Chapter 51

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She increase the pressure of the punch .
When the punch hit direct bottom of his chest...she felt something.....
Omkara lips curved into small smile with lest unnoticed by Gauri ...
She stopped her punch and touch it....and rub it gently from top of his sherwani
To confirm her doubt...
When she unbutton the first 3 hooks of his sherwani...
Her tears stars to rolling from her eyes ...
When she saw what is underneath it...
It's the same pendant that she bought for him
With her savings before his departure ... ...
She hold the pendant and look at it carefully ....
Heart feel pained and feel at ease at same time ...
She lift her head and look at Omkara who looking lovely at her while Gauri eyes shows confusion ....

Gauri : You..still...
Her voice croaked.....
Omkara took her hand on his ....
Omkara : Yes I am Gauri ....
Gauri : But I don't see it before ..
Omkara left out of little chuckle ...
Gauri frowns...
Omkara lips pressed into tight smile..
Omkara : How you could see it when the shirts I wear always covers my neck...there is no way for you too see it unless...
He looks at gauri...with mischievous smirk..
Gauri got what he trying to say...she glare at could he still to tease her the time to like this ...
Looking at Gauri's glare Omkara understand that she is not pleased with his answer...
He left out heave sigh....
Omkara :have been wearing this every since the day you gave it to me...
Gauri : But why ? Why you still wearing it ?
Omkara : It because this is from someone who is the most dear to me and i know it's dear for her too...
Gauri : Most dear to you ?
Gauri asked furrowing her eyebrows...
Omkara : Yes the most and the one only...the one who never leave my heart mind...all these years....even though we were miles apart ...yet she was so close to me...close to my heart...
He place his hand pendant and held it close it his heart...
Gauri looks on...
Omkara tucks her strand of hair behind her ears...then slowly runs his hand towards her cheeks ....he caress it softly....
Gauri could feel her heart raised on her throat when she saw Omkara took an uneasy breath...she closed her eyes..,
Omkara runs his fingers down to her chin...and slowly lift it....
Omkara : Open your eyes Gauri...
Gauri opens her eyes ....
She could see spark glistening in Omkara eyes's glistening of love ....

Omkara : Gauri...
He called her is his huskiest voice ....
Gauri narrowed her eyes as she felt goosebumps invading her skin when he calls her like that ...
Omkara : See the chain again...did you notice anything different ?
Gauri anxiously gulped and lean down to see the the same chain but now it looks slighted different...

White gold detailing has been added and one single stone of diamond been added and the chain in no longer in red rope which now replaced with gold chain ...

Omkara : Turn and see the pendant gauri ...
Gauri turn and see the pendant ....

'Rikara' were carved behind the pendant ....
Gauri : Rikara ?
Gauri look at Omkara with questioning look...
Starring down at gauri with smile on his lips ...
Omkara : Ri from the last two words Gauri ... and Kara is last 4 words from Omkara ... when it joined together become rikara ....
Gauri could feel her throat like dry and she raised her head and look at him ....

Omkara opens the chain from chain and adorned it over Gauri's neck...
Gauri gasped when his finger brushed her neck little...
Gauri look down to her neck and hold the pendant ...
And look back at him ...
Her amber eyes shots him bewildered look beneath all the mixed emotions and her inner turmoil which is eating her head now ...
Omkara : Gauri I know what you are thinking ...
Evaluating the level of confusion in her pupils...
Omkara : I have altered it..and customised it so that I can present it to you as our wedding gift ...groom must gift something to his bride right as wedding gift ...
Omkara says it with smile
Gauri : But...
She tries to protest as this was her first for him....
But got silenced by Omkara .....he placed his fingers on her lips...

Omkara gulped when her plummed lips came into contact with his finger ...
His mind starts to wonder some where else...

Gauri looks on ...their orbs meets ...

Omkara was lost in her eyes ...
He was looking at her so intently...
He was looking at her as if he was looking into her souls.....
Gauri could feel her bone chilling ...
he got his trances back when Gauri moves her lips....

He quickly take his finger of her lips ....
Gauri eyes followed his finger ...
The moments was filled with pin drop silence and only their heart beat was rhythmic in rhyme ...

Omkara : I'm sorry ...I don't meant ...too
He look at gauri who is Standing with expressionless emotions...

Omkara took her hand and guided her towards the bed...and made her sit on the edge of the bed ...
Omkara sit on his knees and hold her hand in hers near to his lips ...

