New Kid Pt.1

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Quick A/N: Pretend that Denis and Corl are both 16 and in high school. Thanx! See you at the end!

Corl's POV:
"Wake up, sweetie. It's time to go to your new school." My mom said. She had been waking me up the same way for the whole 16 years I have been alive.

"Good morning, Mom." I said. She walked out of the room to make breakfast while I got dressed. New school. New me. I thought to myself as I grabbed clothes in the exact style I had been wearing for the past 2 years. I wish I was different. Well, better go. I walked downstairs, said goodbye to my mom, and started the walk to my new school.

*Time skips because reasons*

When I got to my new school, I immediately went to the front office to meet the principal and get my schedule.

"H-hello. I-I'm Braden Welsh. C-can I have my schedule?" I asked him.

"Sure." He handed me my schedule with a smile. "Have a great day!"

"You too." I said. I walked out of the office and started toward my first class.

Denis's POV:
As I walked through the halls of my school to bring a teacher my work form the day before, my mind started to wander. I knew this school like the back of my hand so I wasn't going to run into anything. At least I thought I wasn't. I ran into a kid, obviously new, and we both tumbled to the ground. Luckily, he had no books out of his bag. He quickly grabbed his bag and schedule, mumbled a quick sorry, and walked off. He was super cute. I hope I see him again. I got up and brought my teacher my work.

*Time skip to lunch!*

Corl's POV:
It was lunch time and I realized I didn't have anywhere to sit. I wish I could sit with that guy I ran into in the hallway. He didn't say anything rude when I ran into him. I just wish I had seen his face. I walked to an empty table and sat down. I put my head down and just thought about life, until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey." Someone said softly. I'm glad they didn't want to yell.

"Hi." I said.

"You're new here. Right?"

"Yeah. I just moved here."

"Do you have any friends yet?" He asked.

"No." I said sadly.

"Do you want to be friends with me?" He said.

"Sure. Thanks. I'm Braden, but you can call me Corl."

"I'm Denis." He sat down beside me. "I don't really have a nickname though."

"I'm going to call you Din Din!" I said. We were both laughing and smiling. He's so adorable. I took out my cupcake and got some frosting on my finger. I then booped him on the nose with frosting. He laughed, got a napkin, wiped it off, and scooted closer to me. My face started heating up. Why am I blushing? Do I like him? Why do I fall in love so easily?! He noticed that I was stressed looking and hugged my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" He asked, actually concerned.

"I'm just, sorta kinda, maybe a little but, in love with someone already..." I said quietly.

Denis's POV:
Wait. What did he just say? Is he in love with someone? Should I take a risk that might ruin this friendship so quickly and assume he's talking about me?! ....You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna take a risk.

"I hope it's me." I said quietly.

"It is." He said even quieter. I hugged his waist.

"Good." I said as he laid his head on my shoulder. "Can I come over tonight?"

"Sure, Din Din."

A/N: Part 2 is going to be bad because time restraints suck, but I'll try to make it decent. As always, LOVE YOU!!! BAIIIII!!!!!

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