Chapter 45

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Omkara was holding gauri's hand...left it with sudden jerk when he heard knock on the door .
He turn and look...
It was Priyanka and Anika....
He left out heavy sigh...

Prinku : Bhaiya it's us....what happen to gauri ...
She asked ...Looking at gauri ....
Omkara : She mistakenly drink wine...she is asleep...prinku you stay with her okay....
Prinku : Chill Bhaiya I will take of my small don't worry ....I will take good care of her .
Hearing the word Bhabhi made Omkara face lits up...
Omkara : Thank you ...
He said while He ruffles Priyanka'S hair ...
She got annoyed ....
Prinku : If you ever do this again...I will complain to gauri ...I mean gauri Bhabhi...
Omkara : You think I'm scared of her ?
Omkara asked while raising his eyebrows
Prinku : We will know it soon later...
Omkara : I'm not scared then too...
Prinku : Haan haan we will see your braveness later .
Omkara doesn't feel good on his stomach thinking about what will happen when gauri found out the while fiasco.
Looking at changing expression on Omkara face...
Anika : Prinku why you troubling my favourite devar...don't worry Omkara ...gauri will understand when she know the reason ....don't think about it much and go and need to have good sleep groom to be .
Omkara : Thanks Bhabhi you are the best.
Omkara hug Anika .
Prinku stuck out her tongue to Omkara and Omkara reciprocated.
Omkara : Good night Bhabhi and good night Prinku .
Prinku : For gauri ?
Omkara : I said it already before you guys came
Prinku and Anika : ohhhhhhh (teasing tone)
Omkara slightly blushed and left from the room.
Prinku hug from side back ..
Prinku : I never see om Bhaiya this much happy
Anika : Yeah hopefully kisi ko nazar na lage
Prinku : Well Buri nazar wale aa teri...
Pappi le loon...
Anika : Haan haan go give puppy to badi papa first...let his heart change with your pappi..
Prinku : Good idea babhi...will give him tomorrow...remind me okay ...tomorrow...
Prinku slid over beside gauri and dozed off ...
Anika shook her head and cover Prinku with duvet...
She turn off the light and left the room.

Finally the day has arrived .
The Wedding Day

The wedding Mandap
Everything was decorated in red and white theme.... (garden wedding) requested by khushi1995pc 💖

Omkara look

(Credit goes to : prachuz 💖)

Omkara room
Omkara was getting ready...Shivaay came inside .
Shivaay put his hand on his shoulder .
Shivaay :So are you reAdy my bro ?
Omkara : Yes
Sensing nervousness on Omkara's voice Shivaay hug Omkara and said .
Shivaay : Don't worry everything will go according to our plan . Gauri will be your bride .
Seeing Shivaay said it out Omkara eyes go vide .
Omkara : Shivaay you know na Mr Oberoi has put recorder in my room .
Shivaay pat Omkara 'S shoulder .
Shivaay : Chill bro , I have asked khanna to get it removed it...well since you are going to get married , I don't think Bade papa needs it anymore .
Omkara : Shivaay you are the best .
Shivaay : I know ...
Omkara and Shivaay smiles .
Shivaay : Okay quick get ready ..pandit say it's have to sit on mandap already .
Omkara : Will come shortly .
Shivaay left from there .

He move to the Ganesha statue and pray ...
Omkara : I never asked you for anything in my whole life with you as you always been generous with me by providing more than I ever needed...I know I should very thankful for it and I have no rights to ask for more , but here I am in-front of you ask something very dear to me...please forgive me if you think I'm greedy but I need you to full-fill my only wish...that is My Gauri...please give my gauri to me....I have waited for ages this day....for her to Be my wife...I have planned you made everything plan of mine success and please take care of this final one as well.
Tears rolls down from his eyes...

Suddenly Omkara felt a touch on his shoulder...he turn and's was Jhanvi .
Jhanvi smiles at him and wipes his tears .
And kissed his forehead .

Jhanvi : Everything will happen as your wish om...Come lets go it's time .
Omkara nods and follows Jhanvi .

Meanwhile in Prinyanka room .
While Prinku and Anika was getting ready...gauri was lost in her thought....

Gauri's dress .

Gauri POV
So finally the day had come that I will lost him forever . God please give strength to face this day .

Seeing her lost in her thoughts ...Prinku called her .
Prinku : Gauri what are you doing ..come it's let's go .
Gauri : Okay....

All Oberoi's and Kapoor's were gathered in living hall....
There media people who were doing interview with Tej and Riddima's dad.
Omkara got annoyed when he say media people.
He went to Tej .
Omkara : Dad I thought I say no media .
Tej : I'm sorry Omkara , Mr Kapoor insisted and it's my only son wedding and I want it to be headlines of all the channel .
Omkara : You are unbelievable dad
Saying this he left from there .

Shivaay came near Omkara .
Shivaay: Looks like he will fall into his own trap.
Omkara : We made arrangement of calling the fake reporters and here he great help by calling the real one.
Shivaay : lion has fallen inside his own trap...
Omkara : Poor lion.
Both of them burst into laughter .

Jhanvi : Prinku go and bring down Riddima .
Prinku nods and go up to the guest room .
Prinku run down with worries face ...
Prinku : Riddima is not inside room ...she is missing ....
Prinku said it very loud till it's reached to the ears of reporters as well.
Everyone mouth agape..

Mr: What ?
Tej : Where is she ?
Jhanvi : Did you check the restroom ? She was there half an hour ago ...

Shivaay gave signal to khanna ...
Khanna wink at fake reporter ...the reporters nods and move to attack Tej and Mr Kapoor ...
Reporters ...
Reporter : What happen to Ms Riddima ? Why she runaway from her own wedding ?
Reporter 2: Is this wedding been forced ?
Reporter 3 : is Omkara is Gay ? Has he not been linked with any girls and knowing this made Riddima run away from her own wedding ....

Tej got irritated with their question ....
Tej : Khanna please bring these people out from here .

Khanna instruct his men's to bring out the reporters .

Shivaay signal to khanna ...
Khanna went okay make call .
Mr Kapoors phone rings .
He answer it .

Private Number : Kapoor if you want your daughter alive ..turned the London deal...
Kapooor : No no I will turn down the deal....please please return my daughter to me....
Private : Good...and don't try to be the police or seek anyone's help if not your daughter won't reach you alive .
The call end .
Kapoor sit with palm on head .
Tej went near to him.
Tej : What happen ?
Kapoor : They want me to turn down the deal..if not them won't return Riddima to me ...
Tej : That mean Riddima been kidnapped?
Shakthi : What about the wedding now ? They will write nonsense about Oberoi's especially Omkara ...
Prinku : How will face the world society if that happen ? No one will marry Omkara after this ...they will declare Omkara as gay ... he have the stay as bachelor his whole life ...These reporters will write anything....oh my mata....what we will do now .

Hearing pinky ...Omkara and Shivaay tried their hard to control their laughter ...

Tej : It's my mistake ..Omkara was right ....I shouldn't call the reporters at the first place .

Dadi : Tej do something ...
Tej sit on the sofa with face palm....

Omkara signals Jhanvi ....Jhanvi nod...
Jhanvi : I have idea ....Tej can you follow me ...

Hi guys ....
Hope you guys like this chappy ....
I think reading this guys can guess the meaning of this story title....
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