Goth's a Jersey Thing

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Kyley walked confidently into the room with his usual swagger, pushing a hand through his sticky hair. The councillor of his new school had decided he should really be in therapy for his anger management issues. Kyley had tried to explain that it was just a Jersey thing, but the man was having none of it. And now, Kyley was cockily sitting down, making sure to spread himself out over the chair, next to a very interesting looking boy. The boy in question was a very fine piece of ass compared to all the other specimens in the room. Black eye liner ringed around droopy soulless eyes. Black shoes, black hat, black top, black trousers, black gloves. Sharply contrasted with a face powdered white, like snow. His appearance made him look like a depressed winter scene. Kyley really wanted to poke him.

"M'kay, so, I'm Mr Mackey, your councillor, m'kay, and you're all here today for therapy, m'kay. So, let's start of the day by introducing ourselves, and our mental problems, if you're okay with that. Stan, how about you start us off?"

"My name's not Stan you middle aged poser. It's Raven," sighed the boy, staring at his gloved hands.

"M'kay, well, Raven, why are you here today?"

"Because of my conformist mother. Lonely bitch doesn't understand me. Thinks I'm upset because her and my dead-beat father got divorced. She doesn't understand. I just see the world for the pain it is. I supposedly have depression. That word is not enough to represent the pain that constantly torments me. You conformists with your labels. Why don't you go chase your so called American dream instead of bothering others? We're all going to die anyway." Kyley grinned at the dark boy, he found him amusing, and he was interested in seeing if he could make those pale lips turn red by biting them.

"Mmmm'kay," said the councillor nervously. "Well, Raven, what makes you happy?"

"I don't feel happy. Happiness is a lie. You losers are too illusioned by our corporate world to see it for the shithole it is. My only emotions are darkness and anger. I channel my hatred for the world through poetry."

"Well, why don't you try reading us a poem?"

Raven reluctantly brought out a crumpled piece of paper and started reciting,

"Tears of blood stream down my face.

The world shatters around me.

Soundless screams from all directions.

The dark clouds break.

Demons revealed.

Children drown in pools of blood-"

"Mmmmm'kay!" said Mr Mackey, alarmed. "Thank you, Raven, for that... lovely poem. Kyley, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?" Mr Mackey was practically sweating as he spoke. It made Kyley's expression twist into a smile.

"Name's Kyley. I'm a Jersey boy," Kyley had already lost interest in what he was saying, "Did you know you have a really big head? What's up with that? I'm not being rude; It's a Jersey thing. We say it like it is."

"You also have stupid, conformist glasses," added Raven.

"Raven, Kyley, that's not very nice, m'kay." Raven just ignored him and took a sip of hot coffee from his flask. The burning sensation down his throat as he swallowed wasn't nearly painful enough. His disinterested stare hovered over the boy next to him. He wasn't a conformist like the other losers in this class, or, at least, he wasn't conforming to this group, yet. Raven respected that. But he imagined the poser would soon start copying all the other red necks who were racing through life to their inevitable graves. Raven would enjoy watching him suffer and fall.

The annoying councillor was rattling on about mindfulness. Kyley's sole focus was on the goth. He grabbed his hat off him. The boy immediately turned to glare at him. Kyley grinned at the dishevelled black locks beneath the hat

"Give that back poser."

"Nah, I think I'll keep it. Finders keepers birdy," said Kyley, teasingly waving it in front of Raven's face. The goth tried to grab it, but to no avail.

"It's mine. Give it back."

"I thought goths weren't meant to care about earthly possessions. Ain't that what the conformist posers do?" asked Kyley, grinning. Clearly, very pleased with himself.

The goth glared harder at him. "You don't know shit about goths. Give it back," Raven hissed at him.

"Alright, if you give me a kiss." Kyley enjoyed seeing the guy turning pink under his makeup. "Just a little peck from my little bird". At this point, Mr Mackey dismissed the class, glaring at Kyley and Raven as he did so. Raven was silent. He didn't have a response for what Kyley had just said, apart from trying to burn him with the darkness of his own eyes.

Kyley then gently placed the hat back on Raven's hat. Smoothing it down slowly. He turned to lightly poked Raven's nose. "See you 'round birdy," said Kyley with a smile, blowing Raven a kiss, and then arrogantly strutting off. Raven just sat in his chair. Frozen in shock. Had that poser just given him a nickname? Birdy? A fucking conformist nickname. Raven was going to right poetry about destroying him.


At school, it was barely second period, and Raven was already being beaten up. He didn't really care. All life was pain anyway. Why fight back?

"What's the matter goth kid? Too much of a fag to fight back?" Raven just stared at him with dead eyes.

"You think this hurts? You don't understand pain," he stated frankly. There were three of them. Raven was pretty sure they were about two years older than him. But he didn't really care. Hit after hit. Punch after punch. Raven didn't care. He barely reacted to any of them. His face was bruised, and his lower lip was bleeding. Scratches covered his arms and legs. Raven only stared at them with blank, bored eyes. Sure, the cuts stung, but they were nothing compared to what he had gone through emotionally.

