👻 Devil Spawn 👻

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Prompt 13 -
Word Limit: 2000 words.
Word Count: 1616 words.
Warning: Some coarse language.



Devil Spawn

The full moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the dreary streets below. The crows flew on ahead, settling on a low hanging branch in front of a glorious mansion.

"Lilith, are you ready?" The sultry voice of Florence Webb called from the long hallway.

The blonde girl sighed, staring at herself through the mirror as she fidgeted with her outfit. She looked over at the clock on her nightstand and began to frown.

It was nearing midnight and tomorrow would be her sixteenth birthday.

A knock came upon her bedroom door and she looked over at it slowly as her mother emerged with a grin on her face.

"You look fine, darling. Stop stressing. I can smell the anxiety from here," Florence commented as she approached her young daughter.

"I look like a stupid human," mumbled Lilith in a downcast voice.

"Yes, so you can blend in well. Tonight is so important. You must complete your task or you won't fully be one of us," stated her mother in response.

"What if I can't?" Lilith asked as she looked to the purple carpet of her bedroom, feeling a mix of emotions.

"You will do just fine. It's tradition. I did it when I was your age."

"Is it harder before the full transition?" The girl probed as she looked up into her mother's warm blue eyes.

"Well, I won't sugarcoat it; yes it will be much harder without any abilities but it isn't impossible," Florence answered as she touched her daughter's pale face.

"How did you do it?"

Florence sighed as she pulled back her daughter's hair from her face, "Some humans make it far too easy - they love a lonely girl. They think we're easy prey."

The older, yet still looking young for her ancient age, woman grabbed a clip from her daughter's dresser and placed it in her hair.

"You must show them that looks can be deceiving and that you are in fact the hunter," the beautiful woman continued before flashing her fangs with a wink.

Lilith meekly nodded in response before taking a calming breath in.

"I seldom see you until dawn, my love. Good luck with your first kill," Florence stated before turning away and leaving the room at once.

The fifteen year old climbed out of her window and down the tree, scaring the birds away as she made contact with the branch.

She knew exactly where to go in the silent, dark night yet no idea how she would accomplish her challenging task.

As time ticked on, she walked further down the street, holding her arms as if she were cold despised not feeling the chill in the air at all.

'Play the part,' her mother's words rang in her head from earlier in the day.

By the time she was miles from home, she had come upon a lone bus bench and sat down as she waited for the perfect person to succumb to her trap.

It wasn't long after that a truck pulled up in front of her. The driver unwinded the window and shot a sinister smile at her.

"Are you lost, little one?" The man asked, cocking a dark eyebrow at her.

Lilith silently nodded, looking down to the gravel road with an unsure look on her face.

"Would you like a ride?" The man asked once more, "We'll take you wherever you'd like to go."

"I don't have anywhere to go," she mumbled back, looking around, noticing a figure in the passenger seat.

Two would be harder than just one but she could not return empty handed in the morning.

The man only grinned back as if he had won the lottery and gestured for her to get in.

"Would you like us to take you to the next town over?"

Lilith nodded as she stood up and got inside of the back seat.

"How far is the next town over?" She asked, making conversation.

"Oh maybe about an hour or so drive," the second man responded as she closed the door.

Lilith only nodded as she looked out of the window, staring back at the bus stop.

"You don't have any things?" The first man asked, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

Lilith shook her head, "Unfortunately no."

The two men shared a look before taking off.

"That's all right, girlie. Travel light, we always say."

Lilith pretended not to notice when they locked the doors and simply chose to stare on blankly out the window, knowing silence would be easiest from here on out.

Two hours passed before she realised she hadn't seen a sign of civilisation for miles. As if she had fallen into their poorly laid trap.

They suddenly stopped driving and the man in the passenger seat unclipped his belt, turning back to her.

"It seems we are out of gas, sorry miss. We'll have to walk from here to the nearest station."

Lilith knew now was the time to continue her act.

She went to open the door, despite already knowing it was locked. She jiggled at the handle and then looked back at them with a fearful look.

The passenger man shot her a toothy grin before lunging at her. She screamed, pushing him back but he was swift and he had pinned her to the seat.

The blonde teenager struggled with his intense weight and strength. He held her down while the driver exited the truck and come round to the side, opening the door and began tying her up.

This was going to be harder than she thought.

"Please, please let me go," she wailed as she begged tears to form in her eyes.

"Sorry, missy, can't do that." The driver responded as he chuckled.

"You're ours now," the passenger added with a sinister look in his eyes that chilled her more than she thought it would.

The driver then began dragging her from her blonde locks out of the car and down the road into the trees.

"Please!" Lilith cried before the passenger knocked her on the head, promptly causing her to the pass out.

When she awoke, she was tied to a metal chair in a scarcely empty room. Her blue eyes scanned the place, noticing the lack of anything but a mere table in the corner.

"Oh look, Ralph, our pretty thing is awake now."

Lilith quickly looked over to the corner of the room where the passenger waved at her in glee.

The driver, Ralph, nodded as he approached her.

"Wow, you really are a pretty thing. You sure nobody is missing you?" He asked as he grabbed a fistful of her hair.

Lilith really hated when people touched her hair. It made her blood boil. Her eyes flashed for a moment but she had to remember tact was the only thing that was going to help her succeed.

"You were such easy prey too. Don't you think, Cain?" Ralph asked as he looked over at the other man.

"Sitting alone at a bus stop, practically begging for us to save you," Cain replied in a funny voice.

Ralph got inches from her face, staring into her deep eyes.

"You must've been freezing out by yourself. If we hadn't stopped, you probably would've perished alone," he commented before making his greatest mistake by leaning over to her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

In an instant, her fangs grew and she sunk them into his veiny neck which earned a groan of pain. The moment the first drops of blood entered her system, her pupils grew large and she felt a rush of adrenaline spike.

"What the fuck?" Ralph managed to get out before her nails grew just long enough to free herself from her bonds and then she shoved him over to continue her feed.

"Oh my god," Cain whispered in horror as he watched their latest victim devour his long time buddy.

Her pale ears picked up the loud rhythmic thump of Cain's heart beating in his ribcage as Ralph lay limp beneath her.

Within seconds, she stood up, shooting her own bloody grin back at him.

"Now who's the prey?" She whispered as she cocked her head to the side.

Cain let out a strangled scream before beginning to run out of the small cabin. Lilith could hear the blood pumping in his veins which only fuelled her desire to catch him.

The brunette man stumbled on some stray twigs but kept scrambling away for his dear life. He was screaming but it seemed only the birds could hear his cry for help.

Lilith toyed with him for a while, watching as he ran in circles among the trees, losing his bearings all together before finally getting bored with the chase.

"Please no," he begged as he caught sight of her, tripping over a log and ending up on his back.

Her outfit was stained red with blood and her face was dripping while her vacant eyes seemed to chill his bones.

"This is your punishment," she murmured, "And I will make it slow and painful. Nobody touches my fucking hair."

Cain swallowed thickly as he shook his head in terror.

"B-But that was Ralph, n-not me!"

Lilith only grinned back before she got on top of him and started to tear into him as well.

The more he screamed, the more the birds chirped in response.

After she had drank all of his blood, she stood up and licked her lips, savouring the sweet taste of bad man's blood just as the sun began to rise in the distance.

The now sixteen year old sprinted home at superhuman speed, proud of her first kills.

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