twelve. kia vs issac (round 106, rumor has it!)

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season 1, episode 7 - Small Town Rumors

chapter twelve,

kia vs issac (round 106, rumor has it!)

THE NEXT DAY, word about Alex punching Cole was starting to break out.  Kia could care less about the drama.  She had a presentation to put on with Issac.  Walking into science, Kia sat next to the said boy.  "Morning, Garcia."

"Morning, Peters.  You ready to present?"

"Yeah.  You?"

"I'm always ready." Issac stated, cringing.  "Forget that I said that."  Kia laughed, causing Issac to wear a small smile. Why the hell do I think her laugh is pretty?, he thought to himself.

An hour later, Issac and Kia walked out of the classroom.  They did well on their presentation, receiving an 'A'.  "Looks like we don't have to hang out anymore, Garcia.  We finished our project."

"We still do, Peters.  Remember the plan?"

"Crap, I forgot.  Does this mean I have to get pulled into whatever drama is going on with Alex and Cole?"

"No.  It isn't your business.  Plus, my Aunt Katherine would kill me if I did."

"Aw, are you starting to care about me, Garcia?"

"I mean, I guess.  We're trying to get along so of course I have to care about you.  You care about me, don't you?"

"No, Garcia."

"I think you do."

"Whatever, Garcia.  I'm hungry.  Want to come with me to the cafeteria?"

"You didn't eat anything?"

"I was rushing this morning and I forgot to eat breakfast."

"Don't you have class right now?"

"Oh yeah, I do.  I guess I'll have to wait until lunch.  Later, Garcia!"

"Bye, Peters!"

IT WAS THIRD period and Kia was starting to get really hungry.  Finishing her homework early, her teacher let her leave the classroom.  As she walked down the hallway, she noticed Issac at his locker.  "Garcia? Don't you have class right now?"

"My teacher isn't here today.  I have a free.  Also I have something for you."  Throwing her something wrapped in foil, she caught it.  "Are you trying to poison me?"

"Peters, just open it."  Kia sighed, opening the foil.  It was a breakfast burrito.  As she bit into it, she couldn't help but smile.  Issac got her food? Now, this was something she didn't expect from him.  "Thanks, Garcia."

"No problem, Peters.  Just remember to eat before coming to school next time."

"Don't worry, Garcia.  I will."  The two walked through the halls together, talking about straight up nonsense.  But Issac didn't mind.  As long as he got to spend time with her was all that mattered.

Rumors about Alex and Cole spread even more, except they were ten times worse than they were before. Long story short, Cole and Alex got into a huge fight in the auditorium, the other siblings (plus Lee and Issac) got in trouble too despite breaking them up, and they were suspended for a few days. Kia and her friends received a call from Alex that Nathan was in the hospital. The five of them rushed into the lobby, out of breath. "Where's Nathan? Is he okay?" Samira asked. "Hey, Mira." Lee stated.

"Hi." Kia rolled her eyes at the sight of them. They're so in love they make me feel single, she thought to herself. "But is your cousin okay? We heard what happened and came right away."

"We just learned that he's okay but he needs rest." Issac answered.

Back at the house, the kids were helping the Walter siblings set up a "welcome back" party for Nathan. Jordan and Parker were fighting over the best plan for the card, tension between Will and Hayley was higher than ever, and Danny was mad at Issac for stealing the lead role in the school play. Yeah, a lot was going on.

Once Nathan entered and everyone gave him a group hug, it was time to eat. Brady was in the kitchen, about to go in the dining room. He heard the house phone ring, deciding to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi. Is - is Nathan back from the hospital?"

"Yeah. We're going to eat. Where are you right now?"

"I'm lost. Somewhere. But it's - it's fine."

"Are you hurt? Are you alright?"

"I guess so."

"Just stay right there. I'll be on my way. Is there anything you can observe right now?"

"Uh, all I see is... creepy, white trees."

"I know where you are. I'm coming right now, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

Brady eventually made it to the woods, holding an umbrella. "Jackie! Jackie!"

"Brady? I'm here!" The girl walked over to him, finding shelter under the umbrella. The two got in the car, driving away. "Thank you for coming."

"No problem. You didn't get hurt, right?"


"So how are you feeling about the dance?"

"I'm a bit nervous? I can't really dance."

"Me neither. But not a lot of people dance at school dances so I think we should be fine." Jackie turned up the radio, "Somebody to You" by the Vamps was playing. Jackie started to sing the lyrics, causing Brady to join in.

KIA WAS INSIDE, waiting for the rain to stop. She was telling Parker and Benny a story to pass the time. "And then the monster came up from behind the girl and went-"

"Roar!" Issac exclaimed, causing Benny and Parker to scream. "Garcia, I was going to do that!"

"Well, I did it before you."

"You two act like an old married couple." Parker stated. "We do not!" Issac and Kia exclaimed. "See?"

The rain eventually stopped as Kia said goodbye to Parker and Benny. "Are you going to come over again?" Benny asked her. "I don't know. You'll have to ask your cousin."

Kia walked down the stairs, heading to the front door. "Peters, wait." The girl turned around, face to face with Issac. "Yes, Garcia?"

Issac took a deep breath, it was now or never. "Do you want to go to the dance with me?"

"Sure. I'll go with you."

"So see you at school tomorrow?"

"See you at school tomorrow. Good night, Walter's!"

Maya Speaks 💫:

This is canon 😭

Also the way that Issac has a crush on her but is too blind to see it?? Like bro open your eyes rn

But hopefully the next few chapters should be out by tomorrow!

Have a good night pookies 🫶🏾

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