"Oy! What do you losers think you're doing?" yelled a voice with a Jersey accent. Raven turned his spiritless gaze over to Kyley who was running towards him and his attackers. "You're garbage. You're all garbage! Fucking psycho trash. You're all muff cabbages! Muff. Cabbage!" shouted Kyley, who was now beating the shit out of the three guys. They all madly ran away. "You alright there?" asked Kyley. Once they'd ran off.

"Um, yeah," replied Raven, finding himself blushing, yet again. He glared at the ginger for provoking this reaction. Life was pain. After she stepped on his heart, broke it, he wasn't meant to feel anything!

"You're lips bleeding. I'm taking you to the nurse," Kyley decided.

"I don't need help."

"Tough luck," replied Kyley, dragging him away. Kyley sat him down on the sick bed, and started yelling at the school nurse. "Ay, can we have some service here!"

"In a minute," yelled the nurse, "Sorry, I just have to finish this!"

"Finish this? You think your fucking stupid work is more important than tending to a kid! This is your fucking job bitch! Have you got cabbage up your muff?! Tell me where the fuck the plasters are!" The terrified looking woman motioned to a drawer. Growling, Kyley grabbed the plasters and a bowl of water with a cloth. Raven winced as Kyley cleaned his wounds, rubbing the cold wet cloth onto his stinging cuts. The pain felt good, and he felt soothed as plasters were placed gently over the cuts.

"I told you I'm fine," grumbled Raven. Not wanting to admit he kind of enjoyed the attention.

"And I told you tough luck birdy."

"Don't call me that."

"Ain't that what you are? You're a raven, you've got feathery black hair, and your words are like a sharp little beak." Raven found himself, yet again, turning red. His heart was beating fast. His mouth felt dry. Life was pain. Life was pain. Life. Is. Pain. He wasn't meant to feel anymore. His only love had stepped on him. You only got one love in this cruel world. And his had shredded him. Then thrown him away.

A cold wet tongue licked across his face. Raven screamed and pushed Kyley away. Kyley spat and tried to clean his tongue off with his hands. "Eulgh. That was not what I was expecting. It looks like you cover your face in icing sugar. Doesn't taste like that at all. But you got pretty skin under that disgusting stuff birdy," observed Kyley. Raven glared at him, and stormed out of the room.


"Passionate red hair burns me

Piercing green eyes poison me

Strong arms that crush my life away

His words like daggers across my heart-"

"Dude, this is not goth!" said Pete.

"What do you mean?" asked Raven.

"It's a disgusting love poem Raven," stated Henrietta.

"Nu uh!"

"Yeah uh!"

"I am not in love with anyone!"

"Raven, you've got a disgusting apple pie love. Just face it," said Michael, letting out a puff of smoke.

"When you're burning in hell we'll see if you still feel love," added Firkle.

"Why aren't you wearing foundation?" asked Pete. "It's part of being goth. You have to look like death." Raven felt his cheeks turning red.

"You also have to look like us in order to be a non-conformist," added Michael.

"I didn't feel like it today. Too much hassle. Too much pain."

"I bet he's doing it for his fucking Jersey boy," decided Henrietta.

"I don't have a 'Jersey boy'," growled Raven, irritated at this point.

"You'll be a conformist sucking his balls by next week," predicated Firkle.

"None of you guys know shit," growled Raven, taking his poetry and exiting Henrietta's house.


"Well look here, a little bird's flown over to greet me. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Raven glared at the boy he'd decided to sit next to. He glared at his gelled hair, stupid T-Shirt, ugly gold rings and necklace. Because although Kyley was still conforming to where he used to live, he wasn't conforming to this school. And something about that made Raven really angry.

"I just came over to tell you to leave me alone."

Kyley smirked at him. "Why this body too much for you?"

"No. You're really irritating."

Kyley just smiled at his words. "Aw, birdy thinks I'm cool."

"No, that's not what I said."

"Admiring these guns?" said Kyley flexing. "I haven't been to the gym since yesterday. I need to go back." Raven just stared perplexed at the boy. He didn't seem capable of hearing criticism.


Raven was glaring at his food, trying to set it alight with the power of his hatred for the meaningless planet he lived on. Because he'd sat next to Kyley in class, they'd been paired together for a project. And now, he had to eat dinner, with Kyley and his stupid conformist Mother.

"This is good food, thanks," said Kyley, happily munching on potatoes. Raven's stupid poser mother looked over joyed by the compliment.

"Don't talk to my conformist mother," said Raven, glaring at his peas, like they were offending him.

"Stan, will you at least try to be pleasant at the dinner table?"

