Chapter 28

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After gauri some instructing the cleaning lady .
She went and sit infront of omkara . She took her laptop and start working on something .

Omkara was running through the files but actually he was pretend ...he was stealing glances ...he was looking at her all the while .

How she scratch her nose .
Her cute yawn.
The way she rub her left eyes and the same time her lips were pouting .
Then she took notebook and write down something.
She hold the pencil and placed the back of the pencil on her forehead.
She throw her beautiful tresses over her S
She close her eyes and then she open eyes again...
Her eyes balls was moving north and forth...then she bring the pencil closer to her lips ....
Damn! He cursed and smiled ...
she put the pencil back on her lips and she was thinking something and she start to write again .

He was been watching her but what captive him the most was her beautiful amber eyes which made him want to scream.

She is perfect...beautiful and innocent too...he thoughts ...

Then she bring her hand backwards and she made her hair into messy bun and she insert the pencil on it so that the pencil will hold then bun.

That's it . Omkara stand up and wear near to gauri and stand beside her .

Sensing him beside her ...gauri looked up and she jolted . She quickly stand up .

Gauri : What...
Before gauri want to say...

Omkara lean closer to her....
Her heart begins a rapid tatoo...

He was to close till she could smell the intoxicating smell of his cologne ....she could feel his breath hitting her face.....her milky skin starts to turns red due to the heat...

He smiles as he could see how much he is affecting her....
He move closer ....
She was looking at him without blinking....
Their gaze met ....
While looking at her...her brought his hand back and remove the pencil which is was holding her bun.
Her beautiful curls falls down softly behind her back ....

With husky voice he said....

Omkara : Let it loose , you looks beautiful with open hair.
Gauri felt like fireworks were lit inside her stomach....
His gaze still on her...,
Gauri couldn't react....
She could feel her heart palpitate ....

She start to feel restless ....She runaway from there
Omkara simper ....

Gauri went to restroom.....
She stand infront of the mirror.....
She placed her hand on the sink.....
She was panting due to the quick run she made just now....

She tilt her head up and look unto the mirror...
She rerun back the moments....
She turns into beautiful crimson red....

Do I really look beautiful with open hair ?
She blushed...

He is not bad too ...
That long silky hair which tied up in half pony...His graceful brows...His dark brown orbs were so mesmerising....

which have a sparkle of mirth ....
His face is strong and defined....
He has this devil may care outlook and a stellar smile ...
Felt like god mold him just to make you stopped in your tracks.
And His lips ....

And suddenly the moment of Mr Oberoi humiliations towards her Mum...flashed...

Stop it gauri ! What are you thinking ! You are not allowed to think something like this !
He is someone's fiancé...he is not yours...and will never been yours ....
You are not match for him...
Tears starts to roll downs from her eyes....
She could feel the in heart....
Did you forget the humiliation of Mr Oberoi to your mum ?
And His accusation?
Your dreams and your ambitions ?
Gauri mind voice start to fight with her ...

Gauri look at the mirror again ...
I will not fall weak again ....
Not again.....
She open the water tap....and she face her face....
She took the tissue and wipe her face ...
She adjust her hair ....

She walks into the room and she saw Omkara looking at file ....
She sits infront of him and start to focusing on her work without looking at Omkara .

Omkara looks at her ...her glow is missing...she look pale ....she has washed her's so obvious that she cried..

Gauri stand up suddenly ...
Making Omkara staggered...

Gauri : My work time is over sir ... I'm taking leave now...
Omkara nods...
Gauri turn and start to walk without any expression on her face .
Omkara calls her .
Omkara : Gauri..
Gauri stopped....
She turn her face and look at him...
Omkara : You may wear your preferred clothes like you wear before .
Gauri wanted to question why but she hold her self .
Gauri : It's okay Sir...I'm your assistant sir ... so let me dress like one...thank you for you compassion on a worker like me..
Saying this she left his room ...

Omkara stupefied....

What happen to her suddenly?
He asked....


Precap : if you care about your gold so much why don't you keep it safe inside locker, Mr . Goldsmith!


Sorry for the late update guys ...I'm caught in work...daily routine ....
Hope you guys like this chappy ...

Silent readers please hit vote


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