Chapter 12: Rapid Fire

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"May I come in? I'm coming in," Jisung scoffed at himself as he entered Chan's room, who was still texting on his phone.

He sighed.

"You still talking to her?" he spoke as he sat on the chair next to Chan.

"Yeah," Chan spoke, smiling slightly as he typed his message.

Jisung kept quiet for a minute, watching his dimpled smile widen gradually as he read something on the screen, and tap back onto it. Then, he smirked.

"What?" Chan asked, looking at the smirking man beside him.

"Somebody's in looooove," he teased him with a cheeky grin, and Chan's eyes widened.

"N-No! How could I b-be in l-love?" Chan got all defensive, "She's just a f-friend I really l-like!"

"Look at that stammer! Even the dumbest could tell that you're in love," Jisung had a victory smile on his face.

"And how do you tell if I'm in love?"

"You're practically transparent. You're always smiling at your phone, and whenever you're not, you're pretty distracted."

"I could be reading a joke on my phone and be laughing at that!"

"Do you read jokes on your phone?"


Jisung scoffed again.

"But that doesn't prove that I love her," Chan folded his arms, doubts still fresh in his mind. Did he really love her? Or was it just infatuation that could be weighted out by his work sooner or later?

What was he feeling?

"Okay, let's do this," Jisung straightened up, facing Chan, and continued, "Close your eyes."

"Are you gonna kiss me or what?"

"No homo, bro," Jisung grimaced.

"You're the one to say."

"Just close your eyes!"

"Okay, okay," Chan laughed, closing his eyes, and the other commenced.

"Have you ever seen that girl?"

"Only her profile picture, I guess..."

"Okay, so I'm gonna ask you rapid fire questions, just answer me as quick as you can," Jisung instructed.


"Tell me whose picture comes into your mind when you think of these words... piece of art!" he started.

"Uh-" Chan faltered, but Jisung was quick to bring him on track.





"What are you? Hyunjin?" Jisung made a face.

"He showed me that one drama and I got the inspiration for On Track from there so..." Chan nervously laughed.

"Anyway, clear your mind, this is the last one..." Jisung made Chan take a few deep breaths, and he screamed, "LOVE!"


"There you go," Jisung smiled triumphantly, and Chan's mouth was hung open.

"Okay, maybe I do like her...!" Chan accepted, knowing how his heart raced whenever he gets a message from her, be it a morning wish even. He couldn't go on with his day without talking to her. When on earth did they become so close?

But the bigger question remained: did she like him too? 

Next chapter:

"HE USED A HEART! HE USED A HEART! ABORT MISSION!" She began yelling in her empty apartment, immediately leaving her phone on the table and jumping face first into the sofa, using the cushion to muffle her scream.

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