Underpants Gnomes (Part 4)

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I walked home alone, feeling defeated. I'd been trying to talk to Kyle all day, but he determinedly avoided me. Kyle... The mere thought of his name hits me like a brick. Thinking of his red hair I feel burned alive. Imaging his green eyes makes me feel lost in an endless forest. I'm so confused. I don't understand anything anymore.

I get home and start searching around for alcohol. It's the only thing that will make the pain stop. Sparky comes into the kitchen where I'm searching and glares at me. He then grabs my trouser leg in his mouth and starts trying to drag me somewhere.

"Sparky, get off!" I yell at my dog, but he won't listen. I glare at him. I just want to get wasted right now. Is that too much to ask? He won't let go. Eventually, I give up and let him drag me wherever the fuck we're going.

Soon, we're outside a single story red house covered in rainbow flags. I vaguely remember it as Big Gay Al and Mr Slave's house. As Sparky still won't let go of me, I knock on the door.

"Ah hello! It's so good to see you Stan! What brings you here!" Al exclaims.

"My dog," I say, pointing at Sparky and glaring at him.

"Oh hello, nice to see you again Sparky!" he says to my fucking dog. "I heard you got yourself a new boy toy!" Sparky starts wagging his tail, fast. I guess that's a yes. "Oh, that's wonderful news!" he then turns back to me. "All of my animal friends bring me the confused and lost. Usually, they're not human but come in come in! I've heard all about your problems with Kyle." How does news always spread so fast in this fucking town? I take a deep breath and try to calm down. I'm not going to be an asshole, especially not to Big Gay Al, just because I'm having issues.

I give Al a quick run over the story so far. The Asian girls, how I'm not actually gay, but Kyle might be, and how I'm confused. Al sits there and nods.

"Stan, who's the most important person in your life?" asked Al.

"Kyle, obviously." Is he thick or something? He's my best friend.

"Who's your happiest memory about?" I thought hard for a minute.

"Kyle," I said, remembering the day he got Cartman's kidney and I knew he'd be alright.

"Who's your saddest memory about?" I had to think hard, again. There were a lot, but it was from the same time as the first memory. When I thought for sure Kyle was going to die.


"Who do you want to protect above anyone else?"

"Kyle." These questions were getting annoying. He's my best friend! What else does the man want! I promised we'd die together for crying out loud.

"Who do you turn to for help? Who do you rely on the most? Who protects you best?" asked Al.

"Kyle," I said again, thinking back to when he saved me in imagination land, or when I was dealing with Peter Rabbit. I went straight to Kyle.

"Do you see what I'm getting at?" I shook my head. Al sighed, "Stan, are you sure your feelings for Kyle don't go beyond friendship?" I said nothing. "Stan, you're not going to like to hear this, but Kyle's right. Asian people can't change someone's sexuality. You're just working yours out for the first time, and that's totally normal."

I immediately got defensive. "Way crazier shit has happened in this stupid town!" I half yell at him. Al stops to think for a minute.

"How does Kyle make you feel?" The question caught me a little off guard. I took a little while to respond.

"Weird, it's really intense to be around him. Some weird energy fills me, and every moment around him I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of joy. It's hard to focus on anyone but him."

"Did you maybe feel that way before the Asian girls started drawing you?"

"I..." Long pause. "Maybe. It was really confusing though. So I ignored it and hoped it would just go away. I tried focusing on Wendy again. But it didn't work."

"So what you're saying is, that you liked Kyle before the Asian girls started drawing you?"

I felt tears filling my eyes. "I, I... No! That can't be right!" I said desperately.

Al smiled at me, sadly. "Why is liking Kyle such a bad thing, Stan?" I broke when he said that. Tears started streaming down my face.

"I, I just can't, okay?" I said between sobs, "It'll ruin everything! It would destroy our friendship! I can't be without Kyle!"

"Who says these feelings ruin anything?" Al asked gently.

"Because, because I'll mess everything up! I always mess things up with Wendy."

"Kyle isn't Wendy Stan," said Al giving me a big gay hug. "This is just a new chapter in your journey with him. You two have been through more than most friends. You always make up through every fight or betrayal."

"This is different. This changes everything."

"Well, do you think it can even go back to how it was?" I was silent for a while.

"... I guess not." I took a deep breath. "I've got to tell him how I feel, but I'm scared."

"It's okay Stan. It'd be weird if you weren't," he said, still hugging me. I eventually broke away and wiped my eyes.

"Thanks, Al," I said with a smile and headed to the door.

"Any time kiddo!" he said, waving from the door.

When I got home, I felt a lot better. I gave Sparky a bone as a reward. "Thanks boy, you're the best!" I said, giving him a scratch behind the ears, and heading up to my room.

How am I even going to manage to get Kyle to talk to me tomorrow? He won't even stay in the same room as me.

I spot a pen and paper on my desk. Just then, an amazing idea pops into my mind. Perfect.


I sat at my desk, defeated, feeling nothing but emptiness. Stan hadn't even tried to talk to me today. At least he'd tried yesterday. Not that I really want him to talk to me. Actually, I don't know what I want anymore.

Our class is currently doing show and tell. It's as stupid as it sounds. I heard Stan get up, but I refused to let my eyes follow my ears.

"Kyle," my ears immediately perked up, and this time, I couldn't stop my eyes flying over to Stan, "I know how much you love speeches, so I thought this would be a good way to do this. I'm really sorry for being such an asshole. That was not cool. I'm not trying to give excuses for my assholish behaviour; I just want to try and explain what happened. I was scared and confused. But you know what? I learned something today." I gave him a death glare, for using the cringey words I usually say. "Well, actually, it was yesterday coming to think of it. The point is, friendships are like video games. When you're able to progress to the next level, you don't say on the easy one. You continue onwards because you need to progress. Staying on the easy level, that's just stupid. How are you ever meant to complete the game if you do that? Sure, the higher levels are more challenging. But you get more of a feeling of accomplishment when you finish them, and often cool new power-ups. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you, and I'm sorry I wasn't willing to accept that earlier?" All eyes were on me. My face was completely crimson from all the blood flowing to it. How did he manage to say something so dorky that was also the sweetest thing ever?

