Chapter 9

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Omkara and Jhanvi arguments continues and gauri is getting really irritated to see this mommy and son is fighting like cat and dog.

Gauri POV
Hey shankerji....I don't think they going to end this's been almost an hour and they are still arguing on the same thing . Please give strength because I'm going to interfere their fight .

Gauri shout : Stop it ! Enough!

Omkara and jhanvi they felt like someone kind of pain piercing their eardrums..
they look at gauri who is standing with ear closed with both hands....her eyes were closed

Gauri open her eyes when she hears was a total silent moment .....

She open her eyes and slowly and look at om and Jhanvi who standing dumbfounded

Gauri : Ma...Omkara....

Jhanvi runs to gauri.....and holds her hand

Jhanvi : Beta is's my mistake ...I should talked to om somewhere suppose to take rest....

Gauri smiles and hold Jhanvi's hand ....

Gauri : Ma thank you ...sorry to interrupt your family issue but if you don't mind...can I have a word with omkara...

Jhanvi look at gauri...

Gauri smile to her and nod her head...

Jhanvi understand...and

Jhanvi : Theek hai beta.... and om we are not done yet....

Omkara frowns....and sits on the edge of the bed...

Gauri shook her head and went sit beside om....

Om feels like a shiver run down his spine as he never been this much to gauri...before he could even react ...he feel a warm hand on his hand...he look down and saw gauri's hand was on his...he turn and look at gauri....her eyes closed

Gauri POV

Shankerji please be with me and give me the strength..... (gauri did a silent prayer )

She open her eyes...she saw Omkara was looking at her without blinking his eyes...she quickly put her heads down to avoid his eyes....

Gauri : Omkara (she said softly)

Om feels so soothing whenever she calls him by his name but today he feels like he is at the ease...he can feel that his anger calming down....and his breathing get relaxed....

Gauri called him again...

Gauri : Omkara.....

Omkara : Hmmm....

Gauri : I know I'm an outsider and I cannot interfere on your family issues and I know I couldn't understand what you feels but I know what you went through and what is you going through....because I know what it feels to love without fathers love and support ...

Omkara : Gauri...

Before he start to say ...he was cut by Gauri...

Gauri : Please ...please let me finish first ...

Gauri : Omkara...please understand that this is not easy for Jhanvi maa too...please don't argue with her and hurts her think she is happy sending you away? Her only son..her jaan...? You think she loves your father's more than you ? No it's it's wrong ...she is the first one to get affected with all this...try to understand that she is faking her emotions and bear all of this for your future and this is Oberoi tradition which you can't said NO.

You must go Omkara...for Jhanvi ma sake you should go...don't take very light about studies day if ...If let say you lose everything...this wealth...this me only your brain and your academic qualifications will help you then , not only but Jhanvi ma and Prinku too . You must create your own identity....prove yourself Omkara ..

Omkara please don't let Jhanvi ma struggles go into vain ...please agree to her ...

Gauri tilt her head and look straight to Omkara

Omkara get lost in those eyes...the beautiful amber eyes....

He snapped when he hears Gauri calles his name ...

Gauri : Omkara you will go right

Omkara POV

Gauri is right....this is not about Mr oberoi but this is about me and Mum...if I didn't go they will blame Mum, especially chotima...she will taunt mum and Mr Oberoi...he will hurt Mum more if I didn't go....

Gauri : Omkara.... are you listening ....

Omkara breaks his inner thoughts ....

Omkara : Gauri...

Gauri : Omkara will you go na....

She look at him lovingly...

Omkara smiles.....

Gauri: Why you are smiling?

Gauri said sigh frown....

Omkara shook his head....

Omkara : Nothing just ....just like that

Gauri : Omkara you will go right ...

Omkara 😈

Omkara : Yes i will , But only if

Gauri : only if what

Omkara take his handphone.....

Gauri : And why you take your handphone now ?

Omkara : I will go but only if you said Omkaraji

Gauri stand up from the bed

Gauri : What ?

Om smiles....

Omkara : I said I want to say omkaraji

Gauri : Omkara I told you before na it's for

Omkara: for your Husband , I know but I just feel like want to hear it

Gauri got confused with omkara's behaviour

Gauri : But why ?

Omkara : Just like that , think this your farewell gift for me....

Gauri : Farewell gift ? I will prepare it

Omkara: Gauri please

Gauri couldn't see him begging .....

Gauri : Okay But I wil said it once only

Omkara : Okay , come here

Gauri saw his holding phone ...

Gauri : Wait ! Don't tell me that you are recording this !

Omkara: Yes ! Since you say that you will said it for just one time

Gauri : This is not fair
Gauri protest

Omkara chuckled

Omkara : faster , I have a lot packing to be done

Gauri sighs and goes near to Omkara ...

Omkara turn on his recoding ....

Gauri : Omkaraji....

She said it with eye closed....

Omkara felt something when she called him like that ....he doesn't know what is that

Omkara off his recording ...

Omkara : Thank you Gauri.....

Gauri mumbles : Ajeeb chirotta...who will ask this kind...farewell gift

Omkara : I heard it

Gauri runs away from there .....

Omkara shook his head and smiled

Omkara : Pagli....


Hi guys sorry for the late update , hope you guys like this , silent readers pls hit vote button

Thank you
A special thanks for my darling sister Sumi_98 for this inspiration...hahaha she gave me this idea actually...and I'm so thankful for it ...hope you like it da chello 💋💋💋

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