Guess who's tagged, tagged again

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No, I do not apologise for the title.

Crush - yes, I have one, and let me tell you, the perfect man exists (yes, as I'm pan I'm allowed to like dudes sometimes - stop judging me). His name his Seb, I don't know his surname, or very much about him, or if I'll ever see him again, but from what I do know, he is literally perfect - I'm scared to learn more about him in case I get disappointed.

Lock screen - I'm a massive Kingsman fan! They are my favourite movies! Eggsy and Harry are my life! Does anyone else ship Hartwin? But I also love Eggsy and Tilde. Also, Merlin, my Scottish Prince, may he forever rest in peace, or pieces (I'm a terrible person). 

And yes, this lock screen does lead to awkward convos, but I refuse to change it. And yes, I also know the quote by heart to the extent where I know that picture has a mistake in it. It should say, "So hail Satan,"

Home Screen - This numbin is my home screen, more on him later.

FavoUrite song - at the moment has to be 'Lätkäjätkä-Ville' by Tuure Boelius. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! (It's the song up above) Creds to NerdyLittleReader for introducing me to it. Forget K pop you guys, F pop is the way forward.

Five Facts:

1. The mad lad up top is my one and only 12-year-old bro, Jonny, who is also my editor. Yes, my 12-year-old brother edits my fanfiction (and I sometimes wonder what I'm doing wrong with my life). To clarify, he never gets to read the smut or omegaverse stuff. I am never going there with him. Never. 

2. I love a variety of YouTubers: ShipperGuideToTheGalxy, Dan and Phil (yes, of course I ship Phan), Jackseptieye, SuperCarlinBrothers and Seamus Gorman.

3. I want to be a doctor! And so does Seb, which is one of the many reasons he's the perfect guy. He's also a singer, he's cute, has firm muscles, a Scottish accent, was slightly awkward, had a musical tie which matched his musical socks and... these facts are meant to be about me, aren't they? I'm not doing the greatest job here.

4. I've been feeling lonely lately, I don't really think that's a 'fact' about me as such, but I just wanted to share because I was in a kinda bad place. Totally unmotivated, and feeling depressed for about a full week. I was considering the possibility that I have depression. But, I've just been on a singing course and met some new people, and I feel a million times better and more confident. I just wanted to share in case you're going through the same thing. Don't worry, good times are coming, and a good tip for making new friends which I have just learned is to share your insecurities with people, it really helps. Also, just start a conversation, you are truly awesome, and people will want to get to know you. And feel free to message me if you are feeling down. One thing getting me through my depressed week was my Wattpad friends, who are truly awesome, you guys know who you are ;)

5. Another kinda deep one (I didn't wanna go deep but I've run out of things to say! Why am I not more interesting?) if you've ever noticed that my favourite ships are all quite friendship based - Stingue, USUK, Style, etc; it's because I got into writing fanfic as a way to get over my feelings for my own best friend. I guess you could say I was in love with her, but, honestly, I feel kinda over it now. Maybe that's thanks to Seb - Seb is honestly perfect you guys.

Zodiac - I'm a virgo~ Yay(!) my name, Catherine, literally also means virgin, and I swear the universe is against me. I'm about to turn 17, and I know that's not that old, but I have this fear that I will always be a virgin.

Eye ColoUr - Blue

Hair ColoUr - Blonde. I'm basically the perfect Aryan. Hitler would have loved me, yay(!)





I'm too lazy to tag anyone else, sorry.

Thanks to the awesome NerdyLittleReader for the tag. I think we all learned that I am maybe a little too obsessed with Seb. Imagine if he read this; I would combust from embarrassment. But I feel like he was too jocky too read fanfic anyway. Plus, the universe would really be against me if he found this. But if you are reading this, Seb, and you know who I am, marry me. Literally, marry me.

Also, sorry for not updating. The singing course ends tomorrow, and I'm going to get on updating The Fractured Love Square, and also on writing the omega Stan fic which currently may or may not be based on the time I spent dancing with Seb... I don't have a problem I swear!

Anyways, have an awesome day guys~

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