"Kahl, respond you stupid Jew fag! Unless you've turned into a vegetable, because you literally look like a tomato right now," declared Cartman.

"Tomatoes are a fruit fat boy!" I yelled back. For once happy Cartman had opened his fat mouth because it gave me something else to focus on.

"Kahl, that's fucking retarded. Tomatoes are obviously vegetables!" he shouted in reply.

"Dude, they're a fruit," said Stan. I realised most of the rest of the class was glaring at us. Probably because I hadn't answered Stan yet.

"Um, Stan?" I said, a little quieter than usual.

"Yeah dude?" he responded nervously.

"I wanna go to the next level too," I stated, hesitantly. A massive grin broke out across Stan's face, and the class cheered. Geez, it's not that amazing. Just then, the bell rang, bringing the day to a happy conclusion.


Craig had his hand in mine as we walked towards the movies. We were both still living off the happy buzz that Stan and Kyle getting together had brought everyone. I guess that's how the town felt when Craig and I got back together too. It felt nice to have Craig's hand in mine again, but it felt wrong somehow. He didn't really seem to hold it with the usual tightness.

For some reason, I ended up agreeing to watch a horror movie. I don't know why I agreed; I think I wanted to seem cool. Whatever the reason was, it was a horrible idea! This movie is terrifying! The movie had barely even started and I was clinging onto Craig like a koala to a tree. Stupid jackass was smirking as well. I don't think I let go of him the entire film, or on the way to my house.

We stopped just outside the door to my house.

"I, had a really nice time, thanks, Craig. I said staring at my shoes like they held some great secret. Craig was similarly refusing to meet my eyes.

"Yeah, it was pretty sweet," he replied, and then grabbed my chin, and placed a quick chaste kiss on my lips. Short and sweet. Then, just like that, I was a boy again, just in time to catch Craig before he fainted. I dragged Craig into my house and placed him gently on the sofa.

I touched my lips. Our first kiss. I guess I always imagined it a little differently; the main difference being I had a dick. But that was lovely, it's a pity it's probably the last time it will ever happen. I sat in a nearby chair with a cup of coffee, watching Craig closely, ready to face his reaction when he woke up.

Then, a felt someone poking my lower leg. I looked down to see one of the underpants gnomes.

"Hey, kid! You did it!"

"Yeah, it was a bit anticlimactic though, I thought I'd be surrounded by a golden cloud or something."

"Why the hell would that happen? I said you'd be changed back to a boy, not that a fireworks display would happen."

"Huh, I guess you have a point."

"Anyways, I just came back to thank you."


"We finally worked out how to make a profit from selling underwear!"

"What? How?"

"By selling them online and pretending they belong to either you, Craig, Stan or Kyle."

"What?! Ew! That's disgusting! Also, isn't that false advertising?! What if I get sued and then sent to prison and then murdered because-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa kid! Slow down! No one's murdering anyone! Anyways, I best be going, looks like Craig's waking up."

I looked over at Craig and saw that he was slowly stirring. "Tee? No, Tweek!" he said happily and ran over to give me a hug, almost falling over in the process.

"Um, Craig?" I asked confused.

"Yes, babe?" I almost squealed with happiness from the pet name.

"Aren't you... meant to hate me now?"

"Um, why?" asked Craig.

"Because you're straight, and you only like me when I'm Tee, and I tricked you?" Craig just laughed, laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"Tweek, I don't care what you look like. You could be a duck and I'd still love you."

"C-Craig! That's weird! And illegal!"

"I don't care."

"I, I don't get it. You liked Tee way more than you like Tweek."

"Babe, I think you're a bit confused. I woke up with no memories of you, and it felt like I was missing a limb. I may have been able to put on a façade, but I was a complete mess. Then, when you turned up as Tee, I didn't feel so empty around you. So, I clung to you. Sorry if that came across as slightly creepy." I grinned and hugged Craig tighter. "Also, why are you still dressed as a chic?" I looked down and realised Craig was right.

"Well, the gnomes just said when you'd kiss me I'd turned back to a guy, not that my clothes would change."

"A transformative kiss. That's so fucking gay," said Craig, sounding very annoyed at this point. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and went upstairs, noticing that the fanart of me and Craig was back to being plastered across our walls. Thankfully, my normal clothes were back, although, once I'd changed back, I found myself missing the skirts slightly. Perhaps I'll wear them sometimes.

When I came down, Craig was dealing with a very confused Stan and Kyle. Who were questioning Craig about my existence in general. I came down and joined the conversation. I informed the two of them about exactly what had happened, and the four of us had some fun laughing about it. Stan and Kyle also informed me that the girls had invited all of us, apart from Craig to their next sleepover. And this time, with Stan and Kyle with me, I think I'd be happy to accept. I smiled as I drank my coffee. I guess South Park has two gay couples now.


Hey guys~ Thanks for reading the last part of this not a oneshot in a oneshot book; hopefully, you enjoyed it! My exams are almost over! And I wanna hug everyone! Also in the 'Kyle isn't Wendy' bit my editor went or is he? And then proceeded to sing the Doctor Who theme (as alien music) which then changed into the Dream Daddy theme. And then I imagined Craig meeting Craig, and now I just have to stop, or I'm going to sound even crazier than I already do.

Anyways, votes, comment and requests are always appreciated, and have an awesome day guys~

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