Chapter 55

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Finally Omkara reaches office...
His eardrums was hurt ....
Throughout the journey to the office ....
passing through all the annoying honk sounds....

He took lift ....
While he was in the lift....
He felt that his staffs are looking at him... some were smiling sheepishly....
and Some like they want eat him up ..
What wrong with them ...
Is something wrong with my hair ?
Nah...I checked it before I left ....

Well ...Not only that he could hear people are gossiping ....
He tried to hear what is it that all about but his effort seems like vein as it sounded almost like whispering to his ears.
Feeling frustrated ....he just hoped his floor will reach soon.

Getting into his cabin....
He starts to work on his laptop....
Shivaay came in....

Shivaay : Om ..what you are doing here man?
You should take one or two day off ...You must exhausted.
He said in teasing tone ...
He couldn't control the giggle escaping from his lips .

Om: Whats funny ?
He asked with confused look on his face.

Shivaay shrugged bitting back a grin...

Omkara pouted in confusion ...
What's wrong ? First in lift and now Shivaay too..
And now seeing Shivaay'S grin...he couldn't stand it .

Omkara : Cut the creepy laugh Shivaay and tell me what's wrong !
He asked is frustrated tone .

Shivaay : I don't know tell me ...what this all about ...

Omkara : All about what ?
He asked with raised eyebrows.

Shivaay : The lipstick stain on your neck and collar...

Omkara : What ?
He almost yelled.

Shivaay : Go check in the mirror Om...

Omkara eyebrows raised in Suprise as he looked into mirror only to find the red lips stains marked on his neck and collar ...

Shivaay grinned and bit back his giggles...
He even pressed his mouth with his hand to stop him from laughing .

Omkara turned to himself to face Shivaay , an amused look on his face.
Omkara : You think this is funny ?

Shivaay : No it's definitely not!
He said it while trying to control his laughter.

Shivaay wrap his arms around Omkara ...
Shivaay : That's why I said ...take day off Omkara ...

Omkara : No it's okay Shivaay
He said with gaze down.

Shivaay : But the lipstick stain on your neck saying different story ...

Omkara : She is still angry Shivaay ...and this lipstick stain...I have no idea about it...
He wipe the red stain with his handkerchief...I have to find out about this .

Shivaay : Gauri is still angry on you ?

Omkara : Yes
He said in very sad tone .

Shivaay : Try to talk to her om ...
His words were broken by...

Good morning...

Omkara and Shivaay turned to see the direction the voice from .

Shivaay : Gauri you too ? Just a moment ago I was telling Omkara to took a day off and now you are here ? What's wrong with both of you ? You guys just got married yesterday remember .

Gauri : Bhaiya I'm so bored at home know na workaholic I am ..
Shivaay : I know Gauri ...but
Gauri : Don't But me Bhaiya ...
Shivaay : Oh like that ha now ...
Gauri : Yes ...

Shivaay pull her ears ...
Gauri winces in pain...(pretends)
Shivaay : Does it hurt ? Sorry
Gauri : No !
She said and poking out her tongue at him...
Shivaay : Nautanki !
Gauri : But not more than you ...
Shivaay : I'm not okay ...
Gauri : Yes you are when you are with anika bhabhi ...
Shivaay blushed little ...
Gauri : Bhaiya are you blushing ? You missed bhabhi  already ? Awww...then you should take day off then..
Shivaay and Gauri laughed...

Looking at how she smiles happily with shivaay ...
Omkara Feel thud on his heart...
He want to be the reason of her smile ...
He want to give her all the happiness in the world...
He willing to do anything just to see her smile like this ...
Omkara thoughts were broken by shivaays bye...

His eyes falls on Gauri who have already settled on her seat.

He moves towards her .
Omkara : Gauri , why you are here ?

Gauri : What you mean ? I'm here for the same reason as you ...for work ...

Omkara : Our wedding just over

Gauri : Our wedding ? Which wedding you are talking about Omkara ? The wedding which happen without my consent and knowledge?  Or the wedding which become substitute !

Omkara : Gauri how many times I should tell you that you are not

Gauri : That I'm not the substitute but the bride ? But does anyone know ?
No one ! No one else knew that I was your bride except for our family ? People still thinking Riddima is your wife ! Not me !
So now you tell me ...which wedding you talking about Omkara !

With tears ...Gauri left the room...
Left Omkara dumbfounded.

Hearing Gauri's frustration...
Then only It's hits him ....
She was right one know ....
Damn it Omkara ....
He punched his fist on the table in frustration.
He was so busy planning for the wedding
And totally forget about this ....
You already hurt her by tricking into this marriage Omkara ...
Guiltiness starts to eat him up ...

He called Khanna ...

Meanwhile Gauri ...
Walks in to restroom...
She quickly closed the door as she sunk to the floor.
She threw her head against the door, trying to get herself to stop herself from crying .

Omkara walked up to her door...knocking lightly...
(Well he found her via cctv😛)
Gauri ...he called her softly...
She didn't respond ...
He leaned against the door ....
Tapping his fingers on it ....
Gauri ...
He paused and closed his eyes ...
I know there no forgiveness for the way I acted....
As I have hurt you ...and wronged you...
I know I have been selfish....
I know no matter how much I try to justify myself won't heal the wound that I have caused you...
But Gauri everyone deserve a chance ....
Just give me one chance Gauri ...
let me chance to fix everything...
I know I can't fix everything ....but At least let me try ...
I can't neither live with this guilt or neither without Gauri ...
I need you ...Gauri ....
I want this gap between us to end soon...
I'm done with loving you from distance ...
Just let me in ...just once Gauri ...that's all I asked for .
His tears rolls down .

Gauri opened the door and stare at him for a moment .
His face was red and he was on tears ...

Heart urged her to cup his face and kiss those tears off but her mind tied her hand off.

Gauri stays Mum...

He put his hand on her shoulder...
His eyes pleading....
I promise this will be last tears that you ever sheds Gauri ...

Gauri : I don't know whether I will able to trust you Omkara after ...

He closed his eyes as tears slipped from his eyes.

Seeing him vulnerable like that ...
Gauri chides away the thoughts of her mind...
She put her hand on his cheeks ...
Wiping away the rolling tears as he opened his eyes to stare down at her .

I will give you the chance Omkara ...
She said while resting her forehead against his ....

He nodded ,unable to say anything....
They stay like that for sometime.....

I believe forgiveness is the best form of love in any relationship. It takes a strong person to say they're sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.
Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.
Remember, To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
As ,There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.

I hope you like this chappy ...
Silent readers please vote .

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