🍨Chapter 5🍨

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It was a lazy Sunday. The girls were curled up together on the couch, covered in blankets and tubs of ice cream while watching a telenovela (courtesy of Oikawa). Apparently, it was about a woman with an abusive husband running away only to be caught by mafia, sounds cliche, to be honest.

"Felipe is such a asshole." Cried out Sugawara as she eats a few wafers from the coffee table. "Puta pendejo." Akaashi curses the man out. Oikawa dramatically gasps. "Aka-chan!" Kenma was giggling a little bit by what she said, knowing it translated. "Estoy dispuesto a darle un puñetazo." Kenma bursts out laughing at those words. Sugawara doesn't get what was funny but chuckles anyway.

A few more minutes in and they have down 4 tubs of ice cream in the past hour and no, they did not each have one..."Okay Akaashi, you had enough ice cream for one day." Oikawa pulled away the almost empty tub of strawberry ice cream from Akaashi. She whines. "Give it back! I wasn't finished!" She reached out for it, but due to Oikawa's height, it was futile. Akaashi even goes on her tiptoes, trying hard to reach for it.

"No way, you're gonna get a stomach ache!"

"Especially since you've been vomiting this whole week." Sugawara added, remembering the times Oikawa told her that she found Akaashi vomiting in the bathroom (what a coincidence). "They stopped, haven't they? Now, give it back!" Akaashi refuted and resumed trying to get back the tub. Kenma in all of this was still watching the novela, actually being invested in it.


"Aww, don't ignore us, 'Kaashi!" Sugawara shouts behind Akaashi's bedroom door, being locked out of it. In the end, she didn't get back the ice cream and pouted the whole time before stomping back to her room like a bratty child. Oikawa scoffed at her childishness while Sugawara tried to get her out. Of course, Kenma was allowed in. So much for being best friends, Sugawara.

"Do you want me to let them in?" Kenma asks. They were on her bed though she was sitting at the edge while Akaashi laid sideways away from Kenma's body, cuddling with a big pillow. She shakes her head no. There was a few minutes of yelling before you can hear footsteps away from the door. Kenma sighs and looks at Akaashi, she looked frazzled and out of it, she worries a little.

"Are you okay?"

It took a few seconds for Akaashi to answer, but in the end, she slowly shakes her head no. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" ...Silence before Akaashi turns to face Kenma, still clinging onto the pillow and hiding half of her face with it. "¿Estoy actuando raro?" She randomly asks. Of course she was, but she's fragile right now so Kenma has to play her words right or she's getting kicked out too.

"Well you have been feeling pretty sick lately. We're wondering what was up." She said.

"Veo..." Nothing else was to be said for a while.

"¿Uh, Kenma, puedes hacer un algo por mí?"

"What is it?"

"Buy me more ice cream..."

It was weird how there was a sudden crave for ice cream, even after almost eating two of them. It was like an hour ago that she did that so why was she still hungry, and shouldn't she eat more healthy things? "That's not good and you know it. I can try to cook something for you." Akaashi huffed and turned back around from that answer. What's with her?

"Okay, now you're acting like a spoiled child. What's with you, seriously?" Kenma expresses. Akaashi didn't talk and wouldn't talk for the remainder of the time she was there. She fell asleep when Kenma was leaving. She turns around to see her sleeping form. Akaashi looked so peaceful and tranquil after all that happen the past month, she needs all the rest she can get.

Kenma finally closes the door to the bedroom and gets ready to sleep as well.


It was the next morning when Akaashi emerged from her room to the living room where Sugawara and Oikawa were already dressed for morning classes. "Hey..." she greets quietly. They didn't hear her. "I'm s-sorry for a-acting c-c-childish. I don't know w-what came over me..." She apologizes. The other 2 looked at her face to see tears coming out from her eyes.

"Aww, we're sorry too! But, you can't just eat ice cream and be fine, you know." Sugawara hugs Akaashi. Oikawa pats her back. "I will admit, I was rough on you these past weeks and I'm sorry for that." She also apologizes. They all hugged each other just as Kenma was waking up from their voices.

"You guys are doing group hugs without me?"

They all opened their arms to her and she quickly ran into them, hugging each other nice and tight.

Hopefully she'll find out what's wrong with her.

Okay this was past when I wanted to post but I couldn't on Wednesday cause I was depressed and not yesterday cause I was busy with something but thanks to anyone who still reads this or happens to pick this up


"Puta pendejo" - Fucking asshole (curse word)
"Estoy dispuesto a darle un puñetazo" - I'm willing to punch him
"¿Estoy actuando raro?" - Am I acting weird?
"Veo..." - I see
"...puedes hacer un algo por mí?"- Can you do something for me?

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