Chapter 3 ~ First Death

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Judy was walking along the station halls, humming her favorite tune. Today had been a quiet day. Most of the officers were still here, there was nothing really better to do because they had to stay on duty. So pretty much, everyone was here.

"Hey Officer Hopps!" Waved a tiger-- Fangmeyer. He was in the force when Judy joined.

"Officer Fangmeyer." Judy nodded at him, smiling. Suddenly, niceties were interrupted by the buzzing sound of the walkie-talkie in her pocket.

"Clawhauser! What is it?!" She exclaimed, quickly grabbing the talkie and answering the call.

"Officer down in Sahara Square, we need you there with a squad STAT!" The cheetah was yelling. Judy got up and ran, hopping along at top speed. She called for Fangmeyer, Wolford, and Francine. Three of the most senior officers-- it should be enough!

"Fangmeyer, you drive. And QUICKLY! With the sirens!" She exclaimed, scrabbling into the big van. The quartet drove quickly to the Square, where they got out and surrounded their fallen comrade. 

"Hands where we can see them!" Hopps yelled. "Officer Hopps, ZPD! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" She bellowed again, and the one creature that didn't have their hands in the air also had a bow and arrow, seemingly freshly strung.

"You shoot me, I shoot you. Move one muscle, and I can kill all of you in one aim." The hyena cackled. Judy instantly recognized him as a criminal that the ZPD had been chasing for a long time now. 

"Bleffer Jerund! So you're finally gonna show yourself, pathetic whelp!" She chirred. Her long ears were perked and she signalled for her squad to move so that the fallen officer was still protected, but Judy could see the fugitive.

"That's mee~! It's been so long Judy! Ever since that absolutely horrible accident, you've been so focused on your job that you didn't even realize who the driver really was!" The hyena laughed again, and finished pulling his bow. "I think I'll keep up my game!"

Judy realized what the hyena had done. He was the driver of the car that caused Nick's death-- and on purpose! And now...

"No!" She screamed. Too late. The Square exploded into chaos as Fangmeyer fell to the ground, crumpling under his now-dead weight. Bleffer got away. Judy ran to the cop's side, trusting Francine and Wolford to take care of the earlier fallen.

"No no no Fangmeyer please, not another officer down! Come on Fangmeyer, we're gonna get you to a hospital, you're gonna be--" She stopped when she saw the wound. The hyena had gotten his mark perfectly-- the arrow pierced Fangmeyer's chest. There was nothing anyone could do.

The other officer, a mouse by the name of Brie, was just mostly stunned. Apparantly, she was too small to be considered a threat. Francine and Wolford were behind Judy, wiping away their tears.

"Fangmeyer, tell Nick I said hello." The bunny spoke softly through her tears. "Tell him that we're gonna get this criminal, or damn well die trying!" Her voice got louder as she spoke, before she was turning to the officers behind her and ordering them.

"We WILL catch Bleffer, if we all die trying we're gonna take him down with us!" She exclaimed angrily, her bright violet eyes shining with rage and sadness. "To protect our families, our children, our loved ones, our fellow cops, and Zootopia!" 

The last part was a shout of her newest orders to all of the cops. They were to double their shifts until Bleffer was found, and no cop was to be by themselves. At ANY time. Normal duties would, of course, ensue. However, priority number one was catching.



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