Chapter 34

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She started to fall.
Gauri shut her eyes.
Then she realise her body doesn't hit floor .
She felt something helding her.
She open her eyes ....her amber orbs collided with his darks brown orbs.
She look into his eyes ...there is something in that eyes...something it's tries to tell her...
She blinks her eyes a little ...
Gauri could feel her heart raise in her throat when she could feel his warm breath on her face.
Her lips quivers.
Omkara adjust her strand of hair on her forehead and tuck it behind her ears.
Gauri feel a shiver has been send to her spine.
She gulped as he move his face an inch closer to her .

Suddenly phone starts to ring .

Both of them come into senses...
Gauri tried break the hold but Omkara grip it more tighter and pull her closer to him.
He lock her arm with his hand .
And in another hand he took the phone from his pocket answer it .

Omkara : Haan tell me Shivaay
Shivaay : Are you looking at the client files?
Omkara look at gauri and without breaking the gaze he said
Omkara : Haan Shivaay I'm looking it now...zealously
Shivaay : Acha good...take good look it and let me if you find any flaw.
His intense was so intense on her and almost threatening....
Omkara : Flaws ? I don't see any...Ek dum perfect...
While smirk at gauri .
Gauri frown.
Shivaay : Okay then run through other files and  if you have any doubt can ask with gauri.
Omkara : Will definitely ask her .

Omkara cut the phone .
Gauri want to shout to him but Omkara pulled her closer...till not even a inch gap between...a very thin line...
Gauri grasps....
Omkara tilt her chin up....
Their eyes collides ....
Unable to stare at his eyes.....gauri turn her face away.

Omkara : Look at me gauri... ( he said softly)
Gauri doesn't respond.
Omkara lean closer to her ears.
His hot breaths were hitting her neck....sending shivers down her spine .
Omkara : I said look at me gauri .
With husky voice he said .
Unable to handle to intensity , gauri took at rapid turn which earned a peck of her cheeks.
Gauri pupils dilates
She can feel his soft lips pressed on her cheeks.
Her heart rates increased.
Sending unknown tremors along her nerves and made her whole body tremble.
She stand awestruck without even realising that Omkara has broke the kiss and return to his seat.

Omkara looks at her.
Omkara : Gauri
Gauri came into her senses.
She touch her cheeks.
Gauri : What just happen ?
Omkara : What you mean by what just happen ?
Gauri : just now ...just now
Gauri starts to stammers...
Omkara : Just now me what ?
Gauri : Just now
She touch her cheeks....
Omkara: Yes I'm what Gauri ?
Gauri : You kisses me !
Omkara : What ? Where ? When ?
Gauri : Just now ! You kissed me !
Omkara : No I didn't!
Gauri : Yes you did on my cheeks !
Omkara : No i didn't ! Stop dreaming ! Why would I kiss you ? And too in Office ?  What are you talking about gauri ?
Gauri went and stand infront of him and with hands on her waist.
Gauri : Yes you did and I'm pretty sure about it .
Omkara stand up .
Omkara : You are accusing me without any proof Ms Sharma .
Gauri : You want proof ? Fine ! Let me go and get it !
Omkara : Okay ! Go and get it then !
Gauri left the cabin in anger .
Meanwhile Omkara call the security room .

Omkara : I want this particular hour recording ...copy it on thumb drive and give it to me .
And deleted the original footage
from the recoding ! Understand! If this matter leak out I won't leave you !
And one more thing Ms Sharma will be coming there to request for the recording ..tell her that no one is not allowed to view the footage. Understand!

He kept the phone.
He was looking at the files .
He was doing counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...

He saw raging gauri open the door.
He smirk and quickly hide his face with file.

Gauri : Don't try to be smart Mr Oberoi ...I know you did kiss me !

Omkara throw the file on the table .
He pretend like to be angry .
Omkara : Can you stop day dreaming ! First you said I put the ring and now you are saying I  kissed you ! When I asked for proof can't give me any ! Okay you said I put the ring ...tell me where was I that time .

Gauri : Beside Riddima.

Omkara : Exactly! Then how could I slid the ring ?

Gauri : But that time no electricity and I know it was you ...i know your voice ...your was you .

Omkara smirk .

Omkara : Oh come on sure are you's my voice ? And my cologne? You know about it too ? How ?

Gauri : Yeah of course I know ! I have it so I know !

Omkara : What ? You have it ? What you doing with men's cologne ? Or is it mine ?

Gauri fb (on her mind)
She went to Omkara room and steal his cologne and one of his shirt sneakily.
Fb ends.

Omkara : Gauri ! I'm asking you where you lost !
Gauri : What ! It's my wish ! I like the smell and I'm keeping so what !
Omkara : Isn't it weird to keep men's cologne?
Gauri : No it's absolutely Not weird ! And I said I'm keeping it only ! I'm not using it !
Omkara : So you like my smell then ?
Gauri : Yeah
Then she realise she had blurted out....
Omkara has little curved on his lips.
Gauri : I mean I like that smell ! And why are we arguing on this ! The argument here was about kiss.
Omkara : Konsa kiss ? I don't know anything about kiss ? Gauri I think high about desi girls but here you openly talk about kiss ...I don't expect this from you Gauri .
He shook his head .

Gauri mouth open wide agape .
Gauri : You !
She stumped her feet!

Knock knock.
Shivaay comes in .

Shivaay look at Omkara ...
Shivaay : Om if you don't mind ...can I come with you today ? My car tyre punctured it seems and they are fixing it .
Omkara : Yeah sure you need to ask bro ?

Shivaay look at gauri who look like hungry tigress .

Shivaay : Gauri ...are you okay ?
He look at om and gauri ...
Shivaay : Were both of you in the middle of something?
Gauri : Haan Bhaiya ! Very serious discussion !
Shivaay : Oh really ? I can wait call me once you done .
To escape from Gauri ..Omkara said
Omkara : It's okay Shivaay ...nothing important...Gauri had some doubts....
Gauri flares at him.
Omkara gulped .

Shivaay raises his eyebrow.
Shivaay : Gauri has doubt ? Isn't it supposed to be vice versa? Anyway what was the doubt Gauri ?
Omkara face palmed .
Gauri : It's okay bade Bhaiya ...nothing important ...I was just asking Omkara SIR ...about his studying abroad  experiences.
Shivaay : Oh I see...
Omkara : See I told nothing important.
He smiles at gauri.
Gauri flares at him.
Omkara : Shivaay lets go back .
Shivaay : Okay...gauri follows us ....will drop you also.
Gauri : Okay Bhaiya .

Hope you guys like this chappy
Good nights guys 💋

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