Omkara : Gauri ...i have some confession to made..I don't know whether you will forgive me after hearing this ....I hope you will even though I know I don't deserve every of bit...but please please forgive me ...
Gauri : What you are doing Omkara ? Why you kneeling down like this ? Get up ...and what are you going to tell ? You are intimidating me Omkara !
Omkara : Gauri ..please ...please listen ....listen to me first ...I have taken a lot of courage to do this ....
Gauri : You are scaring me Omkara ...
Omkara took a deep breath ...

Omkara : Remember the day I left for USA...
Gauri nods...
Omkara : You wait here ....
Omkara went bring something from his cupboard ...
Her eyes grew wide when she saw the same chill pill bottle ...that she gave but now it's empty ...she look at him...
Omkara : Remember this ...
Gauri : Yes I do but it's empty , I thought you won't need it ...
Omkara laugh....
Omkara : You know Gauri it's just took me a day to finish it and the sad thing was it doesn't work at all ...
Gauri : What you mean Omkara ? First of all why you need to take it ? What is the need to empty the bottle!
She said in retorting tone.
Gauri already furious when she saw the empty bottle on his hand and hearing him say that he finishes it a day makes her blood boiled in anger .

Omkara left a heavy sigh...
He get back to position that he where before he left to take the bottle ...

Omkara : Gauri I don't know ever since when you been there in my heart ...maybe before I even know what is love is Gauri ...If you ask
When I fall in love with you ...I don't know when...I don't know is it when I saw you for the first time when Pooja Ma brought you home or when you hold my hand with your little tiny finger ....or the time when you been brutally bullied by Ajay and his friends....I don't know Gauri .... I really don't know ...but all I know that I have my heart to you ...
And I have only loved you ...
People say that love come without asking's come as thunder and struck you just like that ...and the same thunder struck me ..this heart ....the thunder name Gauri...and ever since then this Omkara Singh only belong to you Gauri ....
I love you Gauri ....
Gauri's eyes welled up ....
Her expressions soften abit....

Gauri you remember the day I left to USA for further studies ...
Gauri nods ...
Omkara tell her that Tej has threatened him that he will stop her sponsorships if he doesn't break all the ties with her ....he all told her that Tej was tapping his phone....all his electronics gadgets are being tapped which lead his no way to contact her . Which explain to her why he doesn't wish to talk to her whenever he call homes .
Omkara : Gauri ...I vowed that day Gauri that I will marry you by any cost...I vowed to break Mr Oberois ego ! I vowed to break his low mentality ! I vowed to make him to pay to all the humiliation that he caused you and Pooja Ma.

Gauri eyes widened listening to his last sentence. she look at him in dumbfounded look...

Gauri : You know ? How ?

Omkara pats her hand ....

Omkara : I know Gauri ...I know that he has humiliated you and Pooja Ma...not only that I know how ill he treated you and call you names ..and I know that's the reason why you left thing you love the most ...singing ...and you spent your childhood by studying hard ...and you know what you did it ..

I want to marry but to marry you I have to be someone...someone who capable to take care of you ...So
Just like you Gauri ....I studied hard ...I managed to get job in a well known company ....with own effort ....
Can you imagine me ...Omkara Singh Oberoi ...working under someone ?
But I did Gauri ...I did ...I learn all the skill and try to gain all the experience...
I build my own identity there ....
I work hard Gauri ...
You know I even have my own savings....
I saved money in case my plan goes into vein and if Mr Oberoi disown me ...
I still have money to open my own company here...

Speaking of my savings....
Well the ring which you wearing ....I mean our engagement ring ...and all the attire which you has been wearing till now's all been bought by me and with my money ... sorry I mean our money...

Then it's Gauri's head ...that it was real him ...the ring ...
Gauri eyes were wider and she look directly into his eyes ...

Omkara : Gauri our wedding is not fake was real was all planned by me ...I planned this Gauri !

Gauri doesn't know how to react to the atom which he just dropped on her head ...she stay numbs.
Omkara shakes her little ...
She tense up and look at him like he was crazy ...
Gauri : What are you saying Omkara ? What you mean by planned ? This wedding was not complete ! All the ritual were not complete except for the final Wedding rituals .
Her voice were deep and louder .

Omkara : We have completed all the rituals Gauri ...
First look at your hand....look at your will find something there ....
Gauri look at her mehendi ....
It doesn't take long to long find with the word OM on her palm...
Omkara : Did you managed to find it ?
Omkara asked with smile plastered on his lips .
Gauri look at him...
Omkara showed his mehendi stained hand to her .
Gauri perked up looking at Omkara with raised eyesbrows....
Omkara : Remember our bathroom encounter? I got it that time ....that's how our mehendi rasam completed...
Then he started to story her on how all the rituals been completed ....
Gauri expression moved into one of complete anger and disbelief.
She trying to digest Omkara's confession.


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