You'll be Fine

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I haven't thought I could find such an impressive gateway in my entire life until my mother had to die. I was with her when she took her last breath. A blinding light had followed, and then everything went dark. Life as I knew it was over and the darkness consumed me.

My mother had died in my arms, leaving behind a trace of her soul. I stood at the feet of her corpse, staring at the yellow hue that surrounded her lifeless body. As soon as I extended my hand towards it, my world came to a halt. Nothing moved, there was no sound, and I couldn't see anything.

I stood still for a few minutes. The sounds returned first; I heard the chirping followed by the roar of the falling water. The wind blew across my face, soothing. It calmed my pounding heart. I smelled the fresh air and took a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts.

The light returned at last. I was no longer in my living room. I was in a jungle that couldn't be on earth. The sky was bluer than any sky I had seen before. The trees were taller, the sounds of the wilderness louder, and the very essence of the place was brighter—somehow happier.

My mother's body was gone, and I was all alone--no, that wasn't right. I knew I wasn't alone. Someone else was there with me—someone I couldn't see.

"Hello," I said, taking a tentative step towards the sound of rushing water, dreading what I might find there.

"Welcome to the Area 52," an emotionless disembodied voice stated, "The best-kept secret on earth. We hope your stay here is pleasant. Away from humanity, this place has thrived for centuries. Give it your soul, and you'll be fine."

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