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btw they're not dating, the title is very misleading, there will be Dorl, and this mainly takes place on the 12th of February.

Sub's POV:
I was just chilling when I got a notification. Alex posted a video. It was the make-up challenge. (Pretend he posted the video on the 10th and not the 2nd because I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys and I just now found out that he posted it in the 2nd 😋) Oh boy... I watched him get tortured for a bit before calling him.

Phone convo

S-Hello beautiful!!
S-I just watched your newest video.
A-O-oh. Y-yeah that was weird.
S-I enjoyed it.
A-Th-thanks, I guess.
S-So, when are you going back to England? I'm jealous of all the fun you're having!
A-Y-you are?
S-Of course. I miss you!
A-I-I miss you too...
S-Well hurry back to England! I can't wait to record with you again.
S-Are you okay?
A-Y-yeah. I'm f-fine.
S-Goodbye Alex. *eyerolls like the sassy person he is in this AU*

End convo

Alex's POV:
What just happened?! Did he actually mean that?! Could it be a possibility that he actually likes me too?! No. It's not. Alex, get yourself together. He is bi, but he doesn't like you. You two have been the best of friends for a while now. He just wants to be friends and that's all.

"You okay Alex?" Corl shocked me out of my thoughts. "I heard you mumbling and I came in here to you pacing. What's going on?"

"N-nothing! I'm fine." I said, dismissively.

"Is this about Sub? You don't need to worry about him. He likes you back. I know he does." Corl and Denis have been dating for a while now, so he was speaking from experience, but Sketch also said something about Sub acting weird when I'm in the room, recording with him, or even mentioned. I'm tired of this. Life is so complicated... I flopped onto the couch.

Sub's POV:
As soon as I got off the phone with Alex, I immediately got onto my computer and got plane tickets to Amsterdam. I couldn't wait to go see Alex. Should I tell him?... Nope.

The next day (Sub's flight) (Alex's make-up has been washed off, keep that in mind ;) )

Sub's POV:
I got up early to pack. My flight was at 6:00 AM and I would arrive at around 9:00 AM tomorrow, and I only had one stop. It was going to be tough, but I really needed to see Alex. I miss him so much and I rarely get to see him. He is my best friend and crush, and we live almost 9.5 thousand miles away from each other. If we did start dating, it was going to be hard to hold a long distance relationship, but I'm going to talk to him about me possibly moving in with him. If we start dating, that is. I hope this goes well.

Time skip because flights are boring and I don't know how to write them!!

Sub's POV:
I got off the plane and walked to a bench in the airport. I ordered an Uber and waited. Getting in the Uber, I told him Alex's address. I got out of the Uber, paid the driver, grabbed my stuff, walked up to the front door, and took a deep breath. I hope Alex is happy to see me. I knocked on the door.

Alex's POV:
Corl was out getting groceries, so I was just watching TV in the living room. I wasn't really paying attention to the TV, though. I heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I sort of yelled from the couch. I went to the door and opened it to see... "Sub?!"

"Hey Alex."

"What are you doing here?!"

"I told you I missed you. I had to see you. Can I come in? I did kinda just fly for 27 hours with only one stop."

"Y-yeah! Sure!" He walked into the living room and set his bags down beside the couch.

"Now that my hands aren't full, come here." He opened his arms. I went to hug my best friend. As I was breathing in the smell of his cologne, I noticed how muscular he was. Wow!

"I'm so happy to see you." He said.

"Me too." I said, finally accepting the fact that he was here with me. I pulled out of the hug. "Wait. How long are you going to be here?"

"Three days..." He said happily.

"Three days..." I repeated. I looked down at the floor, sighing.

"Hey," he said, causing me to look up.


"Even though your make-up has been washed off, you're still beautiful." He said. I didn't have time to react before he smashed his lips into mine. They fit perfectly with mine, like that were meant to go together. I knew my thoughts were cheesy, but I couldn't help it. I had been waiting for this for so long. We broke apart.

"I'm so glad you had the courage to do that, because I sure didn't. I don't know how much longer I could've dealt with my crush in you." I admitted.

"How long have you been dealing with your crush on me?" He said smirking.

"That doesn't matter now. Does it? What matters is that you're here with me and this couldn't be more perfect." He was holding my arms this whole time. Now it was my turn to be surprising... I tackled him to the couch, pinned his wrists above his head, and kissed him. He definitely wasn't expecting it, but after a while is felt him smile against the kiss and melt into it. Breaking apart for air, we sat up and cuddled on the couch.

"Alex?" Corl yelled as he walked into the living room. "Can you help with the gro-Sub?!"

Sub's POV:
"Sub?!" Corl yelled as he walked into the living room.

"Hey." I said simply.

"Why are you here?!" He was obviously confused.

"I came to see Alex."

"Are you two dating now?" He said with a smile on his face.

"I don't know. Are we?" I turned to Alex and asked him.

"I-I guess..." He said quietly. I kissed his forehead.

"Finally!!" Corl yelled. He took out his phone and called Denis.

Corl's POV:
I was so excited. I took out my phone to call Denis. He answered groggily.

"Braden?" He said sleepily.


"Oh hey. What are you up to?" He wasn't really that awake.

"Our ship has just sailed right in front of me!!!" I yelled.

"Wait what?!" He said, obviously more awake now.

"Hold on." I said, putting the phone on speaker. "Okay. Say hi!"

"Hey Din Din!" Sub half yelled.

"SUB AND ALEX ARE TOGETHER NOW?!?!?!" He screamed.

"Yep. Anyway, I'm going to go and let you process this. See you in a while!" (I don't know when Denis flew to Amsterdam, so I'm saying that he came on the 12th since it's only a 9 hour flight)

"Oh, okay. Wow. See you, Corky! Love you!"

"I love you too!"

"Bye!" He said.


Alex's POV:
"At least we know that they approve." I said chuckling when Corl went to put up the groceries.

"With them, I'm just glad it happened because of us. Next thing you know, you'd be thrown on me by the guys. Literally THROWN." He said laughing. "Hey. I wanted to ask you you something."

"What's up?"

"Now that we're dating, could I possibly move in with you? I know it's a big step, but I don't think I could handle a long distance relationship. And we've know each other for so long an-" He was cut off by my lips on his.

"Of course." I said, staring into his eyes.

"Fantastic." He said with relief.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"This." He said before standing, picking me up, and kissing me. I put my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I'm so glad I let Yammy torture me.

A/N: I loved writing this chapter! I decided to make Sub super sassy and flirty. I don't know why, but that's how I imagine him being with someone he likes. Plus it's hilarious to write Alex all timid and nervous. Just imagining him and his British accent stuttering and shy always puts a smile on my face!! I have certain happy trigger words that put me in a better mood always... I also wanted to tell you guys that I'm having problems starting up my YouTube and I'm so close to giving up, but my techy friend is coming over soon and I'm going to get her to help me. Anyway, I'm going to go fangirl until the new episode of Shadowhunters comes on tonight. As always, LOVE YOU!!! BAIIIII!!!!!

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