Chapter 37

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Omkara came back home...
He took quick shower and changed to shirt and sweat pants .
Omkara lay on the bed... with one arm behind his head..

He reminisce the moments where...
He saw the fears on Gauri eyes for the first time...
The way she clutch his shirt ...
Those tears...made his heart ache...
He clench his fist ....
Ouch he winced...he look at his hand which was perfectly bandaged  with love and care by his gauri .
How gently she clean the wound...the touch was so soft...I could hardly feel anything ...
All I know I was staring her flawless face which was focusing  on my hand...
She was looking so divine....
And those fake wince that I did...just to see those mesmerising eyes...her eyes ....
I can see those polled tears that she tries hold up...his heart starts to that moment all he want to do is pull her into his arms and pacify but he controlled.
But when he feel something wet touching his thumbs...that's the limit...he doesn't care anymore..all he want to do is get his tiny creature in his arms and compose her....and tell her that it's okay ....
Without thinking twice...he embrace her.....
To assure her that he is fine...he wanted to kiss her forehead and rub her back...and let her know that he is he wished that the situation was different ...he would have kissed her ...those soft plummy would it taste like...he gulped ....
What are you thinking Omkara...this is not the right time or place ...knowing her dabang nature ...she would have slapped even before your reached her lips....or she will give you a piece of her mind...
Smile curved on his lips.....
You will definitely will be death of me gauri kumari sharma....
He shook his head....
Then suddenly he remembered about something...
He get up from his bed and went to the laundry basket...where he throw off his clothes before he went to shower...
He took his pants....and finding something from his pockets ....he couldn't exactly remember which pocket he stuff it into...
A wide grin formed when he managed find the thing that he was searching for...
He went back to the bed...lay down and looking at the treasure that he managed to found.

It was handkerchief that gauri used to bandaged was full of blood stain but it's doesn't matter for him ...coz all he remembered is the moment where...gauri's trepidation...when she saw blood oozing out from his hand...her fret glassy eyes....she was so perplexed when she took the handkerchief from her little bag...he certainly can't forget that moment....coz all he saw and feel was love...her love for him....
He touch the letter G which was embroidered on the edge of handkerchief.....
Gauri... He leave out a heave sigh.....
I just can't wait to have you in this arm....
He look the empty place beside him...
When you will occupy this empty space beside me next to my arms...snuggled up to's the only dream that I have all these years gauri....he suprass a little groan....
He smack his head behind ...what are you thinking Omkara ....she will be your soon...
Yes and I just can't wait for that day ....
He cover himself inside duvet and doze off .

Meanwhile gauri...
Toss and turning on her bed....
She can't sleep....
All the moments keep replaying ....
The moments when she start to run in fear and collided into a hard chiselled chest .
When she know it's him...she hugged him...
Gauri are you crazy ? Who hug their own boss ?
I don't know ...that's what I feel what to do when I see him...then he wrapped me with his strongs arms....he calm me by rubbing my back tenderly...and he kissed me...🤤
Her cheeks turns to pinkish...
She touched her forehead..then it hit her...
Shit! He kissed you again gauri ! You are such a dumb! This is the third one !
Third one ? Really ? What wrong with you gauri ! You are drawn towards him ! For god sake gauri ! He is someone else's fiancée gauri...
Gauri heart started to ache ...
Shut up ! I know I know he is someone's fiancée ! It's not me who are doing this Office romance !
But you are allowing it !
No I'm not allowing anything! He...he...
Gauri you can cheat anyone but not me....
I know very well about you gauri...
Gauri with quick swift sit on bed...
She placed her palm on her head...
Why shankerji ! From 1,342,512,706 people in India , why you choose him to become my saviour! Why you doing this shankerji!
Ever since he is back....I don't know what happen to me...
The more I tried to be strong and avoid him but you keep pushing me towards him shankerji ! Please shankerji ! Please ! Please stop doing that ! I'm warning you shankerji ! Don't try to be Cupid between us ! Me and Him ...there can't be anything between us...we are just like north and South Pole....we are not made for each other ...he is far above me ...I can't reach or be at same level with him no matter how many ladder i use to climb up .
If you want to help me then..just to this for me...Make me strong...strong enough to face this...strong enough to face him . Gauri covers her self with blanket and staring at ceiling .
She can't sleep ...she get down and went to kitchen to drink water....
She was moving to kitchen...but her eyes land on something...
The first aid box ...the moment she wrapped bandages starts to reply unknown feeling starts to eat her heart...
She ran into her room and took her phone ...She wanted to call to check if he is alright ...then she hold her herself ...
With what rights gauri ? You are just one of his mere employee...don't forget your place ....
Tears starts to roll down from eyes...
She herself doesn't know why she is crying and what is happening to her ...
She unable to interpret what she feeling right now ...coz she herself is clueless .

She went near to her the last drawer...took out the frame ...her companion since last 7 years she would say...she hugs it and drift to sleep with heavy heart.

Sorry I wanted to update yesterday but was not in good sorry for that ....
Hope u guys like this chappy
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