"Why? So you can force me to follow more of society's stupid whims? I'd rather have my eyeballs scratched out," Sharon sighed, and looked forlornly at her own meal.

"Aw, you can't have those baby blue eyes scratched out. Then what would I gaze into?" Raven felt his face turn a violent red colour. Sharon stared at her son and Kyley in shock. Stan was blushing! And, now that Sharon properly looked, he wasn't wearing that stupid white powder on his face. Maybe Kyley, as strange and unconventional as he was, could bring her son back. "By the way you have a really weird sense of fashion," Kyley said to Sharon, who started glaring at the Jersey boy along with her son. "It's nothing personal. It's just a Jersey thing."


Raven was starting to lose the plot. His poetry was getting sappier every day. His life was like those graphs he had to learn about in biology. As his time with Kyley increased, his feelings of pain and torment decreased. And Raven hated this. He liked living a life of pain. He had been perfectly content doing that. And he didn't need Kyley and his weird Jersey antics. When he was nine, and his girlfriend had dumped him, Raven had accepted that he'd never find love again. This theory was further backed up when his parents' barbie girl dream relationship shattered before his eyes during the same time period. But suddenly, all it takes is a guy who smells way too strongly of cologne, and Raven wanted back into the lies of the capitalist world? No. Fuck that. Not on this goth's watch. He was not talking to that gelled up ginger anymore.

Just as he was thinking this, however, he spotted said ginger coming down the hallway towards him. And when the Jersey kid spotted him, he smiled and pinned Raven up against the wall. Then pressed his lips against the goth's. Raven's mind went blank. And he happily started kissing back.

Kyley then pulled away. "Sorry for taking you by surprise there birdy. It's a Jersey thing. I follow impulses."

"Get your mouth back on mine or I will break both your legs."

"Asking for kisses isn't a very goth thing to do."

"Shut up and kiss me."


"Dad! Dad! Is that other dad?!" yelled David with glee, his curly black locks bouncing around his head, as he jumped up and down excitedly, waving a photo in Kyle's face. David had found an old box of photos, and they were making the ten-year-old laugh uncontrollably. The one currently in his hand was of Stan in full goth mode, glaring and giving whoever was taking the photo the middle finger. Kyle walked over to the hyper boy, and grinned back at him when he discovered what had his child so enraptured.

"Yeah it so is! Stan, Stan! Look what David found!" David's bright green eyes sparkled with delight, along with his Kyle's own green pair, as father and son beamed over at Stan.

Stan came over curious. And immediately started cringing at the photo. "Dude, oh my God, burn it. Burn it with fire." Kyle was giggling uncontrollably.

"That's what you would have said as a goth! Life is pain. I may as well feel it. You're a conformist. You wouldn't understand," moaned Kyle, doing a terrible impression of his husband from the past.

"Oh yeah! Let's look at these other photos shall we?" Stan dug through the box until he found one of Kyle, wearing his Kyley-B shirt, with his hair full of so much gel is was surprising it hadn't broken off. And he was seductively licking a banana. Kyle immediately went bright red.

"Dad, what were you doing?" asked David, confused.

"Um..." was all Kyle seemed to be able to respond with.

"Let's just say there's a reason we never go on holiday anywhere near Jersey," explained Stan. "Remember that time I had to bail you out of prison?"

"That guy was looking at me weird!" replied Kyle, defensively.

"'That guy' was a telephone box. And you managed to break the glass with the sheer power of your fists. You then took down two police officers."

"I was drunk! It's a Jersey thing!" Stan gave him an unimpressed stare. David, on the other hand, was looking at his ginger father with new found respect. "Man, we were such weird kids," said Kyle, head in his hands.

"Dude, I think we managed to fix each other," said Stan.

"Yeah, apparently goth plus Jersey equals conformist," decided Kyle.

"Please don't use that word," moaned Stan. He had been triggered enough by his goth past for one day.

"Look Dads, I like this one," said David, grinning. He'd picked up a photo of Kyley hugging Raven. Raven was trying to glare at him, but he also couldn't stop a smile forming on his face. Stan and Kyle smiled at each, deciding they'd put that one in a frame later. Kyle picked up David, and dragged him away from the incriminating box, to the sitting room to watch a movie. With the three of them cuddled up together, Stan and Kyle couldn't help but think of their pasts, and love them, if they'd led to this present.


Hey guys~ Yes, Goth Stan is a tsundere. No, you won't stop that head canon, because it makes sense! To clear things up, this fic is not an mpreg! Shelly was a surrogate mother, if anyone is confused as to how David exists. Also, does anyone else want to know what would happen if goth Stan went to doki doki literature club and read his poetry? I really want to know.

Thank you to SHREKMEMELORD for this awesome idea, I had a lot of fun writing it!

And also thanks to my editor for his (slightly terrifying) drawing at the top.

Requests are still open, so please tell me what you guys would like to see next! Remember, it doesn't have to be Style. Have an awesome day guys!

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