Chapter 40

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Gauri back from shower and she saw yellow anarkali on her bed.
Gauri : Mom! Mom ! She was almost call to yelling.
Pooja came over and glower at her .
Pooja : Why are you yelling gauri !
Gauri took the dress and show to Pooja .
Gauri : Mom this ...
Pooja : Yes for you ...prinku have sent it
Gauri : Prinku ? But why ?
Pooja : Today Omkara's haldi
She dropped the anarkali which she was holding when the news reach her ears .
She felt like atom bomb has been dropped on her head.
Her face expression change and the color of her face drained .
The tears on eyes are waiting to roll down.
Gauri : But ma he...
Gauri stutters...
Looking at gauri's condition....heart ache ...cause she know how much it hurts gauri deep inside.
Pooja fake her emotions and hold gauri's arm.
Pooja : Gauri ...
She said while shake gauri's hands little.
Pooja called her again ...she came into senses .
Pooja : The Wedding has been is tomorrow's been hasten Sue bride family request .
Gauri stay mum holding the tears that threaten to roll down any sec.
Pooja understand....gauri's situation .
Pooja : Get your self change ...Ram is coming to pick you up.
Gauri just nod.
Just as Pooja left from ....her tears starts to roll down...she tumble on the bed.
Gauri shattered.
She took his album from the bed and start to brush her hand on it .
Gauri : You will belong to someone else tomorrow Omkara ...and the worst thing is I have to witness all of this with my own eyes .
Why you made me promise for something that you yourself doesn't stay on your word.
I have been waiting for you truthfully Omkara have been on my were my everything Omkara but it was so easy for you to forget everything when you abroad. You were a total stranger and new man when you return .
Was it very easy to forget me ? Was it very easy to move on? Nor I mean nothing for you nor my presence affect you right . I was such a fool...a fool who kept faith on the word that been told by a 17 years boy. A fool who fall in love even I know it's impossible for us to be together .
Gauri breaks down.
Knock knock.
Pooja : Gauri are you ready ...RB is here .
Gauri wipes her tears .
Gauri : Just another 10 mins Ma .
Pooja : Okay hurry.
Gauri went and wash her face.
Gauri look onto mirror .
Gauri : Stop it Gauri ! Stop cry  for him ! He belong to someone ! You have no rights  even to think about him .
Gauri wash her face again.
This will be the last time ...I ever cry for your Omkara Singh Oberoi !
This is Gauri Kumari Sharma's promise .
This eyes won't ever shed a single tears for you and I will show you that nor you nor your or presence has no affects on me .
Gauri change herself in into anarkali.
Gauri kept her hair loose and kept her hair minimum.

(Imagine she wear this )

Gauri came out from the room ...Pooja and RB welcome her with smile .
RB: So can we go ?
Gauri : Yes ..
Gauri look at her mom who is yet to be ready ..
Gauri : Mom you are not coming ?
Pooja : Yeah i will go first
Gauri frown  and shook her head .
Gauri : I don't know what you with busy with 24/7.
RB: Leave it Gauri ..she busy cause wedding ...
Gauri : But she is busy like I'm the one getting married ! She murmured
RB: Well it's true ...
Pooja glared at RB.
RB chuckled .
Pooja : Okay Enough both of you ...Jhanvi madam is waiting for you Gauri guys should leave now .
Gauri : Okay chill mom...we are leaving now ...come RB .
Gauri turn to go ...
Pooja : Gauri ...
Gauri stopped .
Pooja came and kissed her forehead .
Gauri amused .
Gauri : Why Mom ?
Pooja : Nothing just like that....okay you both leave now .
Gauri smiles and leave with RB.

Meanwhile Omkara ....
Omkara was getting ready for his haldi....

