Chapter 59

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Omkara snaked his right arms around her waist and pull her closer to his body as possible....
He kissed her at corner at his lower lips torturously...
Gauri lock her arms around his neck....and snuggle her hand under his hair to pull him closer...

Omkara leave feathery kisses under her jaw...
Feeling his hot breath on her neck ...she moaned ...

Omkara kisses her again ....
On the junction of the neck ....
On her collarbone....
On her jaw ...
On her chin..,
Everywhere but not lips.....
It was killing her....

Gauri : Om...
She moaned ...
Omkara : Yes Jaan
Gauri : Please....
Omkara : Please What Jaan ....
His lips was hovering hers , it was so so close...
Gauri : Kiss me...
Gauri feel like she gonna explode of he doesn't kiss her right now ....she wanted to lips on her badly ....

He gave her little pecks on her lips ....
She squinted her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows (like seriously look)
Omkara chuckled seeing her angry ...
When he was just about to kiss her ....
Gauri turn her face away from Omkara ...
Omkara lips hit her back ...
Omkara was dumbfounded.....

Gauri : I have some demands
Omkara : Demand ? Jaan can we sort it out later ...
He said while pulling her closer and start to planting kiss over her neck....
Gauri smirk...
Gauri : Okay , then our first night also can we can sort out later
Omkara : What ?
His eyes widened...
Gauri : I said till my demands are not full filled, we won't be know ...
She said while pointing at the bed...
Omkara: Gauri , that's not fair know much I have waited for this ....I have dreamed this night almost everyday ...
He said in sad tone ...
Gauri wanted to chuckle but she hold it...
Gauri : Omkaraji, I know you ...I feel the same...
Omkara : Then why , we can talk about the demand later na Jaan...
He said while caressing her cheeks....
Gauri : But this is what we gonna do everyday na...
Gauri bite her lips when she realised ...
She just put her head on crocodile mouth .....
Omkara : Everyday?
Omkara smile evilly ...
Gauri : I mean....I mean...after this
She stammered...
Omkara kissed her forehead....
He hold her and brought her to edge of the bed ...and made her sit ....then he sit beside her ...
He took her left and on his and start to caressing her knuckles...
Gauri looks on....
Omkara : So tell me biwi ....what is the demand ....
Gauri : Omkaraji it's okay , we can...
Omkara placed his hand on her lips to silenced her ...
Omkara : Shhhh...Nothing more important than your demands biwi....and this is the first time you are asking something from me....
He said while kissing her knuckles....
Gauri tears rolled down thinking how selfless he is...
Omkara : Jaan ..,What is this ? Why you are crying on our wedding night ?
He asked while wiping her tears away ....
Omkara : Are you worried that i won't able to fulfil it ?
Gauri smile and shook her head ...
Omkara : Then? Why you are crying Jaan ?
Gauri : It's happy tears omkaraji....
Omkara : Are you happy Jaan ? Like really happy ? I know i made ...
Gauri lean closer to him ...snake her arms around his waist...and place her head on his chest...Omkara wrap his arms around her....
Gauri : How can I not happy when I'm at the place which I always wanted to be ....
Omkara plant his on her head...
Omkara : So what are my beautiful biwi demands?
Gauri : Wait...
She break her hold and took her handphone from the lamp table ...
Omkara was curios ...,,
Gauri sit closer to him...and show him the images on her phone....

Gauri : I want all of this ....and photographs of all this as well ...
Her excitement turned into frown when saw omkara'S eyes still glued on the phone ...

Gauri : Omkaraji! Are you listening ?
She pouted angrily....

Omkara stumbled ...
Omkara : Gauri actually ...okay with everything but except for this one ....

Gauri : which one
She asked curiously...

He said while pointing at the image ....

Gauri : Oh good Omkaraji , this underwater room....

Omkara : I know ...I know This  look is so scary Gauri , imagine fishes are watching us sleeping together ....and if  there is jaws ? They will watching us like they watch their prey strong this glasses are ? Will they able to stand their sharp teeth....I can't imagine us sleeping there ...
He said while shaking his head...

Gauri chuckled....
She pulled his cheeks and kissed on his nose....
She wrapped her hand around his waist ....
She plant kiss on his cheeks.

Gauri : Are you scared omkaraji?
Omkara : Me ? Scared ? No ...who said that ? It just that ...I don't  feel comfortable ....I don't want them to watch our romance ....and how if the king of the sea...fall for you and try snatch you from me ...
Omkara presses lips together making face...

