You're what?!

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I decided to post a real one shot for today...

Corl's POV:
"I-I'm..." I trailed off. I didn't want to do it, but I knew I was going to have to.

"You're what?!" Wendy was screaming at me. Lowering my voice and my gaze, I answered.

"G-g-gay..." I said quietly. I looked up at her face. She had an expression that I would never forget. Disgust, anger, disappointment, all rolled into one. As soon as I saw her face, I knew what to do. I ran to "our" room and grabbed the bags that I packed earlier. I knew this would happen, so I went ahead and packed all my stuff in a duffel bag and packed all my electronics on me or in the bag. I ran to my car, threw my stuff in, and slammed the door. I had my clothes, hygiene products, electronics, and hope that Denis would let me stay with him.

Denis's POV:
I was tired. I couldn't handle the stress anymore. I loved Corl and he would never love me back. I decided to turn on the TV for some background noise while I thought. Grabbing the remote, I turned in a random channel and grabbed my phone. I was playing a game when I got a text from Corl.

You know how these work...

D-what's wrong?
C-Me and Wendy broke up... Can I stay with you for a while?
D-Of course! Where are you?
C-On my way now...
D-Ok. I'll see you in a bit.
C-Ok. Thank you btw.
D-No need to thank me. See you in a while, Corky Boy. 😁

End convo

Denis's POV (still):
I'm so glad Corl came to me first. I can't wait for him to get here. Oh Lord! My house is a mess, and frankly, so am I. I got up to pick up a little and change. I grabbed a shirt and ran to the living room to finish picking up. I moved around the pillows on the couch and decided to change shirts. I took off the one I had on and went to put it in the laundry room. When I walked back into the living room I saw Corl, sitting on the couch. Why did I give him a key?!

Corl's POV:
I walked into the living room to see Denis, shirtless... Oh Jesus, I'm blushing and I KNOW I'm blushing.


"Hey. Let me get a shirt on." He said chuckling and probably blushing harder then I was. I just stood there, a blushing mess. He walked toward the couch. The couch I was sitting on. He started looking around on the couch and his arms we're super muscular. I was staring and I knew it, but I couldn't help myself.

"Like what you see, Corl?" He asked, smirking.

"Shut up." I said playfully, blushing harder than ever. He put on his shirt and sat next to me.

"Wanna talk about what happened?"

"Nah. I just want to forget the whole thing." I really didn't feel like talking about Wendy.

"May I ask why? You don't have to tell me the whole story, it's just... You two were going so good. What happened?" He wanted an explanation. Great...

"I confessed something and she wasn't pleased..."

"Corl?... Are"

"Yeah." I sighed, giving up. I took a deep breath and prepared to be kicked out of his place. There is a nice motel about 3 miles away... What I don't prepare for was what he said next.

"For me?"

Denis's POV:
He said it. I decided to take a risk. I really liked him and I wanted to know if he liked me back. He was looking down at his hands, avoiding my eyes.

"Corl." I said. He didn't respond.

"Braden?" I decided to use his real name. I was serious. Now he looked up.

"Yeah?" He said nervously.

"Are you gay for me?"

"Yeah..." He sighed. I was in shock. He actually liked me back. This was incredible. I was so happy. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins. Pure euphoria washed over me as I fell back against the couch, a weird look on my face.

Corl's POV:
He hates me. I'm pretty sure I'm about to be kicked out. I look over and his face is weird. It's a mix of disbelief, confusion, happiness. It looks like he doesn't hate me after all.


Denis's POV:
I glanced over at him. He had a questioning look on his face. When he saw me looking over at him, he half smiled and looked down. That was all it took. That cute little smile was all it took for me to do it. I grabbed his shoulders, forcing his to look up at me. As soon as he looked up, he didn't have any time to think before our lips connected. I felt him melt into the kiss. I stood up, breaking the kiss for only a second before pulling him into another one. I held the small of his back and leaned into the kiss. His back was bent a little and I was pressed against him. I lifted back up and, still kissing, took him into my room. We broke to breathe and sit on my bed. We sat down and cuddled together. He yanked my collar and pulled me into another quick but passionate kiss then we spent the rest of the night cuddling and falling asleep so close to each other that we might as well have been glued together.

A/N: This chapter was so fun to write. I loved it and I'm so excited because I already have another idea so expect one in the next couple of days. As always, LOVE YOU!!! BAIIIII!!!!!!

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