Omegaverse (Part 3)

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The following morning, only Stan was at the bus stop when I arrived. He immediately backed away when I approached.

"Dude, I need to apologise for my behaviour yesterday. That was really not cool. Craig came and talked to me after school. I didn't realise I'd been scaring you. I guess I just got a little out of control," said Stan, hanging his head in shame.

"That's okay dude. Don't worry about it," I replied, not wanting Stan to freak out, or feel too bad; it wasn't really his fault after all. Although, it had been really scary. I sniffled a bit from the cold. Then sneezed. Immediately, a red and blue scarf was wrapped around my neck. Stan's scent filled my nostrils. I felt protected. I watched, curiously, as Stan practically jumped a foot back after having wrapped the scarf around my neck.

"Um, Kyle... I," I never got to hear what Stan was going to say, as the bus arrived, and Kenny and Cartman madly ran past us to jump in it. Lucky bastards got there just in time.

I sat next to Stan on the bus, as usual. I was pretty tired though, so I rested my head on his shoulder, and tried to get some shut-eye. Stan was really tense. I guess still worried about hurting me. I felt safe though. He was bombarding me with protective hormones. It felt like I could hear him in my ear saying: I'm right here Kyle! What do you need? I'll give you anything you want! I'm never, ever leaving your side!

It felt nice, but what on earth does it mean for our friendship? Where do we go from here? And what happens now? How much of the way Stan is acting is genuine? And how much of this is just the hormones?

In class, things seemed to be sorting themselves out a little. Pretty much everyone had turned by now. Wendy was an omega, and Cartman was refusing to leave her alone. Thank God he's the fuck away from me. He was attacking her with insults, as usual, but it was painfully obvious it was a tactic to get her attention. Wendy had clearly realised this. I could see her smirking.

Kenny was busy fawning over Butters, who was also an omega and looked very uncomfortable. I smiled, I'm sure he'll get used to it.

My only admirer left was Stan, and I was honestly very happy about that. The only people who didn't seem happy were Tweek and Craig. Craig was completely ignoring Tweek, and the guy seemed heartbroken. It was genuinely painful to watch.


The bell signally the end of the day rang loudly, and Craig dashed out of the classroom. I sprinted out after him. All day I'd chased him. I'd chased him all through break and lunch. In class, he pretended I didn't even exist. He'd move if I tried to get remotely near him. I understand why he's doing this, but it's physically hurting me.

Eventually, I managed to grab his jacket. "Craig! Just listen to me! I want to talk to you!" I said, desperately. Craig pushed off my hand gently.

"I'll hurt you again," was all he said, before running away from me. I couldn't it take anymore. I sat down with my back against the wall, in defeat, and started crying. What I knew were irrational thoughts started taking over my brain. My alpha doesn't love me. I'm a disappointment. He hates me. He'd rather have anyone else.

I got distracted, however, by what I now knew as Craig's scent. He was, uncertainly, crouching a couple metres away from me, across the hall.

"You came back?" I asked, still shaking, tears still in my eyes.

"You smelled distressed. I couldn't just leave," said Craig, slightly red. I crawled towards him. He stumbled back, away from me, like I was toxic. I was about to start bawling again when I felt a pair of arms around me. Barely putting any squeeze into the hug, as if I'd break, like glass, under the slightest pressure. "Everything I do just seems to hurt you," stated Craig, eventually.

"W-Well that's not your fault," I responded. After a minute or so, I felt him squeeze me slightly tighter. "A-As long as you don't leave me again!" I demanded.

Craig chuckled, "Okay babe, as long as you tell me as soon as I do something wrong." I nodded and Craig helped me up. I immediately buried myself into him and hugged him tightly. I could tell Craig was bright red without having to look at him. Eventually, I looked up at him. "Um, T-Tweek. I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, but... I love you," he said, quietly. I grinned up at him.

"I love you too Craig!" Craig smiled at me, then gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I went bright red, and he just grabbed my hand, and lead me home. We were silent, and both bright red, the entire way there.


Stan had been acting like some loyal dog all day, keeping a little bit of distance from me, but following me around. All day. Carrying my bag (after much protest on my behalf), bringing me food, keeping me warm. However, the more it continued, the more uneasy I became. He was never like this before he turned. This is all hormones. All fake.

Everything was starting to get to me. When the bell rang signally the end of the day, I ran off before Stan had even finished packing up his stuff.

I ran home to my room, to my bed, hid under my covers and started crying. The sheets were soft under my fingers, but for once, they weren't bringing me any comfort. I knew I was being pathetic, but I couldn't get the tears to stop. I felt like I could even smell his comforting scent. Now I'm really being irrational.

Suddenly, I felt a warm pair of arms surrounding me, gently. I relaxed into the hold and snuggled up to what was fast becoming a familiar smell. I turned around to see Stan. Quickly, I pushed him off and backed away. He looked really hurt, but he didn't make a move to hug me again. Just reached out a hand uncertainly, before putting it down.

"I'm so sorry, Kyle, about yesterday. I don't know what came over me. I swear, I won't let it happen again. Just, let me show you," he said desperately, sounding so disappointed in himself.

"That's, that's not why I'm upset," I replied. Stan looked at me, tilting his head to one side in confusion.

"Then... why? Why did you run away?" he asked, trying to hide the underlying hurt tone to his voice.

"I, I," I paused for a second, "I love you," I said eventually. Stan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, I love you too. That doesn't explain why you ran away!" he said, still sounding hurt and confused.

"I mean as more than a friend!" I yelled at him.

"So do I!" he yelled back. Tears filled my eyes again.

"No, you don't. It's just the hormones," I stated. Silence filled the air.

"Is that what you really think?" said Stan, sounding sad. I didn't reply. I just blinked at him uncertainly. "Kyle, I've been in love with you for years." I stared at him in shock. "It isn't just hormones! How could you think that!" he said, angrily.

"W-Wendy," I replied, eventually.

"That was hurting you?" he asked, I nodded. "I'm so sorry Kyle. I just didn't see any way you would ever return my feelings. I was afraid you'd find out. So, she kind of became my beard. She knew, and she was cool with it, until recently when she wanted to break it off."

"Why wouldn't I return your feelings?" I asked.

"Because you're absolutely amazing Kyle! Why would you ever even consider me?" he questioned, sounding genuinely perplexed.

"You've got to be kidding me. You're the most caring, brilliant person ever." I said, moving a little closer to him. Hesitantly, Stan pulled me closer to him, until my face was right next to his. My heart started beating rapidly. It felt like it wanted to escape my body and move right up next to his. "Stan, I'm scared," I said quietly. He immediately pushed me away from him, but I shuffled right back up close to him. "That didn't mean you should push me away, asshole," I half whispered, cheeks red; Stan's own were the same colour. He said nothing but started moving his lips closer towards mine. He stopped when they were but a couple centimetres away from mine. He looked at me, hesitantly, asking if this was okay. I gave him a couple small nods.


Hey guys~ Seems I forgot the other reason I didn't publish this earlier - the cringe (I read on past this you guys - it only gets worse). Why me from the past, why?

Anyways, have an awesome day guys~

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