Anyways, I have to get to Trigonometry.  Bye, Jackie!"  Brady gave a small wave before walking away from her.  Jackie couldn't help but wear a small smile.

SCHOOL WAS FINALLY over and Kia placed some things in her locker. She then grabbed her books to take home, along with her skates which weren't really in the best condition at the moment.  Closing the door, she quickly stuffs them in her bag as she walked to the locker room.

Coming out of the gym, she wore a white t - shirt, pink LuluLemon jacket, black flared leggings, and white sneakers. Checking her phone, she noticed Issac had texted her.


Hey, Peters

Could I come to your ice skating class today?

Bc I kind of have to remember some stuff about what you like to do and take some pictures

So my aunt thinks that we're actually friends



Do you know where the ice rink is?



It's a few doors down from the gym?


It is


I'm on my way

ISSAC CAME INTO the rink, sitting on the bleachers.  He noticed Kia placing her bag on the lower steps of the bleachers.  "Hey, Peters."

The girl looked up, rolling her eyes.  "Hi, Garcia." she stated, walking to where he was sitting.  "What pictures do you want to take?"

"Maybe of you skating? We should also take a few pictures together.  Just so she doesn't get suspicious."

"Okay, Garcia.  I'm gonna put on my skates."

"Alright, Peters."

MEANWHILE, Liam and Paige decided to walk to the Basus' house together.  Samira was at the diner, leaving Brady and Jackie alone.  The two of them were at Pinnacle Library.

Jackie was helping him study for his next test and boy did he need it. He was getting good at solving problems, it was just the steps involved.

"So how was class?" Jackie asked him as he worked on some problems. "It was good. The sophomores lost against the seniors in dodgeball though. English made me want to fall asleep."


"We're still reading 'Romeo and Juliet' and I can't keep listening to the two of them complain about not being together. They've only known each other for like a few hours and they're already in love? I'm glad I wasn't in that book, otherwise I would have words to say to the two of them."

Jackie chuckled, "I've read the book before and trust me, they don't have a happy ending."

"Shakespeare never gave his plays a happy ending.  It's kind of getting annoying."

They quietly laughed, praying they wouldn't cause a commotion in the library.

A few hours passed and the two decided to call it a day.  Exiting out of the library, they get into Brady's car.  "Didn't you say that we were going to do something fun?"

"Yeah. And I know exactly what we're gonna do."

"That is?"


"How are we supposed to go surfing? It's fall and I don't have a bathing suit."

"I'll just stop at the mall so you can get one."

"I don't even know how to surf."

"I'll teach you."

"Fine.  We can go." The two of them put on their seatbelts before Brady took off.

Maya Speaks 💫:

Hello it's me 🫶🏾

But I'm so sad that this book is gonna end in a few days 😭

Also ty guys for 1.5K reads!!! This is so crazy and I'm so surprised that a lot of people enjoy this book!

I made this book a month ago bc I saw edits of Issac Garcia on my fyp and I thought it would be fun to write a fanfic!

But this is the first time EVER I'm finishing a book that I've written bc my other books are gonna take so long to write (Fearless is four acts long... I'm crying rn)

But chapter six pt. two should be published by tomorrow!!

Until then my friends!

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