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Chapter 1

"I swear if you come even closer I will hurt you!" a frightened Tyler shouts with a cracking voice doing his best to warn a tall woman who has been following him for a while now. But still the tall woman kept on approaching him and inch by inch Tyler walks back. The woman raised her hand on a reaching position towards Tyler, the woman's hand reflected the moonlight by its cold metallic color.

"Target locked... target cornered." The woman utters in a robotic voice.

"Trapped on an alley corner after a midnight walk... come on! Please! I don't want to use any kind of violence we can talk this through!" Tyler pleaded to the woman.

Suddenly the woman pounced with a lightning speed from where she's standing! And a gut-wrenching knee strike to Tyler's stomach sent him gasping for air! Now Tyler is grounded crutching his stomach in pain, the woman then proceeds on grabbing Tyler's neck slowly squeezing the air out of Tyler and lifted him up back to his feet.

"Doctor I have secured the target." The woman utters in a robot-like voice.

But something distracted the woman, a shadowy figure blew by and seemed to caught her eye. And in that split-second Tyler acted on instinct and went on to land a slap on the woman's cheek and released him from her clutches.

But the woman cocked her arm backwards and responded with a right hook! Tyler saw the punch coming so he quickly dodged it but still got caught! The punch landed on his shoulder and seemed to snapped and dislocated it. Tyler groaned after the hit, but another attack was coming! The woman went for a kick aiming for Tyler's body.

The kick landed just under Tyler's ribs! But Tyler held on to the leg grabbing it tightly. The woman went for another punch but this time Tyler completely dodging it by docking his head. The moment Tyler docked he quickly grabbed the other leg of the woman! A double under hook trip takedown! With all his might he took all his weight and dropped it on the woman's body driving her back first to the concrete floor! The woman's head bounced off the concrete floor with that sudden impact!

"Target acquired must destroy!" the robotic voice once again echoed this time the woman's eyes glow in a demonic bright red.

Tyler heard what the woman said. And instinctively tried to reach the woman's neck to pin her to the ground. But the woman overpowered Tyler! Even with both hands grabbing her neck!

"Please stop! Please!" Tyler shouted! Suddenly a wailing alarm like sound started and its coming from the woman! The sound of robot programmed to destroy everything on its path! Tyler's blood started rushing through his veins! His now in trance with his adrenaline overflowing! His heart pounded even faster and the only thing on his mind is to protect his self and survive!

Like a machine ready to go berserk the woman is now on her feet! But Tyler is still grabbing on the woman's neck as if his life is depending on how long he can hold on. The woman started throwing heavy blows for a couple of punch! Tyler's body sounded like a punching bag with the woman's metal hand bludgeoning his flesh! But in a shocking manner Tyler never released his hold on the woman's neck! And this time gripping the woman's neck tighter with all his strength at the same time enduring the body blows he's receiving! It's like a bulldog's bite latched on her neck! The woman readied for another round of punches!

But suddenly.

Melted plastic like stuff oozed down the woman's neck! Like a wax doll melting with heat! The oozing stuff continued until it peeled off the entire part of the woman's neck and even reaching the shoulder part, revealing a metal frame! Tyler was shocked as soon as he saw the woman melted and revealed that she has no bones but have steel in exchange! Tyler flicked his hands to removed the plastic stuff, but another thing surprised him even more!

His hands up to his forearm is glowing bright red and orange! Glowing like molten steel! Not only that it feels like molten steel! His arms burnt the woman! Tyler's hand kept on glowing and as he move's it, it crackles and cast ember into the air!

Suddenly the wailing sound stopped and the woman's glowing eyes are shut! She collapsed on her knees and produced a clanking sound while different parts of her body started releasing visible sparks of electricity. Tyler got back to his senses! He too was in shock of what he saw! A woman with a burnt neck! Revealing a metal like skeleton inside!

He was so shocked that he even shouted as he saw his hand glowing like metal ore dipped in flames ready to be molded! He got on his feet and set to run as fast as he could sending embers into the air while he run aiming to go home, away from the scene and back to his apartment where he stayed alone.

Tyler finally made it to his apartment, and directly to the sink he rushed. Opened the faucet and into the water his hands go! While he breathes heavily, steam shrouded that small space of his apartment. After a few while the steam faded, he pulled away his hand from the running water. A grim look painted his face as he saw his arms turned coal black after dipping it into the water! Tyler took a deep breath while watching his arms, he then wiped the foggy mirror. He saw his self, a lifeless brown eye being blood shot red ready to tear up anytime. Maybe all that happened stressed him up. He washed his face and his black wavy hair got wet too and along with the water dripping down his face tears went crawling down too.

His now blackened hands have seemed to lose all the heat from earlier. And into his small bed room, the shock left him staring at the ceiling above his bed. Wondering if he ever killed someone and agonizing over the idea of fear and recalling all the feelings of being alone, going home to an empty house where his ceiling is all he could ever talk to and stare at. Clenching his fist and covering his eyes with his forearm, tears roll down once again from his cheeks while he falls asleep through the pain of loneliness.

Meanwhile a few moments after Tyler left. A well-built man in a lab coat came to the scene.

"Sorry Karen, I was a bit late. But it seems like Subject Hellburn has finally awaken from his slumber." The man uttered while he slowly touches the face of the motionless woman. But a sudden breeze blew and a shadowy figure once again revealed itself but quickly drowned its self with the darkness of the night. The unknown man adjusted his eye glasses with his finger.

"I guess we'll be leaving sooner than expected." The man whispered to the motionless woman as they too faded into the night.

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