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Denis's POV:
I woke up energized, which is very rare, so I decided to put it to good use. I immediately jumped out of bed and got dressed, ready to go for a jog. I stretched and grabbed my phone, headphones, and ran to the kitchen for a water bottle, having to dig in the very back of the cabinet, seeing as the last time I used it was before we moved in. I filled it with ice water from the fridge dispenser. Corl walked in shirtless, making me blush a bit. He bumped my hip with a smile on his face to get the eggs. I smiled back at him and grabbed his wrist before he could grab the eggs.

"Come for a run with me today?" I asked as he looked at me shocked. He groaned before responding, muttering a quick okay before going to his room to get dressed. He ran more than I did. I preferred going to the gym than taking a run in the morning. But anyway, he came down the stairs in a pair of shorts and a tee, headphones already slung around his neck and asked me.


*time skip to about 20 minutes into the run*

Me and Corl were running for a while. I was getting out of breath a little, but he was going fine.

"You alright?" I asked him. I looked up at him, panting like a dog.

"I feel like I need to be asking you that question." He said smugly, looking up at me too.

"Haha." I replied sarcastically. Then all of a sudden Braden trips on a jut in the road. I see him sprawl onto the ground as the fresh air breezes past, which did nothing to relieve me. I immediately ran to his side, pelting him with questions.

"Are you okay? Are you bleeding anywhere? Does anything hurt? Do I need to call someone?" I was frantically checking his arms and head for any cuts or bruises. He stopped me by grabbing my wrist and looking into my eyes.

"I'm fine," he assured, "just sprained my ankle." He chuckled and got up, using the hand I offered him and limpingly standing. He started walking back towards our house when I made an executive decision. I walked up behind him (he hadn't gotten very far) and picked him up bridal style, ignoring his questions and demand that I put him down.

"It's just a sprained ankle. You can put me down."

"But if you walk on it, it'll take longer to heal." I said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"Ugh!" He yelled in fake exasperation. "Fine." He threw on arm around my neck and the other rested on his stomach.

*time skip to their house*

We walked in the door (with a little help from Alex, who immediately rushed to the kitchen for the ice packs) and I put him on the table, then I got to work wrapping his ankle. After I got done I sat next to him.

"You okay?" I asked him. He looked at his ankle, trying to move it a little and wincing.

"At least it's not my hand." He joked. I looked at him, curious. How could someone be in so much pain, yet still be joking?! I know it's just a sprain, but  I couldn't do that.

"It's just a sprain, Din Din. Stop worrying. I'll be fine." He said noticing me distractedly scrutinizing his ankle. He moved to get up. I stopped him with my hand, causing him to look at me and raise an eyebrow. I got up and grabbed him, holding him on my hip like a toddler. He threw his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.

"You hungry?" I asked him. He gave a small nod and I took him to the kitchen. "What do you want?"

"Can you cook with one hand?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I'll try for you." I told him. I watched a slight blush spread across his cheeks, so I decided to toy with him a bit. "What do you want?"

"Cupcakes!" He exclaimed, acting childishly adorlable. Perfect.

"Ok." I grabbed the cake mix out of the cabinet, reading the box to see the ingredients, then I got to work.

*oml all the time skips. I'm lazy.*

Corl clung to me as we stared at the finished cupcakes. They were vanilla everything. What can I say? Vanilla is goooooooooood. Anyway, after we iced them, Corl immediately dug in. He got the tiniest drop of icing on his nose.

"Corky, you've got something." I said, gesturing to his nose. He wiped the sides of his nose, and completely missed the middle. Perfect...

"I'll get it." I said. I close the tiny space between us and kissed his nose, making him burn up. He opened and closed his mouth multiple times before just staring at my shoulder. I continued to grin at him till he looked up. I blushed this time, realized how close our faces were. He cautiously leaned in, his lips a whisper against mine, then put more force into it, fully kissing me. I put my free hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer, tasting sweet vanilla on his lips.

A/N: I'm sorry for being a lazy bum, but I'm working on so many one shots and other bo- surprises... Anyway! I've been posting on my YouTube a little, so if you wanna go check that out my channel is Arendina James. I've also made a DORL SUBLEX/SALEX AMINO. I know I just posted a thing on this, but I still need more people. The only person on there so far is me and horseinabookcase , who's the best. Enough about that. I'll see you guys in four years, aka when I post another one shot. As always, LOVE YOU!!! BAIIIIII!!!!!!

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