(This what he was wearing )

Omkara was combing his make it into pony .
Prinku and Jhanvi came into room.
Prinku : Bhaiya don't you suppose to be topless ?
Omkara eyes become wide .
Omkara : What ? Topless ?
Prinku : What you mean by what ?
Prinku look at Jhanvi and wink her eyes .
Prinku : Mom Bhaiya should be topless right
Jhanvi : Haan Haan Omkara you must be topless...haldi and uptan will be applied on your body too .
Omkara : What Mom ! No way ! I'm not going show or my body to anyone .
Prinku : Oh Bhaiya ! Think about it ! I'm sure girls will be dying to see your chiselled body . They will go crazy .
Omkara getting annoyed .
Thinking about showing his body out there...Omkara feel restless...even thoughts of that brings some uneasiness in his tummy .
Omkara : You think I'm some kind of art to showcase out there ! Ma no way ! And even shivaay doesn't do that .
Prinku: Uffo baby  shivaay doesn't do haldi ceremony if you remember. So you will be the first one .
Omkara : But ...
He walk north  and forth  .
Seeing Omkara agitates...Jhanvi intervenes.
Jhanvi slapped Prinku shoulder .
Jhanvi : Omkara calm down .she just pulling your leg .
Omkara scowls and pull Prinku's ears.
Prinku winced out of pain .
Seeing her like the he pulled out his hand .
Prinku rub her ears .
Prinku : Wait! Once bhabhi come ! I will complain to her ! She is on my mind side knit right .
She stick out her tongue and runaway from the room .
Omkara : Ma she have become very naughty!
Jhanvi : Don't tell me , you and shivaay are the one who spoiled her , so bear the consequences.
Omkara : She is our baby...our little Prinku .
Jhanvi : She is not baby...she is old enough to get married Omkara .
Omkara : Really ? But she still baby for us Ma...and always be .
Jhanvi shook her head .
Jhanvi : Okay then stop complaining ..bear your baby then .
Omkara smiles.
Omkara : Ma is Riddima and family here ?
Jhanvi : Yes they just reach ...that's why me and Prinku came and check you out .
Omkara : Ma
Jhanvi know what Omkara want to ask .
Jhanvi : On the way...RB is bringing her .
Omkara face lights up .
Jhanvi kisses on Omkara forehead .
Jhanvi : Come lets go .

Haldi ceremony have been arranged on the garden. Omkara's strict order that only this should be done within family members only and no media people are invited . He want to kept this function as private as it can be .

Omkara and Riddima has been seated on opposite direction with a barrier on the middle ..

Gauri came towards garden and her eyes landed on Omkara.
Omkara also see her .
A lone tears dropped drown from her eyes .
Omkara noticed that...
Prinku peeps from behind and show thumbs up to Omkara ...
Omkara nods.
All of sudden gauri felt like something dropped on her and flowing from her head .
She touched and see it was haldi .
Omkara smirk seeing that .
Gauri tried to rub the haldi away from her face but end up rubbing it all over face .
Prinku : Ma ...
Prinku suddenly yells ...
Jhanvi ans Annika came there ...
Prinku : Ma I accidentally dropped the haldi on Gauri .
Jhanvi : What are you telling Prinku ? This is the haldi that suppose to applied on bride ...I made it specially for the bride .
Gauri was flabbergasted.
Anika : Now What we going to do ? We don't have haldi for Riddima .
Jhanvi : Anika call RB to get ready made one from shop .
Anika call RB and get him to get ready made haldi quick .
Jhanvi : Prinku and Anika go bring Gauri  to get her something to change ...I hope no one saw this ...
Prinku and Anika bring Gauri and Prinku show thumbs up and wink to Omkara .
Jhanvi and Omkara smiles .
Prinku and Anika bring Gauri to Anika room .
Made her sit on the chair .
Prinku rubbed the mehendi all over her leg and Anika did it on her hand .
Gauri : Prinku ! Bhabhi ! What you guys are doing !
Gauri said almost yelling . She already mad with Prinku stunt and now this .
Prinku : Areey Gauri chill yaar...haldi already fall on why need to waste by washing it we thought why not make use of it ...
Gauri : But Prinku this is bride's haldi
Prinku : Yeah I know ...
Gauri : You shouldn't...
Anika : Gauri it's okay ...don't get tensed RB is getting it ...
Gauri : But bhabhi..::
Prinku : Okay done...Gauri I'm sure you will be glowing more brighter than moon.
Anika : I'm sure she will .
Prinku : Yes bhabhi .
Gauri : Are you guys done ? Can I go and take bath now .
Anika : Wait Gauri ...let it dry first ...
Gauri frown .
First they dropped the whole haldi on her ...then they applied it all over her body and now they asking her to wait till it dry .
Gauri wait till 10 mins...she couldn't take it ...
Gauri : Guys that's it ...I'm going to take shower !
She left to washroom .
Anika and Prinku high fives to each other and burst in to laughter .
Hope u guys like today's chappy
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