Gauri burst into laugh ....
Omkara leaned closer her ears ....
Omkara : I'm serious jaan ...I can't afford to lose or share you to anyone...not even to fish ....that how possessive I am....
He whispered...
Her breath hitches and she gulped ....

Gauri : But omkaraji this is on my wish list 😞....Don't worry if king of the sea or king of the fish came ...I will tell that I belong to my omkaraji only...
She said innocent while making endless circles on the button of his shirt ....

Looking at her sad face ...he leave out a sigh ...
That's it  he gave up ....
Cause he will do anything , just to see her smile....

Omkara : If that's what my biwi wished for ...
How can I say no....
Gauri : So Yes ?
Her doe eyes widen like a child who just got her favourite toy .
Omkara : Yes
He replied with smile ....
Gauri : Awwww thank you my omkaraji ...
Looking at her face gleaming with utter happiness ...Make his heart fluttered ....I will do anything to just to see this smile of yours gauri ...I won't let this beautiful eyes of yours sheds anymore tears ...

His trances were broken when he felt something soft on his lips ....
It's was Gauri who plant a peck on his lips ....
Not satisfied with the peck ...he crashed his lips on hers ....
Their kiss deepened as Omkara snaked his arms around her waist and pull her closer....
He bit her lower lips urgently , asking for entrance which she she gladly gave by parting her lips allowing his tongue to explore....
She wrapped her arms around his Luscious locks ....
Both of them was on fire...driven by the emotions called desire ....
She untangled her fingers from his hair and cupped his face....
She moaned when she felt his lips leaving feathery kisses on her jaw ....then slowly he run his lips towards her neck ....
He kissed her neck slowly .....
Gauri put her head back allowing more access to him....
He gently increase the pressure of the kiss ....littler harder than before .....
His touch making her head going Frenzy....
She start to moan om....when he start to kiss that area tightly and aggressively....
He does it for 30 second .....
Then he start to nibble the spot to lubricate it ..
He kiss the spot and take a look at it...

He felt proud as he has marked his territory....
(Hickey is one of the love technique that is also known as the love bite. It does not just give incredible feelings to giver and receiver, but it is an excellent way to leave the mark of your love on your partner's body while making out session. Giving Hickeys means you are telling your partner about your love and aggressively kissing to show him or her that she belongs to you. )

Not feeling his touch anymore ....Gauri gaze down only to see Omkara is staring at her neck ...with proud smile ...
She felt mild pain on her neck ....she run towards the dressing table check what is on her neck ....

Her eyes grow wide and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw the bruise on her neck ....
She turn in rapid swift and folded her arms on her chest.
Pointing at her bruise ...and ask
Gauri : Do you mind to explain this?
Omkara gulped when he saw her angry Bird avatar returned...
He about to answer but the knock on the door stopped him.
Gauri was about to go but Omkara pulled her arms to stop her .
Gauri give him question look.
He open the button of his blazer and adorned it on her ....
He gave her peck on her forehead ...
She smiles
Omkara : Now go ...

Gauri opens the door ...
Anika was standing with covering her eyes ...
Anika: I know I'm not supposed to disturb but you guys are summoned downstairs.
Saying this Anika quickly move from there ..without waiting for gauri to reply...

Gauri close the door and Omkara advanced towards her and start to caress her her swelled lips ...

Omkara : You know how much I want to eat you up right now ....
Gauri : Well you can eat me up under water while sharks and jaws watching us ...
She said while wink at him...
Omkara frowned ....
Gauri : Omkaraji lets go ...they are waiting ....
Sighing yes ....Omkara move lazily behind Gauri...

I always used to think that people don't understand what real romance is. Anyone can buy flowers, candy and jewelry, there's no love in that. The truly romantic things in life are those little things you do every day to show you care, and that you're thinking of them. It's going out of your way to make them happy. The way you hold her hand when you know she's scared, or you save the last piece of cake for him. The random text in the middle of the day, just to say "I love you" or "I miss you". The way he stops to kiss you when he passes by. It's dedicating her favorite song to her, and letting her eat your fries; telling her she's beautiful, even when she's in her sweats; with her hair in a ponytail and no makeup. It's putting your favorite show on pause so she can tell you about her day, and laughing at his jokes, even the really lame ones. It's slow dancing in the kitchen and kissing in the rain. Romance isn't about buying, it's about giving. True romance is in the gestures.
Like Omkara go out of his way by agreeing to her and make her happy .
Hi guys sorry for the late update was busy with work...
Hope u guys like this chappy
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