Try Not To Laugh

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Denis's POV:
I was just sitting with Corl, (my best friend and crush) watching some TV, when I had an idea. We should play try not to laugh. I decided to ask Corl.

"Hey Corl?" I asked


"Wanna play try not to laugh?"

"For our channels or not?"

"I'd rather not. I look horrible!" I said, laughing at the last part.

"Okay. Fine, but no points. I just want to have fun."

(still Denis's POV)
After about an hour, we decided to call it quits.

"Alright, I'm pooped. My sides hurt from too much laughter. You're funny. Wanna stop?"

"Oh come on! Let me do one last thing. Please?" He was giving me those puppy dog eyes that you always hear about. Usually I can handle then, but not Corl's. His blue eyes just sparkled in the light of the room.

"Fine." I said smiling.

"Yay!" He yelled like a little kid who just heard that they're getting ice cream. "Okay. Stand up and close your eyes."

"Umm.... Why?" I was confused.

"Just do it. Don't you trust me, Din Din?" He said, talking like I was a child.

"Fine. Go. I'll be waiting." I said, standing up. I wonder what Corl is planning...

Corl's POV:
I knew that it was the time. I was tired of keeping this to myself. Nobody else knew about my crush on Denis. It was stressing me out and I couldn't handle it. I walked out of the room to mentally prepare myself. After checking that his eyes were closed, I made my move.

3rd Person POV:
Corl walked out of the hallway, hands sweating and breathing shaky. He walked up to Denis and grabbed his collar, pulling him closer. Denis's eyes were wide open.

"C-C-Corl?..." He said nervously.

"SPONTANEOUS!!!!!" Corl yelled. He pulled Denis down and locked their lips. Snaking his arms up to Denis's neck, he played with his hair as Denis kissed back.

Denis's POV:
Magical. That is the only word to describe that moment. I moved my hands to his waist, using his belt loops to pull him closer, if it was even possible. I held his waist, melting deeper into the kiss. When we broke for air, we both took a deep breath and stared into each other's eyes. I wasn't mentally here. I was lost. Lost in a beautiful moment that I had waited for, DREAMED FOR EVEN, for so long. Nothing could make this better. At least that's what I thought. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I was thrown to the couch. Corl grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. We spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch and falling asleep in each other's arms.

A/N:OMG... This one shot is, I feel, one of my best. It's based off a Malec fanfic that I read a while back. By the way, if you don't know where "SPONTANEOUS!!!" comes from, it's from the Best Friend Challenge that Corl posted. (I know Denis posted one too, but it was from Corl's vid.) He also posted it on VALENTINE'S!! HE ALSO ASKED DENIS "CAN WE KISS?" AND DENIS DIDN'T RESPOND!!! My guess is that they kissed after that and edited it out, but isn't it the CUTEST THING EVER!!!!!! Okay, rant over. I'm just excited because Dorl is my main OTP, but my other OTP might be canon as of episode 8 of Shadowhunters, and it's Valentine's. I don't have a love life so I see love better than others. Idk I'm just excited. Imma go fangirl. LOVE YOU!!! BAIIIII!!!!!!!

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